Book Flushing



Without getting into politics, is it really possible to flush a book down the toilet? Also, although I haven't read it, I assume that the Quran is not a small book.
TromboneAl said:
Without getting into politics, is it really possible to flush a book down the toilet? Also, although I haven't read it, I assume that the Quran is not a small book.

I travelled Middle East in '96 and bough a pocket Quaran as a souvenir.
It's printed on a rice paper and it's about 3x2x1 inches in size.

If its written on a single grain of rice, yes.

Having seen what passes for a "toilet" in many areas outside of the US, it would be possible to drop an entire encyclopedia down one, and not only would flushing be unnecessary, it would be impossible.
We get accused of flushing a book and are ashamed of the accusation.

They film themselves cutting heads off civilians and are proud for themselves.

I don't understand the thought process some people have.

I don't understand - a few Americans used to get mad when we pissed on the flag, burned it and wore it sewed on the backside of bluejeans in the 60's - couldn't be similar feelings in another culture could it:confused:
retire@40 said:
We get accused of flushing a book and are ashamed of the accusation. 

They film themselves cutting heads off civilians and are proud for themselves.

I don't understand the thought process some people have.

Because we didn't sink to a level as low as they did, we should be proud?

(Saw posted on another site:)
America - Not as bad as Stalin or Saddam

As long as they do worse, we should not examine our own behaviour? We should not try to be the "better" people? We should not show respect to other people?

Didn't someone once say we should turn the other cheek? People love to preach that stuff, but ask them to put it into practice.....
retire@40 said:
We get accused of flushing a book and are ashamed of the accusation. 

They film themselves cutting heads off civilians and are proud for themselves.

I don't understand the thought process some people have.

Another point -

Muslims are upset over this - not just the nut cases that decapitated people.
Should we judge all Christians by the nutcases that go around and murder abortion doctors?
I agree that they have a right to be 'mad', it is just how they show it that is strange to me...

Rioting and killing 16 people? One country had a law that you can be executed if you disgrace the Quaran!!

So, yes I question their sanity even if it is not the nut cases as it seems that nut case is their average and not the extreme.
People are people, all the world around. Heck, people die at British Soccer games every year!
Which is why you cant project your political and religious beliefs and expectations on other people.

Which is why we end up with a lot of people around the world pissed at us.
If there were Iraqi tanks rolling through the streets of American cities we wouldn't care about the torture in the American prisions, or the desecration of the Koran. With Iraq-1 the Pentagon did an excellent job convincing us that wars can be fought in a moral and ethical way. (More like youe kids video games than Vietnam.) Only the bad guys are injured, we are the liberators, and the freed people topple the statue of their ex-dictator. Sorry, that's not the way it works. Values are about the last concern.
Those Iraqi tanks would've gotten mighty wet on their way here.

Good free gas for the long drive though...

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