Can't Justify an Expensive Hobby Even If I Can Afford It

I've been fortunate … for most of my life my desires for recreation were in line with my available funds.

Flying was the exception many years ago; had to walk away from that one.
Wood working - just did not do it for me.
Motorcycles - quit at age 70.
Golf - my body (bad back) made me quit.
Fancy sport cars- quit when I had to place a hand on the ground to get out.
Sailing - still has me by the throat at a cost of $10k to 20k / yr. Now 80 YO, for-see selling the boat in 3 or 4 years.… maybe! DW is still a fan.?

Nice yacht! I'd be a buyer. Went to college in Hawaii...majored in sailing.
If you die with money, whoever gets it won't appreciate it as much as the guy who earned it. If you have more money than you'll ever use then I say go ahead and spend it. Money isn't even the real problem. The real problem is to find something you're passionate about enough that you're willing to put in time and effort to get over a learning curve. An example of this would be 3D printing. The printer only cost $300 and the software is free....but boy what a learning curve! Playing chess is the same thing. It's free but it's very difficult to become competent. Playing the guitar is another example. I tried and tried but I can't do it.
Anything you can afford is not too expensive.

Well, that depends. As I put in a forum about R/C airplanes, I can afford any model R/C airplane that I want. But I cannot afford every R/C airplane that I want. So choices must be made.
Well, that depends. As I put in a forum about R/C airplanes, I can afford any model R/C airplane that I want. But I cannot afford every R/C airplane that I want. So choices must be made.

I think this is the problem with many (most) of things we're passionate about. It's difficult to stop spending (upgrading) once we find our passion. YMMV
Boater here checking in. We are retired and spend way too much on it given our short season here in MI. I never add up the expenses or try to justify it, we simply enjoy it while we can. If money were to become tight or we didn't enjoy it so much in spite of all the work I would sell it in a minute. (likely to downsize to an outboard powered dayboat because we love the water too much). Life is short, do what you love!

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