Carbs or calories? Atkins vs WW

Actually, I don't thing most of the low-carb crowd would consider 60g/meal (180g for the day) as that strict. I do lower-carb and I try to limit my carbs to about 100g per day.

I agree, but it is strict compared to my old 300+gram pasta or pizza dinners. The per-meal limit is to keep blood sugar spikes down, as I am trying to stay on slow-acting insulin shots once/day instead of constant testing and fast acting shots. I average around 100 grams/day.
I agree, but it is strict compared to my old 300+gram pasta or pizza dinners. The per-meal limit is to keep blood sugar spikes down, as I am trying to stay on slow-acting insulin shots once/day instead of constant testing and fast acting shots. I average around 100 grams/day.

You are probably familiar with dr Richard k Bernstein. He pretty well wrote the book on insulin. He has been T-1 for years, and has actually turned back and in some cases ended many DM complications. He is all over You Tube and has an excellent book. His plan is to go way lower carb than your current plan. Give it a look, you may be interested.

I have tried both. Lost weight on both. However, the only one I have been able to maintain a weight is Portion Control. I use My Fitness Pal to track weight, and Calories. But now I know about what portions I should be eating. I found that I can't exclude any food group for long. If I go Atkins, after a while I have to have bread and the scales head up. If I cut all sweets, the M&M Peanuts will sneak in and night with the same results. So keeping a little of all seems to work. However, the next food binge is right around the corner.

On the other side of the coin, walking 2 to 3 miles a day also make a big difference.

Present weight loss over the last 10 years 250 down to 195. I have stayed between 185 and 195 for three years.

Good for you - congratulations!
I've lost about 20 pounds going almost zero carbs; it's really difficult to maintain especially when you travel - heck I was in Chicargo and St. L the last 30 days and I couldn't eat anything good :mad:

Oh, I quit drinking too, that probably has a lot to do with it
I agree, but it is strict compared to my old 300+gram pasta or pizza dinners. The per-meal limit is to keep blood sugar spikes down, as I am trying to stay on slow-acting insulin shots once/day instead of constant testing and fast acting shots. I average around 100 grams/day.


Yes, that is a huge improvement. Nothing succeeds like success!
I bought this book last week on E-Bay for less than $4.00, free shipping. There were only a couple left. My DH has type 2 Diabetes and is working hard to stop his Metformin.
He might want to stay on Metformin. It's inexpensive and, if you get regular blood tests to make sure your kidneys are tolerating it, it's promising to help you live a longer, healthier life.

Patients scrambling to try Type 2 diabetes drug that could extend longevity | Fox News
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I've lost about 20 pounds going almost zero carbs; it's really difficult to maintain especially when you travel - heck I was in Chicargo and St. L the last 30 days and I couldn't eat anything good :mad:

Oh, I quit drinking too, that probably has a lot to do with it

Tough to find anything in Chicago without carbs.
I've never counted calories or gone on a diet. My basic rule is to eat 80% healthy and not worry about the other 20%. The healthy eating is normally 1 part meat, 1 part carb, and 2 parts veggies in reasonable portions, although the meat portion may be reduced or skipped on occasion.
As mentioned by others, WW for what is worth doesn't preclude following a low carb plan. In fact, WW SmartPoints are based upon the calories, sat. fat, sugar and protein in food. Protein decreases the amount of points while sat. fat and sugar increase it (you get a certain amount of points to eat daily/weekly).

I am a lifetime member of WW and lost about 65 pounds on it. That said, I eat a lowish carb diet. Not super low, but on the low end of moderate (or the high end of low depending on how you want to look at it).

There is no real magic in low carb eating in terms of causing weight loss (there have been some recent well controlled studies on this). But -- that doesn't end the story. Some people find it easier to cut calories eating low carb. So, for those people low carb makes it easier to lose weight. Other people don't find that low carb helps for that purpose.

For me, personally, I watch carbs because I find that they raise my blood sugar. I am not diabetic and last tested was not pre-diabetic. However, at one time I was close and found that eating certain carbs raised my blood sugar and that I am a little insulin resistant. So, I watch my carbs to account for this.

There is no magic weight loss plan. Not low carb, or low fat, or WW or anything else. We differ and the important think is to find a plan that you can live with for the long haul. Going on a temporary diet doesn't usually work for the long term. I really like the book The Diet Fix by Yoni Freedhoff which talks about these issues.
He might want to stay on Metformin. It's inexpensive and, if you get regular blood tests to make sure your kidneys are tolerating it, it's promising to help you live a longer, healthier life.

Patients scrambling to try Type 2 diabetes drug that could extend longevity | Fox News

DH has been at the maximum dosage of Metformim for a couple years and his kidney functions are getting worse. His latest GFR (glomerular filtration rate) was down significantly so we are concerned about it. GFR naturally decreases with age, but he is now has levels showing moderate kidney disease.

His goal is to get off Metformim, but I'm not sure that will be possible, or even desirable. But his motivation is high so we'll see.
Took the five year old granddaughter to the local ice cream purveyor's yesterday......sat outside in the sun trying to beat the melt. Nearby were a couple overweight women talking, (well one was talking while the other was listening, or pretending to listen.....we were pretending not to listen, but the volume was on high).

The talker was an acolyte of some fad or other, and was delivering a dissertation involving such gems, (can't recall the exact attestations), as "Digestion takes place between 2 and 4 p.m. (or somesuch)", and "You can eat up until this time at night, but no later"....etc..etc.

She sounded just like someone who was heading to Vegas looking for the free lunch, (pardon the term, given the topic at hand), because "They'd figured how to beat the odds".
I don't know. There are some very good steakhouses there.

I'll have a nice steak, aparagus on the side and a nice salad.

That is a tasty low carb combo. I always plan on ordering a vegetable, but somehow "potato" comes out of my mouth when I order.
Back when Atkins was the rage I mentioned to my doctor that I wanted to try it, fully expecting a lecture on the dangers. Instead, he said: "I have six patients who were injecting diabetics and after being on Atkins don't have to inject anymore".

I did lose about 20 pounds but found sticking with the regimen was really hard to I love pasta and bread!

I've done South Beach/modified SB several times and found it very effective. (I have a relatively small weight range - 170 is "perfect"; 175 is "acceptable"; once I break 180 it's time to do something.) And right now that "do something" time has arrived. :facepalm:
Oh, I quit drinking too, that probably has a lot to do with it

I was quite the beer drinker for many years but gave it up several years ago. It made zero difference in my weight. Of course I suspect that replacing the maltose in beer with the glucose and lactose in ice cream may have played a part in that.
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