Cheapest/best place to spend August 2008?


Recycles dryer sheets
Apr 18, 2007
For a bunch of different reasons, DH and I are thinking that maybe he will take the kids somewhere outside of China for August 2008. Going back to stay with family in the US is the likely arrangement, but after reading the Perpetual Traveler thread it hit me that they could also potentially go somewhere else for at least several weeks. I only get limited vacation in my new job, so I can't join them unless I can get my boss to let me take an unpaid leave (might be worth it). Any suggestions of places that are both affordable and fun for kids? Thailand is a possibility but worry about the heat in August. DH would need internet access to keep up with work stuff.

Thanks for any ideas!

I am typing this from Beijing not too far from the "Bird's Nest" stadium When I saw the thread title I was going to suggest China, but I see from your post that China is out. :)
Yeah, we're thinking it might just be best to escape the Olympic hullaballoo. Weather in July/August generally sucks, though maybe with the controls on cars it will be better this year. I saw Lance's post about the place he is living in Bangkok and started thinking maybe it would be better if we spent some time lounging by a pool or a beach somewhere. Most likely in Asia, otherwise airfares make it cost prohibitive (unless we do the family visit thing, in which case we can us our home leave allowance from DH's employer).

We may end up staying here, but doesn't hurt to check out the options!

Are you in BJ long term? We're a few kilometers due east of you (waving from the other side of line 13...)

Thinking from a child's point of view - - - I spent some time in Australia when I was about 10, and had a great time! Loved seeing koalas, kangaroos, beaches, and so much more. My parents loved Sydney.

You mentioned concerns about summertime temperatures...I really enjoyed northern Thailand for cooler temperatures and a less amped-up pace. I especially like Chiang rai, for many of the same reasons that others speak highly of Chiang mai, but at about one-fifth the size. Also, I recently enjoyed 8 days poking around in the tribal villages around Sapa, in northern Vietnam, near the Chinese border. Easily accessible by bus from Kunming. Cool temperatures, shocking scenery, nice people. Wherever you go, have fun!

Are you in BJ long term? We're a few kilometers due east of you (waving from the other side of line 13...)

I am in Beijing for the first time. I am teaching at the Chinese Academy of Sciences for the next few weeks. I will go back to the US mid-May.
My DW and the kids spend their summers in the states. We kept our house there when we were sent here (Asia - can't be more specific...big brother might be watching). My thought has always been that it is good to get the kids back there for a while so they can keep a portion of their American identity. In addition, all their friends go home for the summer, so there is little to do here anyway, so they might as well go home and enjoy the house, the pool, and their old friends (and grandma would not be pleased if they didn't spend some time with her too...).

Besides that, I have never enjoyed summer in Beijing or Shanghai...(or any other time of year, really). I can only imagine how the traffic will be...I went to Athens during the Olympics...

Guess it boils down to what's important to your family...for us, visiting the states is important.

I am in Beijing for the first time. I am teaching at the Chinese Academy of Sciences for the next few weeks. I will go back to the US mid-May.
tom - I love that area up North as well... Chiang Rai, Pai, Mae Hong Son, heck even on down to Mae Sot.

OP - How about Central America? It's a little closer to home for you to catch up with 'em easier/cheaper if you want, plus it's more weather neutral from a seasonality standpoint. See the Panama Canal, go be lazy on the water at Bocas Del Toro, take a jungle canopy tour and get some volcano watching in Costa Rica, etc.
Oops obviously I read that wrong, you're already in Asia.

I vote Vietnam. In a month you could do from up near Sapa all the way down to the delta near HMC. Be fun times.

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