Chipmunk Repellent?

All this talk of chipmunk repellents is starting to make me and my relatives very nervous! :eek:

My garden woodchuck gun is a "steroid" conversion .22 air gun from this guy: Mac1 Ultimate Airgun Shopping It will put a pellet through a 3/4" pine board and blast splinters out the other side.

I'm sure he can set you up with a rifle that will easily deal with your chippies. It will be very quiet.

It rained like crazy today, over an inch in about an hour. I looked outside and saw a bunch of raccoon kits sitting on top of my neighbors' driveway culvert. I'm guessing that their mama set up housekeeping inside the pipe (which was flooded due to the rainstorm).

Neighbors have a bad habit of leaving corn out for wildlife. Fortunately, they're away from home for a few days. I popped a couple of the babies with my single-shot .22 with some short cartridges. Low-power cartridges have subsonic muzzle velocity, so they don't make much noise or have much impact. They do kill raccoons, though.
Google 'chipmunk swimming pool of death'. It's very cheap, works exceeding well albeit a bit cruel.

Chipmunks dig through DW's flowers, so I end up trapping a bunch the past few years. I mount a snap trap to a board, and make some modifications, adding a top, back and sides, to 'steer' the chipmunk to the front, so it is less likely that they only get caught by a leg or something. I hate to kill these things, but at least the snap done this way is fast.

But this year, they seemed to stay away from the trap. So I did a search on this bucket approach. Easy, easy, cheap (zero cost for me - we already had a bucket and the bird seed) and I've caught 6 in less than 3 days.

Just a 5 gallon bucket, ~ half filled with water, pour black sunflower seeds on the surface of the water - they float and it looks like a pile of seed. I just stacked some firewood next to the bucket, with some PB and a few more seeds. They follow the log stack and jump in. Nothing to construct, just use as is (some people get fancy with teeter-totter type ramps- but they seem to just jump in, so I don't think it's needed).

I don't like drowning versus snap, but our flower gardens were a mess. I tried talking nice to them, telling them they are free to live on our property, just don't dig up our flowers. They didn't listen. It's war.


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