Class of 2018

I am now inside 90 days of my target of June 1. That is the threshold for starting the process at megacorp. The only thing delaying me is a project that I have shepherded for the past year that is just about about to take off. I won't stay on to manage it but I would like to see it through acquisition and initial operating capability. But i will only hang around, at most, until about the first of August.

This weekend I was doing the one last review of things and realized this is it. The reasons to retire far outweigh the reasons to stay, and that with almost no real risk to my plan. Some time afterward I took my 5 y/o grandson for an outing in the woods and we have a good time for several hours. On the way home as I pondered finally pulling the plug and finally exiting Megacorp I started feeling very anxious - very stressed. I had to really work to restrain myself from being impatient with the boy (successfully) because of this rush of anxiety. It wasn't him, it was me and I couldn't tamp down the emotion.

In the end the only thing I was anxious about was making such a big life change after being a part of something at one general location for 33 years. I am still going through with it and know it is time for so many reasons, but I was a bit surprised by the suddenness and intensity of the anxiety.
I understand Ed B. I have been at MegaCorp for the better part of 3 decades. Geez that’s a long time.

I have been so stressed that I have not been much of a DH to DW. Most of the time I’m “okay”, but I guess not really if you ask DW. She’s taking it in stride knowing there is an end in sight and that I will be back to “normal”. Whatever that is I’m not sure anymore.

She’s mostly worried about the toll the stress is taking on my health. Several friends have said the same thing.

It’s getting closer, especially if I get RIF’d...[emoji41]
I put in my notice today! Was convinced to take a 90 day leave of absence to think it over. I can’t imagine changing my mind after de-stressing but I suppose stranger things have happened.
I put in my notice today! Was convinced to take a 90 day leave of absence to think it over. I can’t imagine changing my mind after de-stressing but I suppose stranger things have happened.
I'm just relaxed looking at your avatar as it brings back great memories of de-stress. :)
She’s mostly worried about the toll the stress is taking on my health. Several friends have said the same thing.
That was what motivated me to ER as well.

As I started reading this forum, one key piece of wisdom I gleaned was that you have time, health, and money. You can make more money, but you can't make more time or (generally) recover your health.

Last Fall, I had decided I would work until the end of 2019. Then I decided the end of 2018. But, when I really started taking stock of how job stress was affecting my health, I talked to the wife and we said 'the hell with it'. I retired this past January.

It would have been nice to have some more $$, but FIREcalc and other calculators still put us in the mid to high 90s. So, I would rather have to cut back on some spending than go to an early grave with plenty of money in the bank.
I'm at under 80 work days! I'm cheering myself on daily! I think my portfolio has performed well during the recent turbulence. I've been waiting nine years to get out of crazyville. It's time to go! Do all the fun and relaxing stuff I've not done all the years I've drudged away. I so want out that I'll go unless there's some stock market tank between now and June, or one looks eminent then. The work situation has got to stop. They be crazy!!..... I've been doing what I'm doing too long. So, yippee!! -- every day is one day closer!!! :dance::dance::dance:
I put in my notice today! Was convinced to take a 90 day leave of absence to think it over. I can’t imagine changing my mind after de-stressing but I suppose stranger things have happened.

Congrats Lagniappe. See you in Venice FL later this month?:dance:
That was what motivated me to ER as well.

As I started reading this forum, one key piece of wisdom I gleaned was that you have time, health, and money. You can make more money, but you can't make more time or (generally) recover your health.

Last Fall, I had decided I would work until the end of 2019. Then I decided the end of 2018. But, when I really started taking stock of how job stress was affecting my health, I talked to the wife and we said 'the hell with it'. I retired this past January.

It would have been nice to have some more $$, but FIREcalc and other calculators still put us in the mid to high 90s. So, I would rather have to cut back on some spending than go to an early grave with plenty of money in the bank.

My situation started to escalate a few years ago. Too much change over too short a period of time in both staffing and workload. Since then it’s only become progressively worse. I’m starting to have issues with my blood pressure. I’ve always enjoyed my job at MegaCorp but it seems like enough is never enough anymore.

I was originally planning to work until 62 but that has changed. My plan now is to retire December 28th...
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Hey, CoolRich, how has it gone so far? Are you having fun and feeling relaxed?

I am making a perhaps unwise trip to an administrators' meeting today just to hear it reiterated how another reorganization and yet newer software systems and methods of assessment are going. It will start with the unpromising opening pep talk on "We're all in this together," at which I will smile mysteriously. But - I really, really want to tell them exactly what I think .... bad, bad idea, I know. I won't - "a steady course" has been my mantra this year, and I can (WILL) keep my mouth shut. But are any of you constantly fighting the impulse to respond when management invites you to tell them what's on your mind?
DH will give notice Thurs or Fri. We want to make sure his bonus clears before he gives notice. He is 60 and has been at his Co for 37 years. The stress has taken a toll on his health.
I was going to give notice at the same time but I am skittish and stressed. I am the money person and the worrier. Also, job is not that bad. So I will wait until we get an offer on our home. (we plan on moving out of state to be closer to new Grandbaby).
Getting home ready for sale has also been stressful!! We should put on the market next week.
So hopefully, I am not a OMY but a FMM (few more months!)
Officially pulling my name off the 2018 list. Lot's of reasons. Here goes: DD graduated undergrad May of 2017. She went to Melbourne Australia for an internship. That turned into a job. She also is playing volleyball in their premier league. Cost a few bucks extra to visit her in Australia. Currently in the process of selling rental house in San Diego. Anticipate that being wrapped up by July. In process of building a house. Current house is a 30 yr old 3 piece modular. It isn't worth the effort to upgrade/remodel. Tearing down and building dream home in it's place(waterfront lot on Chesapeake Bay). Should be move in ready spring of 2019. I am recovering from torn/detached retina surgery followed by cataract removal and now waiting for 20 seconds of laser final touch up. DS is in final year of enlistment in the USMC. Want to see what happens next. Should be a commission. We'll see. Other than that I just can't find a reason to stop the JOB. Pay is good with no politics. Very little travel or other hassles. If I had to commit to something it would be full time thru 2019 then in March/April of 2020 go to 3/4 or 1/2 time (from home). Plan would be to milk that PT situation as long as possible or DW retires. DD get's free Master's degree if she starts in the next three years. If not then I will use my last 19 months of GI bill to get another degree in ?? just to get the housing money. Nut over 300K now but doesn't matter with 2 COLA'd pensions totaling over 100K. Anticipated nut over 700K after rental sale and 2-3 more years of maxing contributions. Being FI there is zero pressure to keep working or stop working. It just doesn't matter. Seriously looking at the "what to retire to" part of the equation. Health care is Tricare. One issue we haven't looked at yet is LTC. One tweak maybe to limit 401K contributions to only matching and put the rest in taxable. Current 401K plan doesn't allow withdrawal at 55. A good half of my problem is convincing DW that I(we) shouldn't work until we drop. Her DD(dad) is 78 and still runs his own company. If only it was that easy right?
Hey, CoolRich, how has it gone so far? Are you having fun and feeling relaxed?

I am making a perhaps unwise trip to an administrators' meeting today just to hear it reiterated how another reorganization and yet newer software systems and methods of assessment are going. It will start with the unpromising opening pep talk on "We're all in this together," at which I will smile mysteriously. But - I really, really want to tell them exactly what I think .... bad, bad idea, I know. I won't - "a steady course" has been my mantra this year, and I can (WILL) keep my mouth shut. But are any of you constantly fighting the impulse to respond when management invites you to tell them what's on your mind?
Yes, but about 1/3rd of the time I don't fight the impulse at all. I tell them in a direct but non-threatening way. But I have also socialized my intent to retire this year. I told my Sr. Manager several months ago to be thinking about my replacement for this new project I was given.

During my recent performance review he asked if I still planned to retire this year and I said yes, but as long as this new project is fun I may procrastinate on initiating the retirement process. He said if there is anything that makes the project "not fun" let him know.

All that to say I have a lot of latitude to "speak the truth in love" as they say. ?
I put in my notice today! Was convinced to take a 90 day leave of absence to think it over. I can’t imagine changing my mind after de-stressing but I suppose stranger things have happened.

Nice one Lagniappe! I reckon your 90 day leave of absence will convince you that you NEVER want to go back!
Yes, but about 1/3rd of the time I don't fight the impulse at all. I tell them in a direct but non-threatening way. But I have also socialized my intent to retire this year. I told my Sr. Manager several months ago to be thinking about my replacement for this new project I was given.

During my recent performance review he asked if I still planned to retire this year and I said yes, but as long as this new project is fun I may procrastinate on initiating the retirement process. He said if there is anything that makes the project "not fun" let him know.

All that to say I have a lot of latitude to "speak the truth in love" as they say. ?

My mouth is wide open. I don't care. I've gotten some quite scolding ,nothing to mark my record, just "can you calm down a bit" kind of thing. Oh well!

76 days.
Well, I did it. I filled out and submitted the form to begin benefits June 1.

I got a fresh dose of office retardation from our new chief engineer, and after calming down for an hour to avoid being terminated for cause a couple of colleagues and I reeled him in.

This was just the straw that broke the camel's back but my tank is empty, I know it, I know it's time. , Why wait? So I stopped waiting and followed thru. For the sake of my health and sanity i can wait no longer.
That's all I need, 90 more days to convince myself I have to leave. Nice if you like where you are though!!

I too have professional disagreements with 'leadership'. It's so crazy, I begin to wonder, "is it me" that doesn't get it? Maybe they don't realize they're drinking from the cool-aid? Or really should have exercised their brain more over the years. I can't be smarter and/or be the only one that has the will, desire, to do what's right and makes sense? Can I:confused: Who cares! I can't wait to unplug from crazyville. So I don't have to care, or witness the waste of resources. 73 days! I'm still very nervous. But I'm going to either go insane, or totally blow a gasket at work if I don't get out of there. At which point I'll have to leave.

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That's all I need, 90 more days to convince myself I have to leave. Nice if you like where you are though!!

I too have professional disagreements with 'leadership'. It's so crazy, I begin to wonder, "is it me" that doesn't get it? Maybe they don't realize they're drinking from the cool-aid? Or really should have exercised their brain more over the years. I can't be smarter and/or be the only one that has the will, desire, to do what's right and makes sense? Can I:confused: Who cares! I can't wait to unplug from crazyville. So I don't have to care, or witness the waste of resources. 73 days! I'm still very nervous. But I'm going to either go insane, or totally blow a gasket at work if I don't get out of there. At which point I'll have to leave.


Just relax and deep breaths. Will be one of the best decisions you ever make.:D
Can I take it much longer?

I actually kicked a box today. I am enslaved to faulty software management "systems" which demand clumsy, slow, costly input. I know that the costs of executing, say, one of the procedures for accepting a contribution costs more than the benefits. I have to pretend to participate in lofty "mission statements" or "vision statements" all the time knowing that what I'm really asked to do is to input myriads of forms correcting mistakes that Central has incorporating due to their faulty systems. 4 more months. Will I have a brain cell left? Will I have a soul left?
Wife’s last day at work was 3/1. I talked to the owner of my company and told him Friday 6/1 I’m retiring. He said OK and asked me not to tell anyone. Since I spoke to him 2 weeks ago I’ve closed about 8 deals. He hasn’t discussed a replacement with my colleague yet. I hope those young folks in the office are ready to jump in head first.
Easiest annual goals meeting ever yesterday! I've let my firm know so that we can move someone else into my role prior to leaving and prior to the job hitting a complicated stage so that they will be up to speed before it gets hot and heavy, and it will keep my replacement employed on the contract. Much as I'd like to finish out the project, as it's interesting, it's been over a decade since I've not worked 2 jobs in the summer, and I'm looking forward to having a much more relaxing summer this year! Going to work on the sailboat just 2-3 days a week and enjoy the summer and some travel otherwise! about 48 days to go! (though I may delay a couple of weeks depending on when they can get the paperwork to on my replacement's transfer done - nothing simple on a government contract!)
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