Coronavirus - Travel impacts II

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When I'm ready to fly again it will be a great excuse to upgrade to first - which by default means less people in my direct air space.
It might be meaningless in all reality, but I'll look at it as a justification to blow that dough and treat myself when finally travel.

We did that. Had a big credit sitting in our Delta account from our canceled overseas flight in May, so it was the perfect use for that. First class, and nobody in the seats behind us or in front of us. What a treat!
Another point I forgot to mention. The TSA agents at both ends of our trip seemed much friendlier than usual. I've never had an issue with their security, but this time they smiled more than usual (and I don't think I'm THAT funny looking). I'm guessing they're somewhat bored with the lower volume of passengers.

At any rate, our flying experience was good enough that I wouldn't hesitate to do it again now.
Not exactly, but you can usually tell when a person is smiling, even when they're wearing a mask. In any case, they were very friendly and even willing to crack a joke. Since the airports weren't crowded, it was entirely a pleasant experience.

ETA: Incidentally, they do ask you to pull your mask down so they can check your face against your ID.
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Blue Roads Touring has postponed and finally cancelled our trip to Italy. They offered a future credit, I insisted on a refund as stated in their Terms & Conditions, they agreed. That was about a month ago. Today we received the following email. I have to say, sending that kind of information via email sounds even riskier than re-sending them our credit card information. What do you think?
BTW, they aren't answering their phone.

We hope you are well and safe.

We have been advised by our finance team that the credit card they are trying to refund back onto has expired in our system.

Unfortunately we are unable to accept credit card details over email due to security reasons.

Please provide the following bank details so we are able to process your refund back to you as soon as possible:

Account name

Account holder’s address

Bank name

Bank address

Bank account number

Swift code

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind Regards,

Kate Graham
Direct Sales Team Leader
Blue Roads Touring has postponed and finally cancelled our trip to Italy. They offered a future credit, I insisted on a refund as stated in their Terms & Conditions, they agreed. That was about a month ago. Today we received the following email. I have to say, sending that kind of information via email sounds even riskier than re-sending them our credit card information. What do you think?
BTW, they aren't answering their phone.

We hope you are well and safe.

We have been advised by our finance team that the credit card they are trying to refund back onto has expired in our system.

Unfortunately we are unable to accept credit card details over email due to security reasons.

Please provide the following bank details so we are able to process your refund back to you as soon as possible:

Account name

Account holder’s address

Bank name

Bank address

Bank account number

Swift code

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind Regards,

Kate Graham
Direct Sales Team Leader

I would go to a local bank and open up an account, then give those numbers to the vendor. After receiving deposit, if it is actually sent, I'd close it. You can always give the wrong SS number when opening the account, like it was a mistake, just to go a little further.
Encouraging news about foreign travel

Still only in the discussion stages, but this idea looks promising for those of us who miss our European vacations.

The United Kingdom Department of Health and Social Care is reported to be working on a new testing plan, which could eliminate the need for mandatory quarantines upon arrival. Bloomberg reports the U.K. health secretary wants to introduce tests at ports-of-entry, which could eliminate the need for the current 14-day mandatory quarantine for all foreign visitors.

The minister’s comments come weeks after London Heathrow Airport (LHR) proposed a testing plan for foreign flyers. Working with two airport services partners, the airport suggested offering arriving passengers the opportunity to request a test upon arrival, with results coming in hours instead of days. The plan is pending government approval.
Blue Roads Touring has postponed and finally cancelled our trip to Italy. They offered a future credit, I insisted on a refund as stated in their Terms & Conditions, they agreed. That was about a month ago. Today we received the following email. I have to say, sending that kind of information via email sounds even riskier than re-sending them our credit card information. What do you think?
BTW, they aren't answering their phone
This is BS to slow the drain on their assets. I would print that email, write a letter to the credit card company to dispute the charge. See the "fine print" you get on your monthly statement for where to mail the dispute. Don't worry if it's more than 60 days from purchase (or whatever the cutoff is supposed to be). All my disputes settled in my favor. The letter should make clear that they delivered nothing that you were attempting to purchase.
Blue Roads Touring has postponed and finally cancelled our trip to Italy. They offered a future credit, I insisted on a refund as stated in their Terms & Conditions, they agreed. That was about a month ago. Today we received the following email. I have to say, sending that kind of information via email sounds even riskier than re-sending them our credit card information. What do you think?
BTW, they aren't answering their phone.

We hope you are well and safe.

We have been advised by our finance team that the credit card they are trying to refund back onto has expired in our system.

Unfortunately we are unable to accept credit card details over email due to security reasons.

Please provide the following bank details so we are able to process your refund back to you as soon as possible:

Account name

Account holder’s address

Bank name

Bank address

Bank account number

Swift code

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind Regards,

Kate Graham
Direct Sales Team Leader

This is very suspicious, IMHO. Especially since they are not answering their phone.
Red Alert, Raise the Shields, Arm the Photon Torpedoes!

Tell them to send you a check. Cash it immediately by depositing it in a savings account. Do not spend a dime of it, yet. If it doesn't bounce in 6-8 weeks, count yourself lucky.
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Today we received the following email. I have to say, sending that kind of information via email sounds even riskier than re-sending them our credit card information. What do you think?
Total BS, contact your credit card issuer today and open a chargeback immediately. You can often do this online and provide attachments (so that email is exhibit A).

They can put in a future expiry very easily to do a refund (everyone knows the new card will be 3 or 4 years out, not hard to guess), and I don't think refund transactions are even designed to reject on expiry dates to begin with.
I don't think refund transactions are even designed to reject on expiry dates to begin with.

Actually I've had that happen to me several times. I just had to give them the updated expiration date and the refund went through normally.
BIL's wedding in FL - for which he wanted both DW and I be part of the wedding party - has been scaled back to a ZOOM event. Church is not allowing events, and having people over to near 90 year old MIL's home (where BIL currently lives) is a nogo. DW wanted to go, not just for the wedding, but also to see MIL. But with the FL conditions plus having to quarantine upon return, it did not make sense. We were glad BIL chose to go this path. Had we told him before this we would not be coming it could have been another joyful "family explosion" among DW, MIL, and siblings... :facepalm:

In the blink of an eye, everything changes. Another reminder that we are not guaranteed tomorrow...

BIL has died suddenly. He woke up, ate breakfast, took his dog for a walk, came back home and told MIL (with whom he lived with) he was going to rest in his room. At noon MIL makes lunch and goes on with her activities, but them notices around 2PM he did not come out for lunch. Checks his room and finds him lying on the floor. Calls paramedics but they are unable to revive him. Gone at 54.

So... now DW and I will be traveling to Florida for his funeral. As much as we do not want to go there at this time... DW was the only sibling he got along with, and it took him having a stroke several years ago for them to get back into communication. After the stroke he apologized to me for his past behavior towards me, and our relationship improved a lot, a reason why he wanted me in his wedding. Though MIL essentially supported him, he did a lot for her around the house. This is the 2nd child MIL has seen die, and she needs the support now.

We will do our best to be safe. I am not concerned flying or in a rental car. MIL is 88 and is still in good physical shape; she and BIL also took precautions and other than his fiancee no one else came into the home. Still, we will be staying in a nearby hotel. My concern is with the rest of the family. If DW goes there by herself and has to deal with them it will stress her out and put her in he hospital or jail. His fiancee wants to have some of her relatives and church friends at the funeral, and that concerns me. So I am hoping to be the mask and social distance voice of reason... but will be fine with staying at the hotel as much as possible if things do not look right.
In the blink of an eye, everything changes. Another reminder that we are not guaranteed tomorrow...

BIL has died suddenly. He woke up, ate breakfast, took his dog for a walk, came back home and told MIL (with whom he lived with) he was going to rest in his room. At noon MIL makes lunch and goes on with her activities, but them notices around 2PM he did not come out for lunch. Checks his room and finds him lying on the floor. Calls paramedics but they are unable to revive him. Gone at 54.

So... now DW and I will be traveling to Florida for his funeral. As much as we do not want to go there at this time... DW was the only sibling he got along with, and it took him having a stroke several years ago for them to get back into communication. After the stroke he apologized to me for his past behavior towards me, and our relationship improved a lot, a reason why he wanted me in his wedding. Though MIL essentially supported him, he did a lot for her around the house. This is the 2nd child MIL has seen die, and she needs the support now.

We will do our best to be safe. I am not concerned flying or in a rental car. MIL is 88 and is still in good physical shape; she and BIL also took precautions and other than his fiancee no one else came into the home. Still, we will be staying in a nearby hotel. My concern is with the rest of the family. If DW goes there by herself and has to deal with them it will stress her out and put her in he hospital or jail. His fiancee wants to have some of her relatives and church friends at the funeral, and that concerns me. So I am hoping to be the mask and social distance voice of reason... but will be fine with staying at the hotel as much as possible if things do not look right.

I am sorry for your loss and your wife's loss of her brother.
jollystomper so sorry about your BIL. You are right things can change in the blink of an eye. What will happen about your MIL? Can she live alone? My mother age 89 lives in an independent living apartment in a Continuing Care Community and really likes it, although many of the activities, etc have stopped because of the virus.
Wow that’s sad. Gone fairly young and before his wedding.
I am sorry for your loss and your wife's loss of her brother.

Oh, wow, bummer! So sorry for your family’s loss!

Wow that’s sad. Gone fairly young and before his wedding.

jollystomper so sorry about your BIL. You are right things can change in the blink of an eye. What will happen about your MIL? Can she live alone? My mother age 89 lives in an independent living apartment in a Continuing Care Community and really likes it, although many of the activities, etc have stopped because of the virus.

Thank you all for your kind words.

MIL is still active and very mentally fit, still drives (during the day, she does not like to driver at night) and does not want to leave her house (which is a very nice house on a single level). The biggest issue is her forceful personality - she is also tall, large, and can be very pushy or even a bully. She is financially well off, but has used that in the past to control her family. So she is tough to live with. BIL tended to not be very motivated but MIL liked his dependency on her. It was a big source of friction between MIL and FIL (who died about 20 years ago). A SIL who lives nearby has hired a home companion to help her out with things BIL could not/would not do (and this SIL was not on good terms with BIL) - within a month she had gone thru 2 of them and the company told SIL they no longer wanted to provide help for her. That will have to be addressed again.

Things like this that need to be dealt with are one reason I am going down with DW... not to offer solutions (unless I am asked), but to protect her from what will transpire among family members and BIL's fiancee (who is already asking for some of BIL's possessions).
Back to travel refund...

When EU announced restricting travels from Americans at the end of June, Norwegian Airlines cancelled our September flight to Paris the next day. I called Chase, and got our refunds right away.

We also paid a local travel agency for the inland 10 day trip, so I also asked Chase about that refund. Their answer was I have to wait for their cancellation email before they can help me, so I waited.

Few days ago, I finally received their email that the trip is now officially cancelled. But, they can't refund back to credit card company for it is more than 6 months old. Paypal is the only option. But, I do not have a working account with Paypal anymore.

So, I called Chase back and now they can process for me. They said the temporary refund will show on my account for 2 billing cycles. They will work with the travel agency on the actual refund. If they rescind their cancellation, I will not get to keep the refund. If they are not responding after 2 billing cycles, I can then get to keep the refund. This is all very strange to me. But, I think I am likely getting to keep the refund since I have the email from the travel agency. We will see.
Few days ago, I finally received their email that the trip is now officially cancelled. But, they can't refund back to credit card company for it is more than 6 months old. Paypal is the only option.
I believe that's what I call "Fiction for Friction".

These companies don't want to make it too easy to let money flow "the wrong way", so they make up a story, which usually involves "the system", which won't let the rep do what you are entitled to.

The same thing happened to me and the CC company let the clock tick on my "service not delivered" challenge, and when the timer went to zero, the refund became permanent.
I believe that's what I call "Fiction for Friction".

These companies don't want to make it too easy to let money flow "the wrong way", so they make up a story, which usually involves "the system", which won't let the rep do what you are entitled to.

The same thing happened to me and the CC company let the clock tick on my "service not delivered" challenge, and when the timer went to zero, the refund became permanent.

For sure, because it's not like the travel company had six months to figure out how to actually refund a customer for a service that never got delivered. Don't go back to merchants that treat you this way.
Few days ago, I finally received their email that the trip is now officially cancelled. But, they can't refund back to credit card company for it is more than 6 months old. Paypal is the only option. But, I do not have a working account with Paypal anymore.

I bought tickets for hockey games in Switzerland last November and was refunded back to the same credit card in August. That’s about 9 months after the purchase. I’d be skeptical that they can’t refund back to the credit card.
I bought tickets for hockey games in Switzerland last November and was refunded back to the same credit card in August. That’s about 9 months after the purchase. I’d be skeptical that they can’t refund back to the credit card.

I am actually sympathetic to these small US based travel agencies. I am not sure how many of them could survive without any bookings for another 6 months. They could simply close their door and Chase will have no way to get any of my money back.

My Chase card has travel protection so I guess I could file a claim if that happens, though Chase did not ask me to do that step, yet.
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