Crude oil 131.30 today.


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Nov 28, 2005
It seems as though American drivers are getting hosed at the gas pumps. Sure the price jumped to near 140 last friday but it is down almost 10 dollars a barrel this week. Gasoline prices have continued the rise to over 4.04 a gallon from 3.89 just 10 days ago. The price of the crude that was bought never has been refined. Nope, its all speculation. Sure we need to use less and I am all for taxing the heck out of the stuff so we get into better mileage vehicles and keeping our money here instead of spending it at the Saudi and Chavez bazaar. There is no reason for over 4 dollars a gallon with the price of crude down.

Oh and gasoline usage in the states is down 1.4%.. Supply and demand?? Really.

Rant over I feeeeeeel soooo much better. Plus I don't drive much so eh why should I care. but I just do. I love my country and just have a bad feeling, like there is no status quo anymore. No more cheap oil. What is gonna happen to Nascar and stuff??
If you love this country there is no need to worry. We (the US) are finally on track. Low oil prices have stiffled inovation for years. These high prices are just what we need. We will invent our way into a new future, and we'll be stronger than ever.
It could also be worse. You could be paying over $7.00/gallon in places like England, and Japan.

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