Day One?

I ended up having surgery the morning of my first day of retirement, due to insurance considerations.

Still beat going to work thought:)
My first day was New Year's Day, so it felt like a holiday and I did what I normally do on the first day of the year. Jan 2nd, felt like the first day, but all I can remember is sleeping in. Oh, and that my wife was ready to slap the smile off my face on that day and subsequent days.
I ended up having surgery the morning of my first day of retirement, due to insurance considerations.

Still beat going to work thought:)

Wow that must have been a rough place to work if you'd prefer having surgery over going to work!
My first day of ER was a Saturday so there was nothing really special about it. I had been working part-time for the 7 years leading up to my late 2008 ER and only 2 days a week in the last 17 months so going from 2 days a week to zero days a week was not a huge change to my day-to-day life. I had not worked on a Monday since 2006 so not even Sunday nights felt different the way many others have described.

Not having to buy any more train tickets was the first real sign that I had ERed. :)
I will be retiring in 2 weeks. My work ends on a Friday. On Saturday, I plan to go to the gym in the morning and relax the rest of the weekend. On Monday, we will go on a 7 hours trip to see my daughter who is having a baby! What a good deal. :dance:
I didn't know I was retired until the 2nd day of my retirement. The first day I was just fired, not FIREd.

I spent the first day saying "WTF" for the 10 minute drive home and another 20 minutes after I arrived at the house. The "Hey, honey, you'll never believe what just happened to me at work..." phone call occurred somewhere in that period of time.

Then I spent an hour or two downloading documents and other evidence for the possible pending lawsuit (which proved helpful). I had lunch, then started notifying my contacts that I wasn't with the company any more.

I walked up to pick up my kids from school, chatted with a few friends and dropped the "hey, I'm not working any more" bombshell on them.

Later on the first day, I took a closer look at our numbers and my "The Plan" document. We were close enough to ER that we decided me finding a new job wasn't critical to our long term plan to retire early.

That day was kind of a blur, but my first full day of not working was more relaxing! :)

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