Default Calendar

For many other forum sites they might add events that would be of interest to the group. I guess we could ad events like Tax days, quarterly tax payments for us who are self employed, or any other event that would be fitting for us to have on a shared calendar. Right now it shows the upcoming month and the users who have birthdays. For our site maybe that link should just be taken off?
Ooohh... Annual mod appreciation day is October 10th. Better put that one on there.
I like the idea of Tax deadlines on there. Very relevant for us old DIY financial geezers with bad memories ;)

I mark my calendars at the start of the year, but a backup is always good thing.

Silly me, I thought it was the date that Uncle Sam defaults on the debt. :duh:
So how come the calendar shows other people's birthdays but not mine? :rant:
Is it a some kind of conspiracy? Because it is December 22nd, and I better be seeing a cake, by gawd!
Yeah, like that wasn't the first thing I checked! It is there, mister! I filled in all the details, thank you very much!
Nope, it says the default choice, "display age" (and not carbon dating like REW has to use to display his age, but in actual years). ;)
Darn, so it isn't a conspiracy? Rats.

edit: Hey, look at that, it works! Huh, that REW fellow must have some smarts that the Texas heat didn't boil clean out of his head!

Thanks, I am still a moron, good to know....
Well, while you guys are busy discussing birthdays I'm over here on a rampage that may or may not be warranted ;)

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