Did you worry about those left behind (long)?

Rambler - Your team is lucky to have you. It's ironic they have benefited from the market meltdown since it delayed your departure! I definitely understand your description of being a human shield for crap falling from above. I also performed the same function with respect to our needy, arrogant major customer. It's satisfying to know you are making a difference (my first-born tendency to save the world. Are you a first born?) in these folks' lives but my reserves are running low and I need a recharge.

Yes, another first-born here. My sis was in town the other day, and she had to gently reprimand me for trying to "take care" of her and her family while they were here. But I sure do hear you about the reserves running low (as it pertains to megacorp).

I left Megacorp after 30 years about 9 months ago, still have feelings about some of the people there but no guilt, did my time, survived and got out. I volunteered to take a layoff package and there is a general feeling from those that stayed that it probably saved a job or two, not sure of that but hope I did. Heard from a former coworker yesterday that a few more people were laid off last week, hearing that just reminds me how happy I was to leave.

Sounds like you've done what you could to prepare and given full effort while you've been there so from my perspective, just give them your best, wish them luck, and then get on with ER!

Only a week away, how exciting!
davemartin88 - I'm not sure I can claim RE at this point. All I know is I am looking forward to being in an extended job search. :D
My mid sized 145 year old private company was sold to an investiment group about 1 1/2 years ago, last Oct they gave anyone over 60 a good package. I was there 31 years, and trained my replacement well. That being said, between the economy and their Global Matrix I believe they are doing a good job at destroying the company.
Hopefully they will succeed without too many more job losses and plant closings,
time will tell.
Old Mike
Last day at my current employer was today....well, I guess now yesterday. Had a very nice lunch with the other managers and the CEO (oldest sister/family member). I spent 6 hours personally saying goodbye to everyone in the plant and then finished cleaning up my electronic files and cleaned out my desk. Got a couple nice emails. Here's one:

Thank you for all your help, patience and kindness. You being here has made life a lot better for all of us. Have a great life!

Thanks like that makes it all worthwhile. Headed out the door at 6 pm and found my car had been "decorated." Went back tonight to talk to 3rd shift and dropped off my badge on the way out. It's going to take a little time to realize it's really over. Let's see how I adust to just being me and not the Plant Manager!

We fly to St. Pete in the morning to visit with friends for a week. Not vacation. Just going. Weird.


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just throwing out an idea. When you are in Florida, take a day trip down to Immokalee. This is an area where I am thinking of doing volunteer work when I am down there.

By the way, check out Paseo in S. fort myers along the way, my neighbourhood. Exit 131 West, turn right at second lights (Palimino) then left on Penzance.

Paseo Ft. Myers

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