difference of 50 years


Full time employment: Posting here.
Sep 11, 2006
Scenario: Jack pulls into school parking lot with rifle in gun rack

1956 - Vice Principal comes over, takes a look at Jack's rifle, goes to his car and gets his to show Jack.

2006 - School goes into lockdown, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for
traumatized students and teachers.


Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school.

1956 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best friends. Nobody goes to jail, nobody arrested, nobody

2006 - Police called, SWAT team arrives, arrests Johnny and Mark. Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started


Scenario: Jeffrey won't be still in class, disrupts other students.

1956 - Jeffrey sent to office and given a good paddling by Principal. Sits still in class.

2006 - Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. School gets extra money from state because Jeffrey has a disability.


Scenario: Billy breaks a window in his father's car and his Dad gives him a whipping.

1956 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.

2006 - Billy's Dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang. Billy's sister is told by state
psychologist that she remembers being abused herself and their Dad goes to prison. Billy's mom has affair with psychologist.


Scenario: Mark gets a headache and takes some headache medicine to school.

1956 - Mark shares headache medicine with Principal out on the smoking dock.

2006 - Police called, Mark expelled from school for drug violations. Car searched for drugs and weapons.


Scenario: Pedro fails high school English.

1956 : Pedro goes to summer school, passes English, goes to college.

2006 : Pedro's cause is taken up by a political party. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a
requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against state school system and Pedro's English teacher.
English banned from core curriculum. Pedro given diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he can't speak English.


Scenario: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from the 4th of July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, blows up a red
ant bed.

1956 - Ants die.

2006 - BATF, Homeland Security, FBI called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, FBI investigates parents, siblings removed from
home, computers confiscated, Johnny's Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.


Scenario: Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. Mary, hugs him to
comfort him.

1956 - In a short time Johnny feels better and goes on playing.

2006 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in St ate Prison.

haha. this sounds funny. It's probably extreme from both ends, but in general it does seem that society is shifting and changing. Not concretely better nor worse, just different. Some things are worse, some are better.

Was there a specific point you were trying to make, or more for entertainment?
Last time I saw this it was 1973 vs 2007.
It's not too far from the truth. I work in juvenile law and after 6 years of representing the kids, I'm still amazed at the junk the district attorney files. :eek:
Scenario: Jack walks into the diner to eat.

1956 - Since Jack is black, the local sheriff pulls jack out of the diner by his hear and beats him into unconsciousness in the street. Local white applaud.

2006 - Everyone enjoys thier meal.


Scenario: Jane visit the career counselor.

1956 - Nurse, teacher or housewife?

2006 - Doctor, attorney or engineer?


Scenario: Jack gives his wife a black eye and breaks his 5 year old sons arm.

1956 - His woman, his child, his business.

2006 - Jack goes to jail.


Scenario: Jack dumps drilling mud from his oil well in the local stream.

1956 - Dead fish and a large bonus for jack.

2006 - Jack goes to jail.


Scenario: Jack dies when the unshored, 14 foot deep trench he is working in collapses.

1956 - Too bad for his wife and children, who now live in a van down by the river.

2006 - OSHA mandated shoring prevents the collapse.


Scenario: Jack sexually abuses his daughter.

1956 - His daughter is too afraid to speak out, knowing no one will believe her.

2006 - Jack goes to jail (not frequently enough, even today).


Would you like so more? I could keep this up all night. I agree with vvsonikvv, some things are worse, some things are better, overall I would rather live today than any other time in American history, especially if I was anything other then the White Male that I am.
bbuzzard.. THANKS!!
Well done.

I think every society has 'growing pains' and sometimes the pendulum swings too far in an effort to 'redress' one imbalance or another. The ratcheting, though, has generally ratcheted us forward. Let's keep hoping!
1957: John goes out for 3 martini lunch, comes back to work and spends the afternoon oogling secretary, then takes her to a hotel room. Comes home later to nice dinner cooked by dutiful wife.

2007: Dangit, what happened !!!!

(only joking of course, in case my wife is reading)

- John
Let's see.......... a 50 span of history.....

1965 - Jack gets his draft notice and ends up dead in Nam

2015 - Jill gets her draft notice and ends up dead in ___________
I blame Bush and his Wars on Drugs and Terrorism plus No Child Left Behind.
My parents are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year. They live in Virginia. They were married in 1957, not in Virginia but in Michigan. 50 years ago, it was illegal for them to be married in Virginia and they could have been thrown in jail. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loving_v_virginia.
bssc said:
My parents are celebrating their 50th anniversary this year. They live in Virginia. They were married in 1957, not in Virginia but in Michigan. 50 years ago, it was illegal for them to be married in Virginia and they could have been thrown in jail. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loving_v_virginia.

Awesome real-world example of improvements in the last 50 years. Unfortunately, there are a few who don't see this as an improvement. On the bright side, they are outnumbered enough that they are scared to say anything.
bbuzzard said:
On the bright side, they are outnumbered enough that they are scared to say anything.

Agreed. Having people outnumbered and scared to say anything is a great concept....... :(

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