Does anyone else have chronic nasal issues?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jul 26, 2007
I have had allergies and chronic sinusitis most of my adult life. I've tried allergy testing and shots, taking Nasonex daily, using a neti pot and inhaling steam. Have also tried three other prescription nasal sprays. Also saw an ENT and had nasal surgery. Nothing seems to work. Solution is to have a doctor prescribe antibiotics and Prednisone when it gets too bad. This helps but I'm trying to find a way to avoid these. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
I have had allergies and chronic sinusitis most of my adult life. I've tried allergy testing and shots, taking Nasonex daily, using a neti pot and inhaling steam. Have also tried three other prescription nasal sprays. Also saw an ENT and had nasal surgery. Nothing seems to work. Solution is to have a doctor prescribe antibiotics and Prednisone when it gets too bad. This helps but I'm trying to find a way to avoid these. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.

I wish I did as I have been the same route you have and nothing has really helped !
Well, there's at least 3 of us with the same problem.
I have the same problem. I use steam and saline irrigation but it only provides short relief.
I don't know if I have the same as you folks or something different. Several years ago I just started getting stuffed up at night while asleep, waking up gasping for air (this is different than my obstructive sleep apnea). I've asked my doctor, but he shrugs and asks me what I'd like to do. It's kind of taken a back burner because of the apnea anyway, so I sleep on a wedge and use cpap. Without the wedge, my nose fills up solid within 1/2 hr. I don't mind the wedge, and we've decided when the current mattress gives out, we'll get an adjustable bed of some type.

Decongestants & antihistamines work while I'm vertical, and I prolly take more than I should, but I just can't lie horizontally anymore -- nothing helps that.
I have had chronic sinusitis for years. Had the sinus surgery in 2008 and it helped a lot. Before the surgery, it had gotten to the point where antibiotics did not work after going to progressively stronger medicines. I use the Neil med squirt bottle instead of the pot. I use the sudafed PE occasionally since regular sudafed requires a prescription here.

I had a deviated septum that was repaired. I waiting to see if my super power sinus tissue regeneration becomes active. If it does, i foresee having to have the sinus surgery again.
My allergies disappeared when I moved from Chicago to DC but, over the last 10 years or so, I have developed what I thought was post nasal drip that left me constantly clearing my throat and sniffling -- particularly after sleeping. All kinds of prescribed antihistamines and inhalers provided no relief. I started using a netti pot with some benefits. I added a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with "the mother" every morning and my symptoms have largely abated. I have since read that they may be a result of "silent" GERD. I am reluctant to use proton pump inhibitors like Prilosec so I hope I can control it satisfactorily with my old wife's solution.
I had a sinus infection for years, and would periodically go to the doctor and get azithromycin. Last January I took two courses - one after the other, and that did it. I haven't had a sinus infection since. Of course, I then re-built my immune system and do a daily nasal wash. I avoid sugar and white flour, take vitamins, and add Vitamin C powder. I also take a super-green powder daily and that has given me increased energy. I hope things improve for you!
I have had allergies and chronic sinusitis most of my adult life. I've tried allergy testing and shots, taking Nasonex daily, using a neti pot and inhaling steam. Have also tried three other prescription nasal sprays. Also saw an ENT and had nasal surgery. Nothing seems to work. Solution is to have a doctor prescribe antibiotics and Prednisone when it gets too bad. This helps but I'm trying to find a way to avoid these. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
I think it's important to understand what the worst part about one's symptoms are. In my case it is not the need to clear my nose or even the somewhat anxious feeling that comes from a stuffy nose (have to remember to breath more through mouth and use chapstick for lips).

The worst thing for me is getting a stuffy nose around 3am. Solutions that have lessoned the symptoms:
1) Fluticisone - only spray that seems to work a bit
2) Aphrin - you should use this very sparingly and never more the 3 nights in a row
3) Benedryl - get up sometimes at midnight and take 1 capsul which has side effect of drowsiness
4) Got a pillow that raises my head up and sleep on side.
5) Deal with the psychological effects of sleep disturbance. Convince self that a few hours of rest (no deep sleep) in bed is not so bad.

In recent months I've kept a daily journal of how the night went and what I did if anything to deal with the sleep. I've found that use of Benedryl or sleeping pills is not a good long term solution for me -- effectiveness seems to diminish with time.

Complications for me is that I have a deviated septum (old touch football injury) and we live in the California hills with all the grasses + tree pollen. Worst time of year is generally January to March with the tree pollen the probable culprit.

Maybe these comments will help someone here. I hope so.
I haven't had as much trouble with allergies and stuffy nose issues in the past year and a half. Maybe all the probiotics I eat. I also use flonase and so does my ex wife (the respiratory therapist), and she also uses the inhalable version of flonase, just a pediatric dose. That appears to solve her moderate asthma and allergies, and my moderate allergies.
I had severe pollen allergies along with the symptoms you described for years. I tried medication and immunotherapy. The immunotherapy helped after a couple years, but it still wasn't great. I stopped eating most grains (including all gluten) and it cleared up after about a month. I only snore now at night if I have a few too many drinks. It hasn't come back after almost two years now. Good luck, I know those symptoms are burdensome.
Chronic postnasal drip here, which caused an annoying chronic cough. Had it most of my life, along with seasonal allergies that led to lots of antihistamine usage.

A few years ago, my doc prescribed Nasonex. He told me to try to avoid taking it too regularly, and it really did the trick. I use it once a day for about a week, and that solves my problem for at least the next month. The OP's problem must be really severe if daily use doesn't help, and has my profound sympathy.

The other thing that has always helped me enormously for occasional use is a couple of sprays of Afrin.
I started taking large dose of vitamin C a few years ago and seems to have worked very well. Seldom get the congestion that I used to.

The nasal sprays can become addictive, I found the more I used the more I needed. I had quit it cold turkey.
I have had allergies and chronic sinusitis most of my adult life. I've tried allergy testing and shots, taking Nasonex daily, using a neti pot and inhaling steam. Have also tried three other prescription nasal sprays. Also saw an ENT and had nasal surgery. Nothing seems to work. Solution is to have a doctor prescribe antibiotics and Prednisone when it gets too bad. This helps but I'm trying to find a way to avoid these. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
I've been taking a daily 24-hour antihistamine for several years now, in the afternoon so that it's strongest while I'm sleeping. It's the Costco generic version of Allertec or Zyrtec. My spouse prefers one brand, I prefer the other.

As a submariner I was always getting TB tests and immunizations for hepatitis & typhoid. At sea or on shore I'd usually start with a respiratory infection that would often go to bronchitis and occasionally to pneumonia. I've had over a dozen ear infections (as an adult in my 30s) from stuffed-up Eustachian tubes. I've been on pneumonia antibiotics at least a half-dozen times, and I'm actually looking forward to being old enough to qualify for the shot. You know what caused me to have such rotten sinuses and airways? Chronic fatigue, stress, and a suppressed immune system.

The best therapy for these problems has been early retirement.
I am age 65 and suffered most of l my life. The only time I remember not having problems was when I was stationed in the Air Force. I was on an island for 30 months of my 48 and never remember being sick. I am sick now and on my second round of antibiotics. I could not breath out of my nose and had post nasal drip. My left lymph node swelled up last week as big as a golf ball. They did an ultrasound and told me it was infected and probably some infection in my body causing this. I hope thats the case. The swelling has went down in half but still there but not sore anymore. I just hope it continues to go down. I have some of my energy back but not 100%. I have had three ear infections in the last year and always my left one. I still cannot clear it so I assume the tube is plugged up. I have tried everything know to man just like others here and nothing has worked. At least I am retired and can just take a nap when I get tired. Getting old is not for the weak. oldtrig
Periodic problems here too. Mine seem to be seasonal. I also have a slight deviated septum when I was hit in the nose on a back fly softball while coaching my daughter's YMCA soft ball team years ago. (yes I had just taken off the catchers mask!!). Yes there was blood and 2 black eyes and a possible concussion. What was I thinking !

Went to a sinus specialist years ago who told me it takes a minimum of 21 days on antibiotics to clear up a sinus infection. Most doctors prescribe less than the 2 or 3 times a year I get them, I go to the doctor. I take their prescribed z pack or whatever. After 8 or 10 days, I call them back and tell them it's not gone. They prescribe it again. So I'm able to get the 21 days that way. Also have flonase on hand and various antihistimines. Sometimes I use them and sometimes not. Steam works better for me than a netti pot. I always end up in a worse situation after using the netti. Have not a clue why.
Periodic problems here too. Mine seem to be seasonal. I also have a slight deviated septum when I was hit in the nose on a back fly softball while coaching my daughter's YMCA soft ball team years ago. (yes I had just taken off the catchers mask!!). Yes there was blood and 2 black eyes and a possible concussion. What was I thinking !

Went to a sinus specialist years ago who told me it takes a minimum of 21 days on antibiotics to clear up a sinus infection. Most doctors prescribe less than the 2 or 3 times a year I get them, I go to the doctor. I take their prescribed z pack or whatever. After 8 or 10 days, I call them back and tell them it's not gone. They prescribe it again. So I'm able to get the 21 days that way. Also have flonase on hand and various antihistimines. Sometimes I use them and sometimes not. Steam works better for me than a netti pot. I always end up in a worse situation after using the netti. Have not a clue why.

Me too! I have a slight deviated septum from childhood; when I was 12, I tried to catch a softball, but it caught me right between the eyes. Things were fine until I started getting sinus infections connected to allergies.

For years, I would take one course of antibiotics - and the infection always came back. There is so much talk about antibiotic resistance that I think the doctors may have been reluctant to prescribe a longer course. Finally, my physician did. So, I am - at 66 - learning to be the squeaky wheel when it comes to sinus infections.
I have suffered sinus infections on and off for the past twenty years or so. They usually pop up in the fall, winter or spring. Also used to get infections after flying commercial. I have found that keeping my home humidified at 45-50% keeps the sinus gremlins in check. In addition, I do take a daily snort of flonaise and have been for the past two years, which has also helped. I found that once I do come down with an infection I can't shake, I get a shot of depomedrol which is some sort of a cortisone steroid injection which gives me relief within hours and knocks the snot out of the infection, along with some antibiotics.
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Spouse used to get nasty sinus infections periodically, once to the point of needing CT scan and a couple of very uncomfortable treatments by an ENT physician. But ever since going through homeopathic treatment (for other issues) - guess what - no more sinus infections.

Youngest child also had some sinus issues that "seemed like" allergies. After being treated by the homeopathic physician, no more sinus "allergy" symptoms.

Once I noticed this I asked this doctor about it. He said that he sees a lot of sinus issues that are linked with fungus in the nasal/sinus passages and once he gets rid of the fungus, often the sinus issues are history.

New patients are screened for fungus, parasites, viruses, and bacteria.

Some people discount homeopathic medicine, but I've had some personal results that are pretty convincing. Disclaimer - I don't think all homeopathic physicians are created equal. Or maybe some know what they are doing and some don't so much.


Kindest regards.
Spouse used to get nasty sinus infections periodically, once to the point of needing CT scan and a couple of very uncomfortable treatments by an ENT physician. But ever since going through homeopathic treatment (for other issues) - guess what - no more sinus infections.

Youngest child also had some sinus issues that "seemed like" allergies. After being treated by the homeopathic physician, no more sinus "allergy" symptoms.

Once I noticed this I asked this doctor about it. He said that he sees a lot of sinus issues that are linked with fungus in the nasal/sinus passages and once he gets rid of the fungus, often the sinus issues are history.

New patients are screened for fungus, parasites, viruses, and bacteria.

Some people discount homeopathic medicine, but I've had some personal results that are pretty convincing. Disclaimer - I don't think all homeopathic physicians are created equal. Or maybe some know what they are doing and some don't so much.


Kindest regards.

Care to share what those homeopathic treatments are?
Here's an example for which I remember the names: When I take two homeopathic meds (graphite and selenium) it helps my fingernails grow smoothly instead of being a little rough on the surface.
The worst thing for me is getting a stuffy nose around 3am.
I hate it when that happens. I try to prevent that by:
- Inhale steam or hot shower before bed to loosen mucus.
- Take 1 chlorpheniramine, the only antihistamine that works AND doesn't make me either drowsy or alert.
- Put on a Breathe Right strip last thing before going to bed. Adding this step dramatically reduced how often I'd wake up in the wee hours unable to breathe through my nose. YMMV.

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