Donation Gifts

I do this but first ask what their favorite charity is and if it would be OK. My relatives are more than gracious about it. I don't want to contribute to the local landfills any more crap that someone does not like or cannot use.

I find for teenagers nothing beats some greenbacks in a card. They can always find a use for it.
im just about thru getting ripped off by most charities. first the red cross screwed us with money given to causes i would never support now 2 billion in katrina money vanished. nothing seems to get the money you want it to.
mathjak, there are lots of things you can do to support charities without worrying about your money.

For instance, contact your local animal shelter, what do they need. Then drop off the food etc. they ask for. Just be careful not to come home with a carload of cute puppies.
Find you local food bank. Drop of healthy food to stock their shelves.
What about your nearest Ronald McDonald house? What can they use for the kids there and their families? And I don't mean stuffed animals, more like new winter jackets and such as a lot of income is eaten up when you have an illness.
Is there a local battered womens shelter? Ours puts out a list of what they can use. Women show up there with nothing but a couple of kids in tow.

Since I have two neices headed for college I think my charitable donations for the next few years will consist of buying some textbooks for them.
Your thinking makes a lot of sense to me, savedapile.

Other things just take your time. Go to a bakery (if any still exist in your town) and ask if they have any day old rolls/buns/bread/etc. they'd like to donate. Just takes the time of you asking and then delivering to the local food shelf. Assuming someone else (like the bakery owner) hasn't taken care of this in your particular location.

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