Economist Comments on Possible Inflationary Effects of Fed Moves

I followed the link to the data table.
US projected inflation:
2009 -0.4%
2010 0.5%

How do you get hyperinflation from this? [...]

I think it's the fear of hyperinflation driving many. And not without reason; the Fed is pumping $trillions into the economy, banks, Detroit etc.; the effects of this have yet to be felt, I think. Most people's only experience of hyperinflation is from reading history (Weimar). Hopefully Bernanke (who is, whatever else he may be, much smarter than I) has got it right. But we're clearly waltzing into uncharted territory, talking trillions where it used to be mere billions. While my biggest single holding is cash, I do have a bit of gold (4% or so) in case the OECD is wrong. I hate holding gold 'cos it's such a lousy investment in normal times; but we seem to have left "normal" times far astern for the moment.
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