Emojis? Wha? Please use words


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 8, 2007
I guess I don't read other's expressions well. I mean, I think I do, but I have a heck of a time deciphering messages that are loaded up with emojis. My gal will spend minutes collecting a series of emojis to answer someone on a text message and sometimes sends me a string that means something to her. I don't get it, and send back random images. Today she sent this -


Had me type in a feeling to get an emoji and bang! "disgusted pleasure" returned nothing. Words work just fine. Do you communicate in hieroglyphics - er ,emojis?
I occasionally use some emojis when texting with my daughters. Not with DH because he doesn’t get it
I guess I don't read other's expressions well. I mean, I think I do, but I have a heck of a time deciphering messages that are loaded up with emojis. My gal will spend minutes collecting a series of emojis to answer someone on a text message and sometimes sends me a string that means something to her. I don't get it, and send back random images. Today she sent this -


Had me type in a feeling to get an emoji and bang! "disgusted pleasure" returned nothing. Words work just fine. Do you communicate in hieroglyphics - er ,emojis?

I admit to using emojis, but only simple ones. Sad, happy, angry, disgusted, fear...

But "disgusted pleasure"? I am not sure I understand the words, let alone an emoji for that.
I use emojis now and then.

If you can't beat them, join them :-/
Get a hair cut. Get a job. Get off my lawn you young whippersnappers.

Get used to them. You can actually "invest" in them, they are called NFTs. Someone paid a million dollars for one.
I actually find them useful here. Especially when I have a different opinion then a poster.. Adding a smile or flowers convey I'm not trying to start a war
Didn't the cavemen use hieroglyphics? Is de-evolution at play here?

Didn't the cavemen use hieroglyphics? Is de-evolution at play here?


Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

But don't they also say a good poet/songwriter can paint a picture in our mind's eye with just a few words?

What do "they" know! :)

I actually find them useful here. Especially when I have a different opinion then a poster.. Adding a smile or flowers convey I'm not trying to start a war

Agree, plus it can lessen the interpretation to a more positive spin of what is being stated.
I don't use emojis or leetspeak. I strive to write clear, precise and grammatically correct sentences, so that my meaning is conveyed without confusion or any need for graphic flourishes. I may not always succeed, but that is my goal.
Like many changes in language and communication, I resisted them at first, before eventually getting on board. I used to think of them as a lesser form of communication, an admission that the sender didn't possess adequate written language skills. A string of emojis? My goodness! Weren't they able to express themselves using the richness of their vocabulary, and a well-placed semi-colon? I think some folk with less than stellar written language skills do use them as an alternate form of communication that comes more naturally. I also noticed some brave souls with much ability in the written form of the language using emojis liberally.

Then I started using them. It's fun. There's nothing wrong with fun (even though my father was a little suspicious of the concept :LOL: )

There. I used an emoji. It's all over now. The fall of civilization will doubtless be following shortly.
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Back in the early days of email I used to use <gr> in a comment to show that I was smiling/kidding. AFAIK, it means "grin".

A lady who worked for me started crying one day because she thought I was growling at her in anger. Granted, she wasn't very bright to begin with but it shows how things can get misconstrued.
I use emojis sparingly in text message and on Facebook posts and comments. But I pretty much use only about 3 of them. Happy face, sad face, angry face, etc.

I was surprised a couple days ago on this forum when I typed 3 questions marks and it was translated into an emoji like this :confused:.
Complaining about emojis - definitely a first world problem. And yes, I intentionally won't use one in this post.
Cal...I tried the emoji search engine in your first post for " Pissed Off" and nothing came up. I was disappointed.

And, no, I don't use them in messages or emails.
I just stick to the simple ones: smile, wink, frown, laughing.
And only when it helps clarify that I'm kidding, unhappy, etc - because sometimes words can be misconstrued without the visual clues of seeing the person who is speaking.


  • ThumbsUp.png
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I've been using them since way back in the 90's, when they were called "smilies" and "winkies," and were made this way: ;^> :) ): Ppp

I recall older people (50's) complaining about them at work. But then they didn't like email much, either. A lot of older guys retired rather than use that newfangled box on their desk, which required them to type, which they'd avoided learning all their lives, and weren't about to start now!

P.S. ): pPp represents what used to be called a "raspberry."
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I don't use emojis or leetspeak.

That's 1337 speak.

I find, broadly generalizing, Boomers+ are more likely to use emojis, Genx'ers almost completely avoid them, and younger millenials/z'ers will use them but only as punctuation.

I didn't mind the old emoticons, and I got annoyed when most interfaces automatically converted them to emojis. No I don't want a yellow smiley wink, I want a good old fashioned ; )

I do like some asci art, but that is more for gaming. (and the layout here doesn't do it well...doesn't like spaces)

( o.o )
ASCII art always struck me as self-conscious.

"Lookee what I was able to make with X's and O's!"

"Yeah, OK, so you put cross-stitch in your .sig line, I'm impressed. But my Nana's was better"
Sometimes words are just as bad. I saw an online article not too long ago that some images that had "click to embiggen" under them...uh, that's a word? Well, yes it is. Never mind the fact that it was coined in the 90s from the TV show, "The Simpson's." I guess "enlarge" wasn't good enough?
That show also coined the phrase "perfectly cromulent," which I guess is a variant on the old "copacetic" that (some of) our dads and grampas liked to use.

Embiggen makes me think of Monty Python's Pilate: "My fwend, Biggus Dickus."

Sometimes words are just as bad. I saw an online article not too long ago that some images that had "click to embiggen" under them...uh, that's a word? Well, yes it is. Never mind the fact that it was coined in the 90s from the TV show, "The Simpson's." I guess "enlarge" wasn't good enough?
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