Emptying a House

+1 on estate sale companies - one good value-add they bring to the table is their keen eye for pricing things accurately. This may be less relevant for one's own stuff, if you have a good sense of what your possessions are worth (or are willing to research it on your own). But it's definitely recommended for clearing out other relatives' houses. We used this for my grandmother's house and some of her "old" stuff, art, etc. was actually worth much more than any of us would have priced it.

When my parents downsized upon retirement in the 1980s, they did DIY garage and house sales over the course of a year that included stuff both from their principal residence, as well as vacation farmhouse. They divided it up into three sales -- a couple focused on furniture and household decorative stuff only (mainly held indoors, moving all the relevant stuff into a selected part of the house; and another focused on all the outdoor/garage stuff (lawnmowers, yard stuff, tools, etc. etc. as well as the usual miscellany of household junk). They even sold a car as part of one sale! These were advertised in local papers, indicating that they were not the usual garage sale. Lots of clientele showed up, including the pros who usually haunt estate sales looking for 'finds'. The whole family and a few friends came in to monitor the sales, manage the cash, etc. They made over $8000 I think, not including the car. The leftovers went to charity, or was thrown out. (Noting that charities like Goodwill and Salvation Army are much more picky now about what they'll take than they used to be). While definitely do-able, this DIY route was a lot of work, though.

Under both these scenarios, I second the suggestion of letting your kids 'tag' things they would like, either now or later. I would also advise that this be done in a way that allows for the potentially wide differential in value that one child/relative may want over what another wants, especially if any higher ticket items are involved. For my grandmother's state sale, the company allowed the children to tag things first, each item had a price on it, and the kids were allowed first dibs at purchasing them at the stated price! If it's a matter of gifting while you are still alive, you might at least make a rough estimate of monetary value of each set of goods requested, gift the items, and then 'even out' any wide disparity through your bequest (e.g., one kid takes a lamp for $100, and the other takes $10,000 worth of furnishings, tools, etc., so you stipulate in your will that the kid who received less will get the difference at the time the estate is liquidated upon your death).

When my father died, my mother still stayed in the same house, and got rid of all his personal effects through donation or some flea markets we did -- (actually made some money at the latter!). And even though it's been many years, we'd still like to find some use for more 'specialty' items that only he used, like all his extensive collection of tools and home repair stuff -- including hardware like nuts and bolts, etc. etc. No traditional charity would take that stuff, but what a shame to see it go to waste. So I contacted our local Habitat for Humanity and asked if they might want some of that stuff -- and they were very interested! Now that I'll have more time in ER, we'll invite them in this year and have them go through the inventory to see what they might be able to make use of.
My sister and I recently emptied my Dad's condo when he moved to an assisted living facility. We started with many car loads of donations to a thrift store that supports a hospice center. Dad's building complex did not allow tag sales or estate sales or we would have tried to sell some things.

On his moving day neighbors came to say good bye and we encouraged them to take anything they wanted. A neighbor lady carted off an entire set of dishes and glassware which was great because in order to donate those things we would have had to wrap, pack and transport them. Some of the building staff came and took wall art and decorative items.

On the final clean out day we ended up having to put quite a lot of decent things in the dumpsters, which I hated to do but we had no more room to bring things home and his building was very restrictive on when you could use the elevators for moving.
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When I moved my Aunt's things out I was surprised at how difficult it was to give some of the stuff away, especially things like a motorized wheelchair, a powered lift chair and a hospital bed. None of the major non-profits were willing to send a truck to pick up anything.

An afternoon with the phone directory and a couple of conversations put me in touch with local organizations interested in some of her furniture. Much ended up in the dumpster. First world lifestyle. The HFH is a good idea.
I downsized in a major way last year. I started by going through the house, one drawer/closet at a time. That stuff I donated to Goodwill. Then I went through my collectibles. I sold that stuff on Ebay. Finally, I looked at the big pieces of furniture. I donated those to a local charity helping families in need set up household. I could have made some $$$ selling the furniture on craigslist, but it didn't seem worth it.
If you're looking to get rid of everything.

When my inlaws moved back in the early 80's, they hired an auctioneer. Anything the kids didn't want the auctioneer got rid of one saturday afternoon. Had chairs and such setup in the driveway where he held an auction. What was left a local charity picked up an hour or so after the auction. Most stuff sold pretty cheap but it was quick and clean. We took off moving them to Fl. on Sunday. Sold both his practice and home to the new Doc.
my mom is contemplating an estate sale to downsize from a 1600 sq ft house into an apartment in a retirement community. She has also investigated estate sales, and one thing she's been told is not to start giving away stuff before the sale, at least not without talking to the person who will be running it. There needs to be a certain amount of "good stuff" at the sale for it to be successful.

I wish there was another name for selling everything you don't want to keep. To me "estate sale" has always meant sale of a deceased person's belongings. I don't want to talk about my mom's "estate sale", because she's still very much alive.
DW and I retire soon and will be moving to Mexico in June/July so we are in the process of emptying our house. Very little will be going with us due to the distance and cost involved in moving our stuff plus a lot of it just isn't a fit for the new locale.

We have been spending each weekend systematically attacking one room after another. Each room is gone through in detail and stuff is put into various categories:

1. garbage - easily disposed of in weekly trash pickup
2. donations - stock up until enough to call for pickup
3. moving sale - all items priced and placed in large storage room awaiting sale
4. to move - another storage room for this pile
5. consignment - DW is making serious contribution to RE funds by selling off clothes, shoes and handbags not needed in Mexico
6. kids - not a lot here as they don't seem interested in our "old" stuff
7. records - sorted between trash, shred and keep; one of the most time consuming aspects due to all the personal records plus years of self employed business records

We'll call 1-800-GOT-JUNK for anything left after the moving sale.

The process has been going very well so far and also helps to get the house ready for showing once the For Sale sign goes up out front. And by starting well ahead of time and working it little by little on the weekends, the job has seemed quite manageable rather than a huge burden hanging over our heads.

Good luck with your emptying process!
+1 on estate sales.
I helped my mother with downsizing last summer. We hired a woman who does this for a %. She brought folding tables and tablecloths and did a nice job of setting them up to display items. She also researched some items before setting a price (who knew that someone would pay $40 for a Barbie playhouse :confused:). She also arranged for a charity to pick up unsold items. I was happy to turn over the whole process to someone else.

I suggest that making an inventory of the major items and request an accounting. Some of these operations are insured and bonded and other are not.
my mom is contemplating an estate sale to downsize from a 1600 sq ft house into an apartment in a retirement community. She has also investigated estate sales, and one thing she's been told is not to start giving away stuff before the sale, at least not without talking to the person who will be running it. There needs to be a certain amount of "good stuff" at the sale for it to be successful.

I wish there was another name for selling everything you don't want to keep. To me "estate sale" has always meant sale of a deceased person's belongings. I don't want to talk about my mom's "estate sale", because she's still very much alive.

There is, but they ain't nearly as classy: Garage Sale. Yard sale.

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