Fan lined up?check.Excrement ready to hit? check

gtmeouttahere said:
. . .

These are third world countries, they do not think like us.  They will use this technology for mass destruction, not as a peace tool.  They have already admitted to that.  They do not care if they die as long as they take us with them.  That is a FACT people.  They believe Allah will have a special place in heaven for them if they kill infidels.  They will become "hero's".  This is why people like them blew up the Trade Center, hijack planes, take hostages, behead hostages, blow up subways, etc...  their idea of a perfect world is extermination or enslavement of all non-believers of Islam. 

This is no laughing matter.  The only reason the US and Russia did not use them against each other is because they wanted their people to live and would lose everything if they used themThese people do not care.

Thats why we need to stop them.  It is our duty and obligation to protect our country and our allies from attack from a foreign entity.

Them is scarry.  I'm just not quite sure we know exactly who them is.   :-\
Them is scarry.  I'm just not quite sure we know exactly who them is.

"THEM" are muslim extremists and the countries that provide safe harbor and support to "Them".  Iran's leader has already proven to be one of "Them" by the statement's he has already publicly issued to Isreal.  The rest of the people in Iran's fate rests in the hands of their leader.

It's funny how you left a very important paragraph out of your quote equation, I'll go ahead and insert it for you at the bottom of this post.  That paragraph should have made it self explanatory who "Them" were.  What other people willingly blow themselfs up to take out as many non-believers as possible to send a message....HMMM, I think that would be Muslims predomanatly. 

These islamofacists want to KILL us and every other person or country who does not share their belief system.  Why doesn't anyone understand that?  We absolutely cannot allow or condone anyone or any leader who outright claims to destroy Isreal or any other country for that matter, to develop a nuclear program

I think that explains a lot about who "Them" are.  Let's not be blind about the facts.  We have known for a long time who our enemies are and what countries are aiding them.  Lets not be politicly correct about this issue and sugarcoat it.  They see this as our weakness and that is exactly what they want us to do.  It will kill us all in the long run if we keep turning a blind eye to the facts.  There will always be collateral damage in warfare such as this because they are cowards and always hide themselves behind the innocent. The important thing is that we will actually have a future because of the sacrifices of the innocent. 
gtmeouttahere said:
"THEM" are muslim extremists and the countries that provide safe harbor and support to "Them".  Iran's leader has already proven to be one of "Them" by the statement's he has already publicly issued to Isreal.  The rest of the people in Iran's fate rests in the hands of their leader. . . .

I'm glad you are so sure about who the them is that you are going to kill or punish. I have many muslim friends and colleagues from Arab nations who I am concerned about. These friends don't seem to be the them you are refering to. Many of them are among the most polite and generous people I know. I worry about them. :) :D
It's ok to worry about your friends.  They probably are the innocent people I was referring to.  War isn't easy and people die, thats a fact, but if you don't stand up and fight against tyranny, it will win, and maybe you or your family will die next because of our inaction.

Is that something you are willing to sacrifice?

I have many muslim friends and colleagues from Arab nations

I am sure there are many friendly people in the USA and Isreal as well that you could be worried about to.
While in Japan on company bidness some years ago, we had a bottle that the bar kept stashed for us. Interesting and useful Japanese custom.

Ours was easily identified by the map of Texas on the label... 8)
gtmeouttahere said:
It's ok to worry about your friends.  They probably are the innocent people I was referring to.  War isn't easy and people die, thats a fact, but if you don't stand up and fight against tyranny, it will win, and maybe you or your family will die next because of our inaction.

Is that something you are willing to sacrifice?

You know, every time I read somehing like this, I just get this feeling that the person writing it is only too willing to sacrifice other people, just so long as they get to keep their comfy little life tgether as it suits them.
Brewer--I agree with gtmeouttahere's, but feel reposting essentially the same thing is a waste of bandwidth. That said, I would be over there in a minute, but the Military Entrance Processing Station doctors said, that because I have a malady, that only they seem to be able to diagnose, I am permenantly disqualified from military service. The malady is heartburn related. When I was originally diagnosed for the heartburn issue (small hiatal hernia) the doctor said I didn't have any other symptoms or issues other than the heartburn. He put that in the medical records. The MEPS doc read the same record I did and now says I do have the secondary issues.

The short of it is I agree with the statement, but because of an incompetent doctor am precluded from joining the military again and going to Iraq. :'(
lets-retire said:
The short of it is I agree with the statement, but because of an incompetent doctor am precluded from joining the military again and going to Iraq. :'(

Riiiggghhhtt, I'm sure that doesn't color your willingness to start a war. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
You know, every time I read somehing like this, I just get this feeling that the person writing it is only too willing to sacrifice other people, just so long as they get to keep their comfy little life tgether as it suits them.

I was already over there (Iraq) the first time with the USMC infantry(disabled vet).  My brother is a combat medic in the Army and is over there NOW.  

Where have you been? Probably enjoying your comfy little life...thanks to veterans past and present.   You know what they say about the word "assume" right.  

BTW I wish we never had to sacrifice one life.  War is a sad but necessary evil.  Just think of all the lives we could have saved by coming to action against Germany BEFORE the mass killings began?  

So I take it you want to just kick back, do nothing, allow them to build up thier arsenal, then bomb the piss out of us and Isreal, with nuclear weapons, causing Mass Casualties.

I think you have this all backwards
I just get this feeling that the person writing it is only too willing to sacrifice other people

I think that quote descibes you!!!  
Subject: Fw: Robin Williams on Making Sense!

I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of one plan for peace. " Books, not Bombs" won't work. The head mullahs won't let anyone read them. If they do, they poke their eyes out.

Here's the plan:

1) The US will apologize to the world for our "interference" in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of them 'good old boys'. We will never "interfere" again.

2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany, South Korea, the Middle East and the Philippines. They don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No more sneaking through holes in the fence.

3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave. We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of who or where they are.  They are Illegal!!! France would welcome them.

4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit. No one from a terrorist nation would be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself, don't hide here. Asylum would not ever be available to anyone. We don't need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.

5) No foreign"students" over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don't attend classes, they get a "D" and it's back home baby.

6) The US will make a strong effort to become self sufficient energy wise. This will include developing non polluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while.

7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else.

8. If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not "interfere". They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides' most of what we give them is stolen or given to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if any anyway.

9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an island some place. We don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, it would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.

9b) Use the buildings as replacement for the twin towers.

10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one can call us "Ugly Americans" any longer.

Now, ain't that a winner of a plan.

"The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying'Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses.' She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'You want a piece of me?'" - Robin Williams.

Well said Robin Williams.
gtmeouttahere said:
So I take it you want to just kick back, do nothing, allow them to build up thier arsenal, then bomb the piss out of us and Isreal, with nuclear weapons, causing Mass Casualties.

Why do there have to be only two options: either pre-emptive strike, or sitting back and smoking a joint? How about: Watch them like a hawk, and put them on notice that if they throw so much as a rock over the border at someone else, Armageddon will come down on their heads?

I don't trust the government of Iran, but I can't go along with killing people just because they might do something. Plain and simple. Yes, this means that if they so choose, they would be able to get one strike in somewhere. But that would also be the last thing they ever did.

What's wrong with that policy?

#1.  It is our duty and obligation to protect our country and our allies from attack from a foreign entity.

#2.  They have already threatened to wipe Isreal off the map. 

#3.  They already admitted to starting a Nuclear program and won't stop.

Read between the lines.  Do we act or react? The first stones have already been thrown in my book.
Yes, this means that if they so choose, they would be able to get one strike in somewhere. But that would also be the last thing they ever did.

So your willing to just let them strike first on US soil or its allies after they develop the technology? Wow!!! Now THAT, is scary!!! Political correctness has blinded you man.
gtmeouttahere said:
#1. It is our duty and obligation to protect our country and our allies from attack from a foreign entity.

#2. They have already threatened to wipe Isreal off the map.

#3. They already admitted to starting a Nuclear program and won't stop.

Read between the lines. Do we act or react?

React. Be prepared to do it, and do it forcefully when needed, but react.
They can talk all they like (and being the blowhards that they are, they will talk a lot), but I just can't go along with being goaded into firing the first shot.

gtmeouttahere said:
So your willing to just let them strike first on US soil or its allies after they develop the technology? Wow!!! Now THAT, is scary!!! Political correctness has blinded you man.

Political correctness has nothing to do with it.
I don't believe in political correctness.

But you're still willing to take the first punch for us? You do know how many lives that would cost right?
gtmeouttahere said:
BTW I wish we never had to sacrifice one life.  War is a sad but necessary evil.  Just think of all the lives we could have saved by coming to action against Germany BEFORE the mass killings began?  

So I take it you want to just kick back, do nothing, allow them to build up thier arsenal, then bomb the piss out of us and Isreal, with nuclear weapons, causing Mass Casualties.

Well, I am happy you are happy about having gone to war. Bully for you. Doesn't make a whit of difference, though. I still want my $937 back (US per capita military spending in latest available figures).

Our foreign policy right now is, in a word, moronic. The situation in Iran is that there is a shaky leader who was elected by a thin margin after rallying his far right base to put him over the top (sound familar?). Things aren't all that great in Iran's economy, so said leader has had to cast about for something to shore up his position. So he chose to push forward on nuclear development. This understandably spooked others in the international community and caused an external reacton, which the leader used to rally more support behind him. The US, "ably" led by some of the weakest minds in realpolitik I hve seen in decades, further inflamed the situation by sabre-rattling, which plays right into the hands of Iran's keadership wth its internal political issues. In turn, Iran's leaders know that the US is quite unlikely to actually start a war, and if that were to happen, the current leadership would be all the more entrenched.

So what should we have done instead? Backed off and calmly pursued a diplomatic solution and just waited for the political situation in Iran to run its course (i.e. the next election coming up would likely have seen the current bunch toosed out on their ear). But instead, the administration did exactly the same stupid things it did with Venezuela. It is so transparently foolish that the whole thing makes me want to laugh, except that the consequences are potentially dire. Its almost as if they are a bunch of war profiteers who WANT to be involved in more conflicts... Hey!!!

Let's just hope things stay stalemated until we get a democratic congress.
I'm sure that doesn't color your willingness to start a war.

In all honesty combat skills and small unit tactics is one area I am very good at. Once you come to realize people will die because of orders you give, but are able to come to terms with that knowledge, it is easier to put it out of your mind and do the job you are paid to do. Nobody wants to go to war. If you do you're an idiot, but sometimes it is neccessary.

The case in Iraq we never stopped bombing them, ever. We bombed them throughout the '90's. It wasn't reported, because it was happening so often, that it wasn't news worthy. So did the war ever end? Not in my book. If someone punches you in the face and you clean the person's clock, so they beg for mercy, but they continue to swing at you. Is the fight really over? The fight is only over if the person who asked for it to stop stops fighting. Iraqi forces routinely locked their radar targeting systems on our planes. Do we wait until he actually shoots one down or do we blow up his radar sites? Our planes were better than his forces so chose the latter, and the bombings never made the news.
brewer12345 said:
Well, I am happy you are happy about having gone to war.  Bully for you.  Doesn't make a whit of difference, though.  I still want my $937 back (US per capita military spending in latest available figures).

Brewer, you are great about finance, but out of your depth on foreign policy. Also, you are unnecessarily hostile to those who have other opinions. There really is too much for any of us to know the whole story.

HaHa said:
Brewer, you are great about finance, but out of your depth on foreign policy. Also, you are unnecessarily hostile to those who have other opinions. There really is too much for any of us to know the whole story.


Sorry, but this is an area of strongly-held (and apparently unpopular) opinion for me.

Oh, and I have yet to see the president or other leader that doesn't deserve to be second guessed and forced to account for their actions.
I think Brewer hit the nail pretty squarely on the head. When it comes to foreign policy, this really is the most moronic and incompetent administration the US has had in my adult life. Their election majority was achieved by whipping up three relatively unsophisticated one-issue interest groups: 1) the religious fundamentalists, 2) the NRA more guns for everyone voter, and 3) the homophobics. It is very important that Karl Rove keep these three goups whipped into a frenzy so they will go vote Republican. That is the focus of this administration. Their foriegn policy is nothing more than choosing what action will keep their voter base coming back to the polls. :-\
Cool Dood said:
Or at least, that's what Pravda says....... ;)

I'm really proud of how well my Cyrillic keyboard types english here. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Hey, now I have an excuse for all the typos...

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