FIRE = Pessimism?

Bahala Na, etc.

but then the pessimist in me researched and found bahala na to be the name of a drug running filipino gang. hmmm. perhaps a name best not painted astern.

:( Sorry--Bahala Na Gang was new to me, too, but it did come up when I googled the phrase before even posting about it. I was aware of the OXO and Sige-Sige gangs while growing up but it's weird how I never heard of BNG.

Did you see the other entry that came up with a comics site of the same name? It gives another use of the phrase which I have actually heard from people making a decision (or not making one) about a problem or endeavor: "Bahala na" is a Filipino phrase which is sometimes translated as "Leave it to God". While this usually comes across as a fatalist or passive attitude, it is also a motto for daring or impetuous acts. It is in that latter spirit that I forge ahead with this website. Bahala na!

Maybe you can use Doris Day's "Que Sera, Sera" instead on your boat? -- no gangs listed on the first page of Google results :)
I say "had" because right now I can't find that optimism anymore in America. I feel like everywhere you turn, It's all doom and gloom. Hopefully it will change...
Don't worry FIREdreamer, it will all work out in the end:D
I would describe myself as a realist. I pride myself in having a 1/2 full attititude, but having grown up in a large urban metropolis, I am also as street smart as the next guy. One of the things I have come to realize over the years (being an old phart), is that if I have low expectations of people, situations, ...etc., I am never disappointed or surprised (except for being pleasantly surprised when they/it exceeds my expectation).
My goal now (that I have my financial house in order) is to live life with as little stress as possible. The problem with actually achieving that is that small things that 'go south on me' start to seem like larger stressers than they should be (upon retrospection).

Count me in the realist group. Like Megacorpfree said, I also have realistic expectations for people and events and am seldom surprised by most people. My life experience has taught me much about people and the world so my expectations are generally low.

My FIRE program was based on my desire to retire before age 55. I managed to make it happen despite some major setbacks.

Life tends to throw you curve balls every once in a while so if you are always looking for the strike down the middle you won't see the curve until it is too late.
Maybe you can use Doris Day's "Que Sera, Sera" instead on your boat?

oh no, i can't do that. people might think i'm gay.

actually i still really like bahala na. will keep it in my baby naming, um, i mean, boat naming book.
Time horizon is a closer fit

Optimism and pessimism can be focused on the present or the future. The complete pessimist would realize planning is pointless, while the complete optimist would consider planning unnecessary. I started saving when I realized how long I could live without work. One month to homelessness isn't very comforting. Saving soon brought me more comfort than spending though. Now I am mostly optimistic and want to be wealthy. Have to admit, I was pretty morose when I was young though.
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Put me down in the realist category too. Most pessimists I know don't save since it won't make any difference. The optimists I know are getting rich off Amway.
Interesting question. I have always viewed the glass half full. I'm not a grinning optimist thinking everything is going to be just fine, fine, fine. However, I am cautiously optimistic, willing to believe things will work out, but hedging my bets in case it doesn't. I'm so middle of the road that all my personality profile thingys look like squares. Whoops, do you think...:eek:

Maybe I'm neither one.:D

Doesn't matter if glass is half empty or half full, I want to know who drank my beer! I prefer drinking out of a bottle anyway.

I don't think saving has anything to do with pessism or optimism.

I think any situation can be turned around. My wife thinks the worst will always happen to her.

I save, she spends.

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