FIRE'd: The "FI" part is great, the "RE" part not so much for me anymore

The difficulty here is that most are not experienced business people, and enough money to be financially independent can easily go to not enough money to be financially independent in a poorly conceived or poorly executed or bad luck business venture.

Experiment when you are young, later in life bring the ship safely into port.


Exactly. I don't understand what happens with people in fairly secure employment situations with pensions. I have a relative who Er'd from a management job with the state at age 58. She then went into rental properties to boost her income. Then reality sets in and you have another job. My take on it = if she worked another 6-8 months she would have made more than the next several years of rental income.
When I'm done working I'm done.
My BIL and sister are visiting this week. They have numerous times mentioned interesting business opportunities as we have traveled together and I keep reminding them that I'm retired and I don't want to work anymore.

Some people aren't happy unless they are doing something - have a purpose - OTOH I'm perfectly happy puttering around and not doing much of anything. Different strokes....
OTOH I'm perfectly happy puttering around and not doing much of anything. Different strokes....

Admittedly it took a while for me to catch on but I've almost got it down now. Play with the camera, go for a motorcycle ride, take a class now and then, etc.
Food concession trailer. Pick easy generic items to sell. Go to festivals when you want to work. You could even pull with RV and go to bigger regional events. Even things as local as dog or horse shows can make you $200/300 for the day and something to do. (If you like to work for yourself)
It may takes a couple of seasons to decide which ones work for you.

You could probably start at the low end with used at $3-5k or you could go with something you know and keep it RE related.
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