Forget laundering money; wash your credit cards


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Dec 18, 2007
Eastern WV Panhandle
Everyone's Mom has told them that money is dirty, as in "Get that coin out of your mouth! You don't know where it's been!" and later on you learn from various sources that paper money too, harbors not only germs but illicit drugs like cocaine as well.

A new study indicates that the cashless society has it's own yuck factor too, showing that credit and debit cards are even worse than coins and dollar bills.

“After testing the front and back of 41 different debit and credit cards, 27 different bills, and 12 different coins, and calculating the average germ scores for each payment based on the results, debit and credit cards turned out to be the dirtiest payment method,” the site concluded.
So get out your alcohol wipes and scrub down those credit cards!
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