Game: Uniquely identify yourself with a minimum word count

Native Texan - nuff said!
After much time on hold with various aspects of Obamacare, today I will go with:


From OP (me):

"without using obvious identifiers like your name or social security number"

[ Although I guess "obvious identifiers" is subject to debate/interpretation based on the other replies here. :) ]
University drop out. Nuclear Operator. Fiddler. Blogger and Celtic Magazine journalist
University drop out. Nuclear Operator. Fiddler. Blogger and Celtic Magazine journalist

OK, I want to hear the OP (bagpiper) and Fiddler and Celtic Magazine journalist get together!

This is a fun thread, my playing around with email address and such is unique, but of no entertainment value. I'll need to keep thinking, so far haven't come up with enough unique ideas to still remain somewhat incognito.

I had to skip "dated Jennifer Gardner, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Jennifer Lopez" or I'd be "outed"! :LOL:

Yankee, puzzle-loving ailurophile in NC
In transition pondering what next
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