Gasoline prices and the BS that newspapers write.

d said:
actually, i didn't know there was that much thinking going on ... is there any evidence?

Hence the, "many don't have much in their head to think with." comment. :D
lets-retire said:
Liberals tend to do more thinking with their hearts.
The Conservatives think less with their hearts and more with their heads, although I must admit many don't have much in their heads to think with.

i find generalizations to be as useful as stereotypes - even as they may be based on some grain of truth...
lets-retire said:
Hence the, "many don't have much in their head to think with." comment. :D

Hmmm, I think the conservatives on this board have no problem expressing their low opinion of anyone to the left of Richard Pearl. We recently did a poll and found that the board is pretty well split down the middle. It's been beat to death that attacks by someone from your side of the aisle get glossed in the mind while the opposing view sticks out like a thorn in one's side. There are grenades being thrown from every corner.

Back on topic. While this country is large, most people are not commuting across it to work. Local light rail can work if implemented properly. San Francisco's BART system is one example. New York has many people who don't own a car at all due to the excellent mass transit system (and high cost of a parking space!).

As with anything there is diminishing returns. Like Nords mentioned, the first solar panels you install give you a great return since it's the most expensive electricity you are knocking off your bill. Moving from a car that gets 20 mpg to 30, big return, 50 to 60 not so much and it costs a whole lot to get that kind of MPG. A sensible combination of mass transit systems where feasible, higher CAFE standards, closing of the loopholes for Cadillac Escalade "work trucks" - I'm not saying ban them, I'm saying quit subsidizing them with tax dollars - solar and nuclear power, mandating of CFB vs. incandesent bulbs etc. can all reduce our energy dependence significantly without making us all bicycle to work and attend communist rallies.
Laurence said:
...mandating of CFB vs. incandesent bulbs...

Hey! I know the guy's pretty bright (in his own special way :)), but are you suggesting we should all be required to screw him into our light sockets?
lets-retire said:
Fair enough. Here's where I am coming from. Liberals tend to do more thinking with their hearts. Touchy feely and all that. "Oh the baby seals are so cute we must save them." We must understand why the criminal did what they did in order to help them." "How can we be so cruel to let these poor people suffer with low paying jobs?"
Conservatives want to bomb baby seals if they are foreigners and put them to work in minimum wage jobs if they are domestic seals. Needless to say, I didn't want to post this from my Megacorp.
lets-retire said:
. . . Liberals tend to do more thinking with their hearts.. .

The Conservatives think less with their hearts and more with their heads . . .
This is an interesting comment about how people with different political ideologies think. I wonder how much thought went into the comment? :confused: It seems to be a comment that comes more from emotion (the heart) rather than from any real data or analysis (the head), so I guess we must assume that lets-retire is a liberal. :)
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