Good news! Sex wards off dementia

No. The case I read about was about sex between two patients of the nursing home.

OK, I have found it again. See: Boomer Sex With Dementia Foreshadowed in Nursing Home - Bloomberg Business.

At 8:30 p.m. on Christmas Day 2009, nurse Tiffany Gourley was called to a room at the Windmill Manor nursing home in Coralville, Iowa. She found a 78-year-old male resident who had just had intercourse with an 87-year-old woman. The man, a former college professor, was divorced. The woman, a retired secretary, was married. Both had dementia.

The man was a retired college professor and author who loved University of Iowa sports. He had dementia, colon cancer and arthritis. Two documents filed with the state described him as “sexually assertive.” Etter [the nursing director], 52, called him “a ladies’ man,” adding, “I never thought he was inappropriate, just very friendly.” She said his family, including two daughters and three sons, liked having him at Windmill Manor because it was convenient for visits.

The woman was a former school district secretary who liked to garden. She was admitted to Windmill Manor in early 2009. Her husband lived nearby. Her son, now 59, had her power of attorney and visited more often than her husband, Etter said.

The situation wasn’t entirely a surprise. The two had been friendly, holding hands and telling stories, since the man was admitted the week before. The dementia unit coordinator told regulators that the two “gravitated toward” each other, and that the woman called the man by her husband’s name and was calmed by his presence.

“It ruined my life,” the director of nursing at the time, Karen Etter, said in an interview. She was fired.

“It’s the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to live through,” said Steve Drobot, the former Windmill Manor administrator. He was fired, too.
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No. The case I read about was about sex between two patients of the nursing home.

OK, I have found it again. See: ...

Thanks! I remember that one now--the firing of the executive staff was bizarre (at least to me).
I read this article again, and here's why the nursing home had to fire its staff.

Iowa law requires nursing homes to notify the state Department of Inspections and Appeals of potential physical or sexual abuse. Windmill Manor had a similar written policy.

After reviewing state regulations, Drobot concluded he didn’t need to report the Christmas episode because there was no injury or evidence of force. He also thought the woman was aggressive and vocal enough that she would have made it clear if she were unwilling, state documents show.

On March 12, an official at Inspections and Appeals called Drobot. The official said that, because it had failed to protect the woman from the man, Windmill Manor was in “immediate jeopardy” of being disqualified from caring for residents whose stays were underwritten by Medicaid or Medicare. That amounted to a death threat because the government programs accounted for most of Windmill Manor’s revenue.
I read this article again, and here's why the nursing home had to fire its staff.

Yeah, that is what struck me as bizarre. "Abuse." Ranks right up there with prosecuting teenagers for child porn when they text nude selfies to each other. (Stupid, imprudent, shortsighted, too trusting, being a teenager--but felony with lifelong reporting requirements?)

(Not the nursing home's fault; they had no choice.)
The patients involved had dementia. Someone with a serious cognitive decline cannot consent and needs to be protected from others and themselves.
Scratch what I wrote earlier. Once dementia sets in, even if you want more sex they will not let you have it.

Better get all you can now, whether it is going to help you stay sane or not.

The point here is that if dementia still sets in despite your effort, worry not. Demented people often have less inhibition, and manage to have more good times. ;)
The patients involved had dementia. Someone with a serious cognitive decline cannot consent and needs to be protected from others and themselves.

This could lead to a very lengthy legal and medical discussion involving levels of dementia and balancing of harms versus benefits. Not the place for it though--and I doubt we'd either one be able to make much headway in alleviating the fact that "someone on the internet is wrong." :LOL:
In chronological order: strength training, lose gut, more sex. ��

Or a lot more money than the hot duude angling for her attention.:LOL:
I have not seen solid evidence that the connection between frequency of sex and health or longevity is valid. However, I'm willing to do it just in case ;).
I have not seen solid evidence that the connection between frequency of sex and health or longevity is valid. However, I'm willing to do it just in case ;).

Sex may not ward off dementia. But dementia gets no sex. It's the law. So, get it while you still can.
Isn't there some sexual directive form I could fill out?

I, HFWR, being of sound mind, or not, hereby consent...
... to all the sex anyone is willing to provide?

Be careful, as you can get hurt bad. The nursing homes may be crowded with aggressive demented women.
... to all the sex anyone is willing to provide?

Well, if this were an actual emergency, I would have been more specific with the verbiage...

Be careful, as you can get hurt bad. The nursing homes may be crowded with aggressive demented women.

[-]I'm counting on it![/-]

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