Got any spare change, mister?

cute fuzzy bunny

Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Dec 17, 2003
Losing my whump
I'd seen this a while back but hadnt gotten around to doing anything about it.

The "coinstar" change counting machines found in many stores and markets now will usually have an option to give you an amazon gift certificate instead of cash, with no 'counting fee'. 100% of your spare change goes into a certificate!

We had the usual 10-15 years worth of jars and whatnot filled with coins. Took mine down and got $106.29 for my troubles.

Pretty straightforward...push a few buttons, select amazon e-certificate, dump your coins into a hinged tray, lift the tray to feed coins through a horizontal slot, when its done it spits out a receipt with a redemption code you type into the gift certificate field during checkout. Its pretty immediate, because when I got home from the market I bought a baby gate and the certificate was already valid.
We used to roll them too, then take them to the bank and 'walk the plank' with them while they weighed and measured and called homeland security.

Unless you dont use amazon, this was a pretty good deal. For 8c or 10c on the dollar for the regular deal, I'd roll 'em too.

I wonder if they collect that change periodically or just sell it to the store the machine is in for their change needs. That'd be a pretty good deal...just lease out a machine that would count and roll coins, split the 8% with the store you put it in.
(Cute Fuzzy Bunny) said:
We had the usual 10-15 years worth of jars and whatnot filled with coins.  Took mine down and got $106.29 for my troubles.
Which takes less time & hassle:
1) the Coinstar approach

2) actually carrying a buck or two of pocket change and spending it once a week?

3)... alternate approaches involving child labor, lottery tickets, side bets during the golf match, etc.
Since I use my 5% dividend card for most purchases, and the 1% card for about everything else, randomly generated coin never gets spent :(
Then there's the approach of the guy in front of me at a recent lunch outing to Hardee's (Carl Jr's, for you non southeast atlantic coast types). The guy had the counter covered in assorted silver and copper coins to pay for his ~$5 lunch purchase. Unfortunately, the coins repeatedly dropped on the floor prior to being accepted by the cashier. After a few minutes of this comedy routine, he finally counted out enough coins to appease the cashier, and I got my turn to order my dead cow sandwich (I paid with a $10 bill). Nords, was that you in front of me in line?

My local credit union now has free coin counting machines in most branches. Problem solved. I don't usually make that many cash transactions, since I, like CFB, use my 5%/1% dividend card almost all the time, even if it's just a buck or two. 8)
justin said:
Nords, was that you in front of me in line? 
Introduce yourself next time-- I'm there every day!

Just kidding. At least when we do this for our CostCo pizza I have the stuff counted out & piled up in advance. But my face is so honest & trustworthy that the cashiers rarely bother to count it anyway.

Our kid watched the movie "Paper Moon" with Grandpa last week, and she's been making change for $5 & $10 bills with all her less-acculturated friends. I'm expecting parental phone calls any day now...
I think they just look at ya and say "hmmm...looks like a guy that would live in a sunken thin metal tube with a nuclear bomb at one end" and just give you the pizza.
justin said:
Then there's the approach of the guy in front of me at a recent lunch outing to Hardee's (Carl Jr's, for you non southeast atlantic coast types).  The guy had the counter covered in assorted silver and copper coins to pay for his ~$5 lunch purchase.  Unfortunately, the coins repeatedly dropped on the floor prior to being accepted by the cashier.  After a few minutes of this comedy routine, he finally counted out enough coins to appease the cashier, and I got my turn to order my dead cow sandwich (I paid with a $10 bill).  Nords, was that you in front of me in line? 

My local credit union now has free coin counting machines in most branches.  Problem solved.  I don't usually make that many cash transactions, since I, like CFB, use my 5%/1% dividend card almost all the time, even if it's just a buck or two.   8)

One of my pet peeves: Someone in front of me counting out exact change for a item costing $2.38! :mad: I want to yank out my Citibank dividend card and pay for the item myself.
Or someone's just ahead of you, in line for the past ten minutes, and finally fumbling for their wallet or checkbook, after the clerk has finished... :confused:

Guess having to pay was a surprise...
Someone writing a check and then LOGGING it into their checkbook gets my panties in a bunch. Who writes checks these days? :confused:
I wonder if retirement will slow you folks down a bit. :D

Why the rush when you have the rest of the day to get 'er done?

Then you too can afford the time to count out 20 years accumulation of coppers for an item and really piss off those behind you in line who are still working and far less free time to burn.

Breath in..............breath out.................think calm thoughts and be one with the universe. ;)
cube_rat said:
Someone ... gets my panties in a bunch.

Is this another one of your crazy contests, cube_rat? What do I need to do to win?! :)
Nah, retirement doesnt chill you out. Still bugs me when someone writes a check for four bucks and change and waits until the whole thing is rung up to take out the wallet.

I do suppose the store might change its name, the customer might change theirs, a whole day might go by, or they might decide at the last moment that they're not really in a buying mood.

Nothing beats the two young scumbags in line 2 ahead of me at walmart who successively brought out at least a dozen cards each, all of which were rejected, who then brought out a checkbook (what are the odds?) and yep...that was rejected too!

Oh yeah, that was for a 12-pack of soda and a bag of chips.
wab said:
Is this another one of your crazy contests, cube_rat? What do I need to do to win?! :)

Guess if I'm wearing twisted panties :D


  • thong.jpg
    33.8 KB · Views: 89
cube_rat said:
One of my pet peeves: Someone in front of me counting out exact change for a item costing $2.38! :mad: I want to yank out my Citibank dividend card and pay for the item myself.


I was shopping with my daughter over the weekend and she was making fun of me looking for cheap(er) gasoline and counting change. "My time is worth more than that " she said. Joyously mine isn't. :D
(Cute Fuzzy Bunny) said:
Oh, well THATS much better :p
Phew, I'm glad you quit while you're so far behind. It's clear that you're dealing with a pro waaaay out of our leagues.

It's not whether Google would return an image from the keywords "rhino" and "thong"-- it's what depraved intellect would link those two words in the first place!
It could be worse. Whatever you do, dont put "elephant thong" into google image search... :p
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