Grandmother for the first time!


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Jan 22, 2005
I became a grandmother the beginning of July. I have a beautiful granddaughter. I was able to be with my daughter in the delivery room and her DH, who is in the Navy, was there also. (He works in a different state, about 3 1/2 hrs away, and drives back and forth twice a week.) My DD has her college paid for if she goes to school in WV. My DD will be starting her 2nd year in college 8/18 and I will be able to watch my DGD while she is in school. It is such a joy to have a little one in the house again. It can also be very tiring. Thank heavens, I am retired!
Congrats. My granddaughter is 2 1/2 now, and the best thing in my life. She and my daughter lived with us for a year, which I agree was exhausting. Now they visit often, and that's working out fine.
congrats! that is so excellent you can help your dd out with the baby! it's the best for everyone! i'm very fortunate to have doting grandparents for my kids, can't imagine how we'd get along without them. but makes me a little sad as i never saw any of mine but once or twice after moving to the states...
Congrats to you Moemg!

I am going to enjoy it while I can, because my DS-in-law is only guaranteed to be at Bethesda Naval Hospital until 07/09 and then we don't know where he will be stationed. If it is on the other side of the US or even overseas, it will not be the same, no matter how often we try to visit. I am not even going to think of that right now. I absolutely love being a grandma!
Congrats to you Moemg!

I am going to enjoy it while I can, because my DS-in-law is only guaranteed to be at Bethesda Naval Hospital until 07/09 and then we don't know where he will be stationed. If it is on the other side of the US or even overseas, it will not be the same, no matter how often we try to visit. I am not even going to think of that right now. I absolutely love being a grandma!

Thanks , my daughter sends me videos of my grandson between my visits so I feel like I'm watching him change .

So, what's your handle? Granny, Grandma, Grandmama, Mamaw, Mimaw?
I say Grandma, but who knows what she will call me when she can talk.

Technology is a good thing and we will probably do something similar when the time comes. I have to technology update myself!
Congratulations Dreamer. I am looking forward to a grandchild myself in a few months. It's like looking forward to my kids, but without the anxiety.

Congratulations Dreamer. I am looking forward to a grandchild myself in a few months. It's like looking forward to my kids, but without the anxiety.


Be prepared for this child taking over your heart in a big way !
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