Grateful to not have to do anything for money anymore

Yep. I call it "wake up pay": As long as I wake up on the 1st of every month, Uncle Sugar puts some money in my account. :D

This has always been my favorite part of being retired. For me, it's the second business day of the month (like today :D) when the money magically appears in my bank account. I don't have a creative nickname like you do, I just call it my "new payday!"
Amen. And the more I hear about what’s going on at my former MegaCorp, well I can see my timing was perfect in so many ways, financially and otherwise..
Not interested here in following any of my former megacorps or any of the workers and I really liked my career.
Retirement is a new life.
This has always been my favorite part of being retired. For me, it's the second business day of the month (like today :D) when the money magically appears in my bank account. I don't have a creative nickname like you do, I just call it my "new payday!"

My aunt always referred to it "When the Eagle flies" and I guess she cleaned that up a bit. Supposedly, in some cultures its considered "good luck" when a bird hits you. Hey, when it's my SS payment, it's lucky indeed. Love the Eagle. YMMV
The biggest advantage for myself not having to work for money is no longer having to deal with fellow coworkers. It was always jealously about something. Of course it's disguised, but it's usually jealousy over pay, or hours or something else. Of course, I have a way of looking at things differently than most people. So be it.

But yes, being free to do anything you want at anytime you want is a tremendous advantage.
"Grateful to not have to do anything for money anymore"

Yes, me too.

While I don't have to do anything with my investment to have enough to live comfortably, I am still an active investor because I like to do it.

Just for monitoring the market, and making a few mouse clicks here and there, I make a bit more than if I just "buy and hold".

Of course, if I consistently lost money by clicking on the wrong things, I would stop this activity before too long.

So, you can say I am still working for money. :)
Love this thread. Hope to be on the right side of FIRE in a few years! ?
This thread has been an excellent reminder not to take freedom from work for granted. And to take some time every day to reflect on how fortunate we are and to be thankful for it. Sometimes, particularly after many years of retirement, it’s easy to slip into the mind-set that this FI life is somehow “normal”.

A big thanks to ER Eddie for raising the topic and to all the others who added their thoughts.
Freedom from work is a great feeling for me. For almost 30 years I worked in the rat race Mega Corp high stress environment. I invested the same manner, aggressive and taking huge bets on certain sectors. This allowed me to leave work on my own. I am grateful for what I have and what I accomplished.
Not a day goes by where I am not amazed, thrilled, astounded and extraordinarily happy and grateful with how my life turned out. The amazing woman I married, the financial freedom, health, homes, cars and general lifestyle.

All so much better than I ever dreamed of. True that money alone doesn’t buy happiness but with a bit of luck and good planning it makes it easier to find.
I feel fortunate, like most of you folks here. I worked hard and saved like hell so I could arrive at this place in life. My plan worked. The plan of others has not worked. At age 76 I feel that DW and I have enough of a stash, and income stream, to easily make it to the end with $ left over for our kids to split up. I do not feel guilty at all.
Grateful? Yes, very much so. We both are natural born frugal with a itch for travel. When we got married back in 1990, we did 3 weeks in Europe on a budget of only $100/day, excluding air and Eurorail pass. Neither one of us made much over 50K a year but somehow we were able to retire in our mid 50's on a beautiful lake in the southeast. All the while making yearly trips to the caribbean and a 3 week trip to europe every 2-3 years.
Right now, I am just grateful to be able to stay in my air-conditioned home, while the outside is a mere 108F. Summer peak heat is still ahead, and there are poor folks who will have to go to work, some even having outside jobs. Have you ever thought about the poor motorcycle cops in black uniform? They cannot pay me enough for that.

I still remember a day back in summer 1995 or so. I was busy at work, and did not pay much attention when there was talk in the hall about us reaching a high of 122F or so that day. When I left work at 4PM and upon leaving the building to walk towards my car in the parking hot, I realized that it was darn hot! Gah!

With the car baking in the sun all day, it was tough to even hold the steering wheel to drive. With the AC running full blast, the car interior barely cooled down a bit when I reached home after a 25-mile drive. And in those days, I could make the drive home in 35 minutes. Who knows how long it would take now, with the growth in the last 25 years.

Yes, I am grateful to stay home in comfort, while people are killing themselves to make a living.
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