Greetings From Colorado


Recycles dryer sheets
Apr 10, 2007
Hello everyone. I have been reading this forum on a regular basis for the past three or four months. I have been impressed by the overall quality of comments on the board, and despite the occasional scathing wit that comes out from time to time, the apparent respect that is generally shown to everyone. Therefore, I made the choice to register and make my first post.

I am 56, DW is 58 and we are both looking to pull the plug in the next 3 to 5 years. I am still working, and DW, who just came off of a 3 year contract with MegaCorp, is trying to decide if she wants to go back to work. My rudimentary FIRE CALC shows 6.3% for SWR now, 4.2% in 3 years when DW gets SS, and 2.3% when I get SS. Therefore, I think it is clear what we need to do. The two of us are looking for a quiet and hopefully inexpensive place to live in a small community in Montana or Idaho. But, we have 3 parents (ranging from 80 to 87 years old) within this area that we need to be concerned about. Regarding children, empty nesting is a wonderful thing. ;)

Like most of you, affordable health insurance is a major concern. Therefore, I feel that it is important to own our home free and clear so the money that went to paying the mortgage can be reallocated to cover necessary insurance.

The thing that I find interesting about this board is that most of you seem to share my ideas about lbym, saving, and investing. Most people I know seem to think I have been a miser by the way I handle money, but compared to the people on this board, what assets I have accumulated in the last 25 years appears to be "chump change."

It is refreshing to have my ideals reaffirmed.
Milkman said:
It is refreshing to have my ideals reaffirmed.

Welcome Milkman, yep, this is a good place to get positive feedback (and exchange good stories :D)

Watch for "We hear what we want to hear" ( )
somethings really are founded on good number crunching and others on wishful thinking.
Welcome to the board, Milkman.

My father lives in Grand Junction and my brother lives in Denver. You're leaving for Montana or Idaho? Pretty harsh!
Milkman, welcome from another Coloradoan, Colorado Springs in my case.

So I understand about Montana or Idaho. I remember visiting Bozeman 30 years ago and loving it -- I wonder what it's like now.

Good luck with the blizzard :)

Thank you all for your comments.

The reason we are looking at Montana or Idaho is that DW is from small town Nebraska. Me, everytime I move, I am looking for a less populated area. Neither of us do well with heat or humidity, so going to snow country is not a major issue. We do not mind the snow, as long as we do not have to drive in it. I am looking for someplace with good hiking and low population density. After all, Montana is the "Last Best Place!"

Hi, Milkman,

I've considered Idaho for retirement place as well. I HATE heat, so the climate there would probably be right up my alley. Much depends on what's up with family, but I could see myself going to Coeur d'Alene.

Good luck to you both!

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