Guessing Your Education Background


Gone but not forgotten
Jul 18, 2012
I'm always reluctant to try on-line quizzes but once in a while, it can be fun. This one purports to guess your educational background. While it's a bit long, the questions are interesting and it wasn't all advertising. As I went through, I had so many wrong answers that I figured they'd put me in kindergarten. When it was finished, I was almost afraid to look, but was happily surprised with the results. It was spot on.

Ya don't have to divulge your rating, but if you need a little brain stimulation to break the boredom, this might be the answer.

Can We Guess Your Highest Education Level? - Offbeat
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It over estimated my education, told me I was a PhD. Sorry, just a BS.
Be forewarned that this is a long quiz with 80? questions or more. After flubbing the number of chambers in a heart and what famous play featured Ophelia (and I took Shakespearean Tragedies in college), I was sure that I would not make college graduate but things got better. The quiz also overestimated my education background.
I made it to question 39 or so before my tablet, which reloaded on most questions, gave up and wouldn't continue on the site. I'm sure it would have put me very high :LOL:
I love quizzes! Despite making some silly errors, I scored 90% and it got my educational level just right.
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I must call it out on a technicality.
After I finished all my doctoral course work and comprehensive exams, I changed my mind and never actually submitted my dissertation, so I'm an ABD (All But Dissertation). However the quiz marked me as a PhD. Close, but no cigar.

I think it must try to give you a break with a number of easy questions. I mean:
"First three words of the Bible?"
"Which scientist is associated with E=MC^2?"

I doubt if many would miss questions like those.
70 questions and repeated humiliation from not knowing Shakespeare! It did award me the PhD that I never actually got because I didn't do the thesis. So, pretty good, I guess.
I didn't do to bad. It did overestimate my "formal" education.

Your Score: 61%
College Graduate
You've complete a 4-year college degree - or you're nearly there. Go you!
Have not even opened the link yet, but Shakespeare?

Give me a break. I am an immigrant, whose native language is not even English, who came here as a young adult. What do I know about Shakespeare other than "to be or not to be"?
A follow up, with a simple three part question...
Without looking...
1. How many colors in "Google"
2. Name them...
3. Name them in sequence.

... or maybe you don't use Google... :LOL:
Agreed that it is long. Yes quite a bit of Shakespeare. Good fun for those who enjoy such things.
45%, college degree. I don't have a college degree because 45% was the result of most of my tests in high school.
Never had interest in the arts and it reflects in my score. However it was accurate in my education.
Scored 74%. So where do I pick up my PHD diploma? :dance: Missed most of the Art and Literature questions. Good thing I watch a lot of History and Science documentaries. It was a fun quiz, but I'm sure the DW would question my results... :LOL:
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Overstated my education with a PhD. I have a Masters. However, my mom would be proud!
87%, a number of flubs on my part, overestimated my education.
I only got 51% correct, and it understated my education. But I was never good at history, art or literature, or pretty much anything else they asked about.
I made it to question 39 or so before my tablet, which reloaded on most questions, gave up and wouldn't continue on the site. I'm sure it would have put me very high :LOL:

Also on my tablet, got a Comcast survey or whatever pop up and couldn't continue the quiz. Nor will I start over.
I got PhD.
Most people who meet me make the same mistake. :cool:
I'm ever so smart! Seriously, it thought I was a PhD. My highest scholastic achievement was a high school diploma.
Thanks to some good guesses, I scored 71%, a PhD. I have only a Bachelor's (Science). I flubbed only 1 question where I entered the wrong one by mistake. I suck at art and lit (like in Trivial Pursuit's original game) but somehow got many of the Shakespeare questions right!

Seventy questions was quite a few, I had to stop in the middle and resume after I got back home.

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