Has anyone considered . . .

Charles said:
How the heck do you know what policies I support, friend. You took your position ... reread it.

Back to the thread.

I can see reading comprehension is not your strong suit. :cool:
I have a friend who has worked at SCORE in Bellingham, WA. SCORE there apparantly has (or has had) a very good stable of retired consultants and other experts. Unpaid positions.
Cut-Throat, I was going to let your juvenile comment slide ... but considering the TV coverage over the last week, the importance of this subject, and lack of traffic on this thread, perhaps we can take this a bit further.

If I take your comments at face value, I gather you take a pacifist approach here, and you would refuse to wage war on those who wage war on us, correct? Or, are you just going down the current liberal path and tilting against the war in Iraq, seeking to get a few anti-Bush digs in?

When I say I may have an interest in devoting time to assist in the war against terrorists, I mean those who seek to kill Americans and other innocents here and abroad. I think that would be a fine use of time in retirement ... I've never liked thugs.
Cut-Throat said:
If we would have spent 300 Billion on the Peace Corp, instead of going to War on Iraq, we would have done far more to douse the flames of radicals, than killing their families and friends.

Perhaps but according to the US Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs:

"The U.S., in its economic relationships with developing countries, provided net financial flows of $346 billion in 2003.

*  U.S. net imports of goods and services from developing countries totaled $309 billion in 2003.
*  The U.S. contributed over 32 percent of total Official Development Assistance (ODA) by G-7 countries in 2003.
*  The U.S. contributed over 70 percent of aggregate G-7 Net Private Capital Flows, Net Imports, and Private Voluntary Grants to developing countries.
*  Remittances to developing countries from U.S. residents and temporary workers in the U.S. totaled $27.9 billion in 2003.
*  The U.S. ranks first in combined ODA, private capital flows, imports, grants from NGOs, and total contributions.

U.S. Represents Nearly 70% of G-7 Aid, Trade, Investment, and Private Grant Flows to the Developing World "

We can always do more but I don't think we get recognized for even a fraction of the good work we do now.  If all this aid and financial assistance doesn't get the world to stop hating us now . . . I'm not sure more will do the trick.

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