Hello from the Seacoast, NH area!


Confused about dryer sheets
Nov 15, 2021
Seacoast, NH
Hi folks,

New guy although I've been lurking. We (wife and I) have been on a tear the last year getting our ducks in a row with the hopes of retiring earlier than planned. I'm 60 and she's almost 59. I've spent the last 10 months reading everything I can find online: forums, books, articles - you name it.

I spend a lot of time over on Bogleheads.org. We're not rich but we have a decent 401k and no debt. Healthcare is a big part of the puzzle and while not totally there we're close enough that we've moved up our intended end date from June 30th, 2022 to December 31st, 2021!

To say we're excited is an understatement. Lots of plans. We're relatively healthy and active with all kinds of hobbies to keep us busy. I'm looking forward very much to reading up on the various things here. I've asked my first question elsewhere and already getting answers.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi!
Welcome aboard. I look forward to reading more about your journey.
Welcome. We are very close to the Seacoast as well, and spend lots of time in NH. After May next year, full time.
You’ll find plenty of folks here from the NE region.
This is an incredibly informative community and very friendly folks.
Congrats on nearing the finish line and look forwarded to hearing about your next chapter :)
Welcome to the Forum. Great folks here
Thanks for the welcome. Glad to see there are other NH-ites here. Figured there would be. We're very much looking forward to retirement and hoping for a long, healthy run. We have lot's of plans. Our three grandbabies are very young (1, 3, 5) and only 10 minutes away. We have an acoustic duo that gigs out and we play a lot of assisted living facilities and other places. In the summer months we ride our motorcycle. We play pickleball year round. We love to see plays, shows and concerts. New Hampshire is a great state to live in. We're close to everything. And now we'll get to enjoy it full time!
Welcome and congratulations! Hope you enjoy your retirement.
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