Hiding behind pseudo names

So, my real name is Rita, and I do have only one dimple, but would have liked to have two, just like my Aunt Ruth.

-- Rita
Financedude......pretty original..........:(

As far as my posts go, well, that's why I have such a flowery disclaimer.......:)
I really do Want To Retire!! If you lined up everyone in the forum in order of how much they want to retire, I think I'd be right at the head of the line. ;)

On the other hand, I suppose "Want To" is kind of like a first name... but if my pseudonym was something like "Want To in New Orleans", I think people might jump to the wrong conclusions. :)

At least you're not "doing the board".

By the way, is this a bad time to ask if its 'pseudo names' or if its supposed to be 'pseudonyms' ?
Oh man, friends dont let friends eat turkey bacon... :p

Something else that should be your never try list is soy chorizo. Under the misguided desire to appease my cholesterol fanatic MD I made that horrible mistake. But only once. The leftover is in the trash. :)

Oh my dear god. Who in their right mind would make, sell or purchase such an atrocity, let alone eat it?!? :eek:

Of course, a product primarily made of lips and face parts might need a certain level of suspicion on its own.

I do have a nice recipe for a ground turkey chorizo that works pretty well Ha...let me know if you need it. I usually make it with a nice lean ground pork and frankly there isnt a huge fat difference between that and the commercial ground turkeys, but its good with some scrambled eggs, some tortillas and a little roasted salsa...
I would certainly stop contributing to this board if my anonymity was not guaranteed. Hiding behind a pseudonym is what allows me to divulge so many personal information on this board. I wouldn't want to place myself in a position where any yahoo (including friends, family members, co-workers...) can google my name and find out about my net worth, income, detailed budget, tax liability, or about my dream to FIRE in my 40's...
a political closet case?

edit: unfair to local 12 erasing that to which the above referenced.
Well, Cute Fuzzy Bunny's real name might be Earl. And Khan's real name might be Sue Ellen. Maybe Cute Fuzzy Bunny got all his financial knowledge from Idiot's Guide to Investing. Maybe WantToRetire is a waitress in a truck stop outside Paris, Indiana. Who cares? Whatever information you get from this forum is freely given, and however you use that information is your responsibility.

BTW, my real name is Abigail Adams and my DH's name is John. Just so you know.
Actually a whole lot of people here know my real name (hint: its not earl!). It wouldnt take much more than a quick search to find out what town I live in and I've posted photographs of myself, my wife, my son and my house. It also takes about 1.2% of a rocket scientist to find out where I used to work and what I did. At least a handful of people have my address.

Not particularly anonymous.
in new jersey high school i had to learn the names of every plant that grew in town. our biology teacher took us into the field, pointed to a plant and we'd write down the name for our test. i got all the names 100% correct. a few months later i moved to st croix usvi and all the plants changed.

when i first planted the gardens around my house i knew the names of every plant. i catalogued them. i was planning to label everything for tours which friends (& even passer-by's) request. but ya know, an oak tree doesn't know it is an oak. a fox tail palm does know it is not a bismarkia. a dog doesn't know it is not a elephant. just names, just labels placed upon them by people.

LG4NB, You missed your true calling ----you would have been a great botanist!
Everything I've posted here about myself is true. Anything I don't want people to know I just keep to myself. If you wanted to badly enough and had half a brain, you could probably figure out who I am.

Also, postings by anyone with a screen name of "SecondCor521" on other boards is probably also me, but I can't guarantee it.

Not particularly anonymous.

And not particularly important, at least in relation to your posts here on the forum. Whether your personal information is freely offered or easily discovered shouldn't matter. It's interesting and adds background depth to your posts. But if you, or anyone, provide thoughtful answers, useful information, and the occasional laugh, then it shouldn't matter whether you're an ex-CEO sitting on a net worth of $4m or a hairdresser with a personal fortune of $50,000 and a double-wide. And no one needs to know which one it is.
Several of the leading lights have posted their identities or information amounting to a trail of bread crumbs but usually in concert with some recognition that puts them in a positive light.
If you have some info that you feel should be included in my profile as "full disclosure" then post it here and I'll consider adding it. But Andy R will have to boost the max size of the profiles.

I don't mind the outrageous claims so much as the trivial banter and in jokes though I think that the insults would decline if the bullies weren't shrouded.
I think we E-R.org members who've met in person would attest that our trivial banter & jokes & insults are pretty much the same from our mouths as from our keyboards.

I understand that identity hiding is a plus when there is a lot of volunteering of financial particulars. Just the same, I have a hard time sorting the wheat from the chafe when it is is a contest between someone named something like ruff rabbit versus cap'n crunch.
We don't want to be targeted as high-net-worth investors, but luckily our beach-bum attire is a great disguise.

I think the quality of the advice you get is in direct proportion to the degree of knowledge you have of the person. For example Bob Clyatt and the Kaderlis probably have a pretty high degree of credibility with the board.
I don't know if "outrageous claims" are particularly common here. Personally I'm inclined to give everyone the benefit of the doubt (if someone claims to have a net worth of $X, and the reality is barely 10% of that, it's no skin off my nose).

"Trivial banter and in-jokes"? Sure, there is some of that, but I don't see it as excessive.

I have a hard time sorting the wheat from the chafe (sic) when it is is a contest between someone named something like ruff rabbit versus cap'n crunch.
What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
LG4NB, You missed your true calling ----you would have been a great botanist!

missed? would have been? hey, i'm not dead yet ya know. currently considering another career as one of my ret*rement options. if only i knew who i am, maybe i could make that decision.

Everything I've posted here about myself is true.

i'm not really a gay guy in fort lauderdale. actually i'm a waitress in a truck stop in paris. jealous, sarah?
They are ham radio operators, and many have been in contact with one another for years. They go by their call signs, and using that their names, addresses, and so on can be looked up.

Participants on that forum are NASTY to each other!! I was shocked.

When I was a teenager, I was interested in Ham radio for the fun in electronics. Never an operator, but I read their periodicals to study the vacuum tube circuits. I chuckled at one incidence when two guys insulted each other over the airwave. One found out where the other guy was, seeked him out, and pumped several rounds of lead into the other guy's ...

... radio.:D:D:D

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