Holiday digital fruitcake


Full time employment: Posting here.
Dec 2, 2009
The zedd clan had had an almost now forgotten tradition of re-gifting a fruitcake that was passed around the family for years. Today that fruitcake is probably in a southwestern landfill on some barren wind-swept plain. abiding it's time, awaiting the day a millennia from now when it's uncovered by archaeologists curious as to how mankind survived this period in history.

Sadly since 911 one is forbidden to ship a fruitcake, assuming one could find one of comparable quality, across state lines. Times have changed yes but tradition is tradition and even if by proxy, we carry on.

Enclosed please find and enjoy this digital fruitcake, again and again, with friends and loved ones.

Feel free to add your family favorites and traditions, old and new.


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