How cold is it?

Was running 20 below for a couple of days, but warmed up to 3 above. Wind has died down too. Wore a windbreaker over my sweater for my Target foray. Now if the days would get longer!

My gosh! Where are you? Alaska? Siberia?

In temps like that I'd be in arctic snow gear. If I survived.
Was in the low single digits for the past few days here in Michigan, but right now it's a relatively balmy +28 F. Started snowing this morning...I cleared the driveway of about 3" earlier this morning as I thought the snow was over. Bah! We've gotten another couple of inches since. (With each passing year, I find my tolerance for winter is getting shorter and shorter!)
It was +30F when I went to bed about 2am, and +10F with 3" of white fluffy stuff when I crawled out at about 7am. It's currently a bright sunny +17F. The sidewalks, cars, and streets are all cleared off, and the snow is melting away! Several dozen finches, sparrows, juncos, cardinals, doves, and few other randon varieties are happily chowing down at the feeders!!! So all is well in my own little world! :cool:
-9C (16F) overnight and presently -1C (30F) and snowing like crazy. Good day to stay home in southwestern Ontario! :D
it was sooooo cold here i passed the court house and the lawyers had their hands in their own pockets
How about at your place?
Well, I've held back but if you guys are going to keep bumping the thread then I'll join in. I love the weather-reporting game!

It was bitter cold this morning-- 69 degrees with light rain and a forecast high of only 77. I've traded in my tank top for a toasty-warm high-collar short-sleeve t-shirt. The surf is miserable at just 75 degrees, and even the monk seals are shivering on the beach. A friend of mine traded in his nylon rash guard for 1 mm neoprene.

It's definitely too frigid for yardwork, let alone lounging on our side yard's canopied futon swing with a frosty beverage and a good book. We've had the stairwell window shut for over a month now and we're still shutting the rest of the windows at night.

If it gets much colder then I'm going to have to go find my pants and both pairs of socks. And if we have those record-breaking morning cold snaps in the low 60s/high 50s then I'm going to go look for my jacket or maybe even the blanket.
Well, I've held back but if you guys are going to keep bumping the thread then I'll join in. I love the weather-reporting game!

It was bitter cold this morning-- 69 degrees with light rain and a forecast high of only 77. I've traded in my tank top for a toasty-warm high-collar short-sleeve t-shirt. The surf is miserable at just 75 degrees, and even the monk seals are shivering on the beach. A friend of mine traded in his nylon rash guard for 1 mm neoprene.

It's definitely too frigid for yardwork, let alone lounging on our side yard's canopied futon swing with a frosty beverage and a good book. We've had the stairwell window shut for over a month now and we're still shutting the rest of the windows at night.

If it gets much colder then I'm going to have to go find my pants and both pairs of socks. And if we have those record-breaking morning cold snaps in the low 60s/high 50s then I'm going to go look for my jacket or maybe even the blanket.

OK, how do I get to your place?

Tonight it is supposed to hit the magic number where degrees C & F are equal -40. Windchill is forecast at -56C or -68.8F. Tennis anyone?:(
It is 78 now after a hi today of 81. We are getting a cold front tomorrow noon and the high on Wednesday is going to be a bone chilling 66 degrees.Only 2 nights this week below 50. I love South Texas in the winter but ask me later how I like it in August!

-29 degrees Centigrade = -20.2 degrees Fahrenheit

With the wind chill that feels like:

-43 degrees Centigrade = -45.4 degrees Fahrenheit
-12F feels like -36F.
-24C feels like -38C

Just got in from walking the dog... feels colder than that to me, but who am I to argue with the weather channel.
It was 64 in the house all morning and I'm frozen. Since we don't have a heater (in Hawaii), not much we can do to warm up. This is such a cold year. Doesn't even feel like Hawaii lately.
How Cold Is It

Yesterday, here in the "Lou" (St.Louis MO) it was 66 at 1PM. By 4PM it was 25 and snowing. My wife and I, as the cold front came through, saw the temp drop 8 degress in a minute. This morning it's 17 with a wind chill of 0.
-12F feels like -36F.
-24C feels like -38C

Just got in from walking the dog... feels colder than that to me, but who am I to argue with the weather channel.

56 front ready to roll through central NC shortly, BUT only going down to the mid 40s. This will work, I do not miss -5 and wind chills of -20
-14F this morning at 9am with a windchill bringing it down to -40. However, things are looking very good for today... we're going to get up to 0F for the day.
Plus 14F on the front porch north of Kansas City when I let the dogs out to whiz at 8 am.

heh heh heh - bright sunshine, another outstanding day in ER. Not to cross thread but bacon cheeseburgers today.
It's been perfect weather in Southwest Florida .High low 70's ,nice breezes,great sleeping weather but I have my bag packed to head up north to meet my new grandson if he's ever brave enough to leave the warmth of his mother .
Not to cross thread but bacon cheeseburgers today.

Dam it! I'm trying to lose 5lbs. Probably one of those South Beach diet things for lunch. :(

Temp right now, 41 with a wind chill of 29. Too cold for golf. Just took my lawn mower in for some maintenance. My mom's yard already has weeds coming up. :(

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