How Do You Handle Change?

Yup, I'm also dealing with losing the 3G phone issue!

I know that I'm resistant to change. Especially when it costs more money! But lately I'm finding that if I give myself some time, do some research (why is this changing, what are my options, how long do I have to decide) that eventually I come around and accept what I have to accept.

My 3G flip phone is falling apart. But I have a cheap, legacy prepaid plan ($5/mo) that suits me just fine. But buying a new 4G phone seems.....backward. DH has an older Iphone on our son's plan. We pay our son once a year. This has all worked for a few years but I'm seeing that it's time we stepped up to a new phone for DH and I'll take his old phone and now we need a plan for 2 lines. Ugh, another monthly bill.

I'm looking at the T-Mobile senior 55+ plan but I'll go read FLSUnFire's post about T-Mobile first!
"He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery." Harold Wilson
I will need a new phone. The current one is four, almost five years old.

What is the big issue? I will get on the web and buy one. It will be unlocked and no doubt it will come from Costco or Amazon.

It will take me 15 minutes to review the PCmag,etc recommendations. Another 10 to buy they phone on line. Exactly what we did with the last two cell phone buys.

Really...what is so hard about that? Hardly much of a change especially if I stick to a Moto product and remain with the same carrier. Certainly there will be some differences but hardly anything overwhelming.

I believe that change is what you make it. We all have the ability to make a tiny change into a big deal or a major change into a somewhat non event.

I believe it comes down to a glass half full or glass half empty outlook on life. You have to get on with life and make the best of it you can.
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Lots of change in 2021 for our family.

Sister is on hospice.
Changed jobs 2x this year
Kids are getting involved in new activities
Daycare provider retired
Lots of things out of stock, or unavailable due to labor shortage, and supply chain issues

Just that simple short list has been a LOOOT of stress for my immediate and extended family.

Edit to add divisiveness. The pandemic has created a lot of that within my circle of friends, and my extended family as well as the in-laws. We have not been able to easily adjust to this change in divisions.
Ugh, my condolences on all of these, especially the loss of your mother and the lymphoma diagnosis. Best wishes and fingers crossed you get some POSITIVE changes soon!!

Changes? 2020 "the year from hell" started a bit early for me.

May 2019: Brother diagnosed with prostate cancer
July 2019: *I'm* diagnosed with prostate cancer
Sept 2019: Vacationing in France, I flipped my bike and (I later learned) cracked 5 ribs
Oct-Nov 2019: Various surgeries, biopsies, etc
Dec 2019: During a scan to prep for prostate surgery, I'm diagnosed with lymphoma
Jan 2020: Prostate surgery (implanting radioactive seeds)
Feb 2020: Somehow tore my rotator cuff, possibly triggered by bike crash
Mar 2020: That morphed into "frozen" shoulder joint, much more painful and limiting
Apr 2020: Something about a pandemic
May 2020: My mother passed

...and I'm sure I missed a few things.

Before 2019 I always went 5-10 years between anything more serious than a head cold, and suddenly I'm spending disturbing amounts of time and money in hospitals.

I was still working part-time, and that involved business travel (US and Canada) 1-2 weeks per month. I enjoyed it. I planned to do a lot of travel (US and international) when I retired. But plans changed; I haven't been in a plane for 2 years. I'm not sure when I will be able to, since my cancer means I'm at extreme risk from Covid. The most exotic trip I've taken since 2019 is an hour drive down to Denver. I missed my mother's last year of life, her funeral, my favorite niece's wedding, and other important events because it is simply not safe for me to expose myself that much.

So yeah, I'd LOVE some more changes! But for a change, I'd like some POSITIVE changes!!!
Changes? 2020 "the year from hell" started a bit early for me.

May 2019: Brother diagnosed with prostate cancer
July 2019: *I'm* diagnosed with prostate cancer
Sept 2019: Vacationing in France, I flipped my bike and (I later learned) cracked 5 ribs
Oct-Nov 2019: Various surgeries, biopsies, etc
Dec 2019: During a scan to prep for prostate surgery, I'm diagnosed with lymphoma
Jan 2020: Prostate surgery (implanting radioactive seeds)
Feb 2020: Somehow tore my rotator cuff, possibly triggered by bike crash
Mar 2020: That morphed into "frozen" shoulder joint, much more painful and limiting
Apr 2020: Something about a pandemic
May 2020: My mother passed

...and I'm sure I missed a few things.

Before 2019 I always went 5-10 years between anything more serious than a head cold, and suddenly I'm spending disturbing amounts of time and money in hospitals.

I was still working part-time, and that involved business travel (US and Canada) 1-2 weeks per month. I enjoyed it. I planned to do a lot of travel (US and international) when I retired. But plans changed; I haven't been in a plane for 2 years. I'm not sure when I will be able to, since my cancer means I'm at extreme risk from Covid. The most exotic trip I've taken since 2019 is an hour drive down to Denver. I missed my mother's last year of life, her funeral, my favorite niece's wedding, and other important events because it is simply not safe for me to expose myself that much.

So yeah, I'd LOVE some more changes! But for a change, I'd like some POSITIVE changes!!!

I'm sorry to hear about these serious and punishing changes that you describe above and have had to endure recently. These issues make most "First World" changes, and complaints, seem trivial and rather silly in comparison.
I am motivated to the extent that the next time one of my remote control batteries dies I won't have a hissy-fit and sink into typical bratty depression!!!
Considering that I have moved 30 times, owned 10 houses or condos, lived in 5 states, had 3 husbands, changed careers a few times and multiple deaths change has been a constant companion.
You got me beat!

Five moves, 2 states, 8 jobs and 2 wives. Rock on!
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I think I've moved 29 times, 5 different states, but no moves in the last 13 years. I like this stability. I've actually lived in this house for 20 years but had a second home for 7.
Such a tough issue. I am not sure there is a good answer to this. I will say that change is inevitable. It's never easy, but change is a part of life that we all deal with in a different way. When change happens I accept it. What else can you do? Then I move on as best I can.
Moving is a change I dread. I've decided not to move, and I'm guessing there's just one final move for me. I do hope...

There's been about 6 address changes total for me.
I went to a presentation on getting older...seems we have an internal fear of losing control as we age:

1. Children take our car keys away
2. We can no longer deal with stairs
3. We lose control of our bladder
4. We can no longer stay in our own home alone

Places where we have very little choice in what we do:

1. Airports
2. Hospitals
3. Nursing homes

The issues that started this discussion are just the beginning of things happening that we no longer have a choice or even a vote in deciding. Being resilient, and being happy can help you deal with your remaining years on earth.

To quote Bobby McFerrin, "Don't Worry, Be Happy!!"
I moved to Reno 24 years ago and wouldn’t leave. 9 years ago when we bought our house I thought that was my last move. Now divorced and in a condo this is my last move until my final resting place which I recently purchased:)).
I think I've moved 29 times, 5 different states, but no moves in the last 13 years. I like this stability. I've actually lived in this house for 20 years but had a second home for 7.

I'm writing this from the house I came home to from the hospital at age 0. Now 74, I call this place the "homestead." IIRC, I've moved away from the homestead and returned 4 times. I never lived more than 10 miles from where I was born - until age 60 when I moved almost 5000 miles away. Still, I return to the homestead once a year for days to months. It's sort of the best mix of drastic change and comforting sameness. Upstairs is my old room which still has some of my old toys in it. Yet, soon, I'll fly back "home" where I moved with 2 suitcases and the clothes on my back - heh, heh, I'll return with just a carry on! Change takes many forms so YMMV.
I prefer making changes that are under my control:cool:
I have not moved in years. I might do it for two reasons:

1. Kids move away to another area, they find they like the area, and they make a long term commitment to stay there (like buying a house).

2. I get too old for the stairs in my place.
The only thing that is constant is change. I roll with it. Especially if I have zero control. I can always control how I respond…
I have not moved in years. I might do it for two reasons:

1. Kids move away to another area, they find they like the area, and they make a long term commitment to stay there (like buying a house).

2. I get too old for the stairs in my place.

Moving "for the kids" is a non-starter for me. Between our 3 kids, they have moved a total of 8 times in 10 years. Oh, and they all bought houses after each move - so much for long-term commitment. Oh, and the area of the country varies from the midwest to the far west. Attempting to keep up with them would give you vertigo. If they want to come see us, we'll be happy about that. We might even go visit them from time to time. BUT moving to be close to them - not happening. YMMV
Changes? 2020 "the year from hell" started a bit early for me.

May 2019: Brother diagnosed with prostate cancer
July 2019: *I'm* diagnosed with prostate cancer
Sept 2019: Vacationing in France, I flipped my bike and (I later learned) cracked 5 ribs
Oct-Nov 2019: Various surgeries, biopsies, etc
Dec 2019: During a scan to prep for prostate surgery, I'm diagnosed with lymphoma
Jan 2020: Prostate surgery (implanting radioactive seeds)
Feb 2020: Somehow tore my rotator cuff, possibly triggered by bike crash
Mar 2020: That morphed into "frozen" shoulder joint, much more painful and limiting
Apr 2020: Something about a pandemic
May 2020: My mother passed

...and I'm sure I missed a few things.

Before 2019 I always went 5-10 years between anything more serious than a head cold, and suddenly I'm spending disturbing amounts of time and money in hospitals.

I was still working part-time, and that involved business travel (US and Canada) 1-2 weeks per month. I enjoyed it. I planned to do a lot of travel (US and international) when I retired. But plans changed; I haven't been in a plane for 2 years. I'm not sure when I will be able to, since my cancer means I'm at extreme risk from Covid. The most exotic trip I've taken since 2019 is an hour drive down to Denver. I missed my mother's last year of life, her funeral, my favorite niece's wedding, and other important events because it is simply not safe for me to expose myself that much.

So yeah, I'd LOVE some more changes! But for a change, I'd like some POSITIVE changes!!!

Oh My! Wishing you better health in the future. Take care.
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