How many of you smoke?

Was a nicotine addict for about 30 years but quit 5 years ago as of December 5th.
Congrats are in order for BT and GL ~ Happy Quit Smoking Anniversary!! :clap::clap::clap:
73ss454 said:
Vincente, didn't you say you quit already?

Spent a month trying to quit..... I am so weak....
PS Where are the emoticons?
It's people like me--a total non-smoker--that gives the impression that we think smoking is rude and nasty. :LOL: I hate it, and cheer every time I hear a law is passed somewhere not allowing it in public places. the smokers can flame me.:D
I used to smoke but quit in 91. I bought a new economy car and actually calculated that between the costs of smoking and better gas mileage that I had a free car. For people who want to FIRE, the added funds help the bottom line. If I had continued, I would be watching a daily drain literally going up in smoke.
Keep trying, Vicente. And keep trying more! It was hard, but was and is a huge personal accomplishment when you were as hard addicted as I was.
The only thing I smoke now is over a grill.
Fewer and fewer smokers each year. I watched my sister die a horrible death at age 49 due to lung cancer. She was a lifelong smoker!
But.... isn´t there anybody in this Forum who STILL smoke? Come on, be brave and admit it....:)
I think they ought to just outlaw cigarettes. why try to intimidate, raise taxes to make unaffordable, and just plain ban anyone who smokes? any other addictive drug is regulated and has to have a prescription. right: ban smoking and eliminate all the tax dollars the government is collecting, what world are you living in. I am just amazed that they don't legalize other addictive drugs and tax the bejusus out of them so the government can profit and the insurance companies can raise premiums on anyone who uses them.
This thread reminds me of a cartoon from the late 60's/early 70's National Lampoon. It show a young couple in bed. He says "Do you smoke after intercourse?". Lifting the sheet, she replies "just a minute, I'll check".
I am just amazed that they don't legalize other addictive drugs and tax the bejusus out of them so the government can profit and the insurance companies can raise premiums on anyone who uses them.
Now, there's an idea.
I think the agents of our government wouldn't like that as they are happy just taking under the table $ from the tobacco lobby.
I'm a seasonal smoker. I smoke in the summer time. I virtually quit every winter. Sometimes I go 2 or 3 weeks in the summer without a smoke and don't even realize it. I often go 2 or 3 months in the winter without smoking.

I enjoy cigars, cigarillos, cloves, pipes and cigarettes. When I am smoking I usually smoke once every other day or so and vary what it is, sometimes a cigar, the next day a couple cigarettes, the next day a clove...

I get a lot of my tobacco from a friend who grows it in his backyard to avoid the taxes.

I love every drag.
This thread reminds me of a cartoon from the late 60's/early 70's National Lampoon. It show a young couple in bed. He says "Do you smoke after intercourse?". Lifting the sheet, she replies "just a minute, I'll check".

Do you smoke after having sex? Me? .....Cartons!
But.... isn´t there anybody in this Forum who STILL smoke? Come on, be brave and admit it....:)
Yes, I still smoke. I have stated that before. No secrets. :cool:

I am one of those dadburn polite smokers. If I am with folks who don't smoke, I either a) do not smoke or b) I walk away and have one when I feel like it. No big deal. :D

I also use breath mints.

If I get nagged, I usually say something along the lines of...
"Got your checkbook with you?"
When I get the inevitable puzzled look, I follow up with
"Please write me a check for 1 year worth of my living expenses. Then you will have my full permission to tell me how to live."

I don't call myself Freebird for nothing. :cool:
It's people like me--a total non-smoker--that gives the impression that we think smoking is rude and nasty. :LOL: I hate it, and cheer every time I hear a law is passed somewhere not allowing it in public places. the smokers can flame me.:D


Before I retired, I wouldn't hire anyone who smoked. No matter how many breath mints they ate, no matter how many showers they took, no matter what how frequently they washed their hair or what kind of shampoo they used, no matter how many times their clothes were washed - they smelled. Remember the cartoon character in the Peanuts strip that had a cloud follow him wherever he went.... that's the kind of cloud that hangs around a smoker. It may be invisible; but, there is an odor. And their friends and colleagues are too polite to tell them they smell.

That being said - if I'm going to be stuck in an elevator with someone who smelled like smoke or was soaked in perfume/cologne - I'd take the smoker.
That being said - if I'm going to be stuck in an elevator with someone who smelled like smoke or was soaked in perfume/cologne - I'd take the smoker.
Is she young and pretty? A guy should be willing to make exceptions.


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