How much do you spend per month on fitness?

Both of my gyms went out of business when Covid hit. They were both covered by existing insurance. I haven't looked for another gym since. I can barely walk so I'm not sure a gym would be worth the effort at this point.
Might be worth a try. A guy showed up at our gym about a year ago using a cane he could barely walk. He goes to the gym nearly every day and now comes in without his cane and he seems to have cured his major issues.
Might be worth a try. A guy showed up at our gym about a year ago using a cane he could barely walk. He goes to the gym nearly every day and now comes in without his cane and he seems to have cured his major issues.
Heh, heh, I was able to ditch my cane(s) after my back stimulator, so I'm gaining on 'em. :cool:
Im not trying to preach here...
Diet & life style is huge here, we need to keep moving....
As we get older, we lose muscle mass, bone density, hormones go to xhit, etc...
We need to do whatever it takes to retain as much as we can for easier golden years...
I know its not always easy as the joints sometimes have a different plan than our mindset.
Consistency is key!
No gym memberships for us. I ride the free bus to/fr our local ski resort 100% of the time and spent $0 on food etc. at the actual resort in at least the past four years.

Season pass for skiing was $650 for each of us. I used it 30 times at my home resort and other resorts while on ritzy ski trips. I also spent $600 for a new pair of frontside skis and bindings for each of us this season. I spent about the same last season for powder skis w/bindings and a season pass. In both cases, I bought everything on end of season clearance in the summer. Otherwise, It would have been around $3000 each year for ski gear instead of $1200. Better-half also spent around $650 on custom boot liners last year which should last a long time. I'm expecting the other gear to last 5-6 years, so hopefully it evens out.

I spent $50 having our Nordic skis waxed. We usually wax our own gear, but splurged one day. My Nordic skis are starting to fall apart, so I'll probably have to spend $300-400 next year on new Nordic skis. My current pair has lasted 8 seasons. Both of our mountain bikes are on their last legs, but neither of us has put a dime into them in the past two years. New mountain bikes are in the budget for next year with an expected budget of $2k for her and $6k for me. There's a big price difference between a hardtail XC bike (her) and a full suspension enduro bike (me), but the heart wants what the heart wants.

If I had to guess, we spend a total of about $2400/yr or around $200/mo on fitness including passes, gear, maintenance, shoes and clothing.
Every six months or so, I buy new walking shoes. We walk several times a week weather permitting from November through April (otherwise too hot!), so other than the shoes, that's free. When it's not nice out, I do weights, stretching, exercise bands and use our treadmill. Most of my weights are very old, though I got some new kettle bells for Christmas. I had mixed in some fairly new exercise bands with some that were definitely too old and had a couple of them snap. Then discovered I couldn't tell which were the old bands, so threw them all out and bought new.

In high summer, we go to the neighborhood pool and swim laps (slowly, we're not good, just persistent). You could call that free since we pay whether we use it or not.

The Landice treadmill was $4500 some 17 years ago, but is still going strong and has a lifetime warranty, someday I suppose we'll test that.

For entertainment while exercising, I watch NFL games during the season and record all the college football games I can find. In the NFL offseason, I watch the college games. Football is good for exercise entertainment as it doesn't require strict attention and I can always back up if something exciting happened.

With some imagination, you don't have to spend a ton of money.
I just checked my records and for the first 10-15 years of retirement, I spent between $500-$2000/year on fitness. This covered gym fees, weight watchers, home gym equipment, workout clothes, and so on. During the past couple of years I haven't been able to drive to the gym because Louisiana doesn't think my vision is good enough to drive. :mad: Even before that, I had to cut back on walking due to knee replacement surgery and other health issues. So, I'm not spending much on fitness. Then again I'll be 76 years old in less than a week. My plan going forward is to do what I can and not stress out about the rest of it.
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