How old were you when your retired early?

roscaroo said:
I’ve been ERed for 2 years now, and have been working on a book. This experience has given me an idea to study the personality types of ERs. Are all ER so testy?
Waitaminnit-- ER'd, working on a book, trolling...

roscaroo said:

When I asked my questions, I did not expect to get answers. Who, after all, would post their net worth on a board? No one did. The questions intentionally provocative and were asked to see what the response would be and to get an idea of the personalities.

While I didn’t actually think that anyone would answer, I was surprised how quickly angered respondents were. I thought ERs would be mellower. I was also surprised at how many people wanted money for their answers or were upset at the thought that someone might profit from the answers.

"what comes around goes around"~~saying
Patience grasshopper.

The truth lies in reading though the old threads. What? - you want it easy!

We don't do no stinking easy.

heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh - good coffee this morning.
lazygood4nothinbum said:
put on your blinders and forget what you've just read. probably you already blew it.

in order to post here, you need to discuss something completely irrelevant to the original post (whatever that was) or to any post previous to yours. any subsequent post with even a sense of concentration or tangential thinking will not be allowed.

all urges to threadjack can only be satisfied by discussing a prior post.
Nords said:
Waitaminnit-- ER'd, working on a book, trolling...


Heh, funny, I just had the same thought. But h0suc wouldn't gve up that easily, nor would his posts be that short.
roscaroo said:

When I asked my questions, I did not expect to get answers. Who, after all, would post their net worth on a board? No one did. The questions intentionally provocative and were asked to see what the response would be and to get an idea of the personalities.

I was staying out of this one but that quote has to be the biggest pile of BS I have read in a long while. Now this idiot is writing a book about emotional volatility in ER'ers? Gimme a break.
roscaroo said:
When I asked my questions, I did not expect to get answers. Who, after all, would post their net worth on a board? No one did.
Maybe it's time for a serious answer to what seems to be a lack of same in the questions.

Roscaroo, if you'd actually done a little research on this board you'd have found the poll where we anonymously posted our net worths. It's an entertaining thread, too, because no one can agree to a common definition of net worth. (It makes the GAAP guys look like carefree gunslingers.) You'd have also found the answers to the rest of your questions, as well as enough material for several books.

If you'd lurked this board for a while you'd have noticed that the same topics tend to recycle. Your questions will all be answered again over the next year in one way or another over 50,000 posts, despite your insistence that no one would possibly debate such intimate topics on an Internet discussion board. And you're really gonna love the threads on vasectomies, medical problems, hormonal changes, diapers (both kid's & adult's), and other topics that just can't be brought up at a face-to-face social gathering-- outside of Jerry Springer's little get-togethers.

We're tired of being pestered by people like you who want us to do your research and your writing. A simple "What can you do for us?" question quickly separates the serious authors from the ones just here to raise a little ruckus.

So ruck you, pal...

Ain't that Greany's turf?? Thought we been there - done that.

heh heh heh heh - left handed, en-ga-neer, ER'd 12 years, says psst Wellesley a lot and - drum roll please - INTJ.
What Nords said!

With that aid, I shall not feed the Troll.
Let's hear it for hard science!
riskaverse said:
and I've been watching porno movies for a research project.
So hows your research coming ?

I think a more interesting question would be who was the first to come and then retire early
LOL, the response to this post kind of epitomizes the issues that the people on this board have.  I've been lurking on here a couple of times a month because SOME people say useful things once in a while that I really do benefit from.  For that I am grateful.  Certain of the long time posters though tend to chase off intelligent people with their rude, derogatory and somewhat psychotic comments.  This leaves a few narrow minded people with similar points of view that tends to limit the usefulness of the board.  It's almost like the some of the people who repeatedly post on here are sick and just spend their time here posting their dribble hoping that someone will listen and make them feel relevant again.  I'm not saying that roscoe's post wasn't ridiculous... but the response from many of the 'heavy' posters on the this board is ridiculous... including certain moderators, which I am sure dory36 doesn't even realize.  Some of these 'moderators' are real problems to the success of this board.  Anyway, my advice is to just lurk and ask the occassional question if you need to and pretty much ignore anyone whose name repeatedly appears in almost every thread.  Cheers!
Hmmm...maybe you need to re-read the thread. Looks like a couple of perhaps unnecessary comments, but the first moderator comment asked some good questions, had some good suggestions, and offered excellent guidance, to which the OP was pretty rude for someone holding out their hat.

Then the second and third moderator posts were also pretty well restrained...and another rude comment from the OP.

After that, games on...
kcowan said:
You people spend a lot of time on the posting of one troll! :LOL:

thus the answer to the question
"so whaddya do all day"

In My opinion much better use of time than going to work.
I retired 3 months before my 60th birthday. I had always planned to retire early but the timing was just fortuitous. Since then I have managed the nest egg such that it has grown about 15% after living expenses.

How about other posters (now that troll is gone)?
Master Bates said:
LOL, the response to this post kind of epitomizes the issues that the people on this board have.  I've been lurking on here a couple of times a month because SOME people say useful things once in a while that I really do benefit from.  For that I am grateful.  Certain of the long time posters though tend to chase off intelligent people with their rude, derogatory and somewhat psychotic comments.  This leaves a few narrow minded people with similar points of view that tends to limit the usefulness of the board.  It's almost like the some of the people who repeatedly post on here are sick and just spend their time here posting their dribble hoping that someone will listen and make them feel relevant again.  I'm not saying that roscoe's post wasn't ridiculous... but the response from many of the 'heavy' posters on the this board is ridiculous... including certain moderators, which I am sure dory36 doesn't even realize.  Some of these 'moderators' are real problems to the success of this board.  Anyway, my advice is to just lurk and ask the occassional question if you need to and pretty much ignore anyone whose name repeatedly appears in almost every thread.  Cheers!

Oh, please. If you are that easily offended, maybe you need to rub your whole head with the toothpaste they sell for people with sensitive teeth.

A troll/spammer posted a laughable attempt to gather personal data and was treated as they deserved. Anyone who has interesting stuff to talk about or advice to give/receive is generally treated well and gets lots of comments. So what exactly is the problem you see?

Are you really h*cu5? I kept waiting for a reference to "the ER community" or to your self-published book...
Master Bates said:
some of the people who repeatedly post on here are sick and just spend their time here posting their dribble hoping that someone will listen and make them feel relevant again. 

Hoping to beat T-Al to the correction: it is drivel, not dribble. I like reading the sick stuff, it is WAY more entertaining than work! Keep it coming!
kcowan said:
I retired 3 months before my 60th birthday. I had always planned to retire early but the timing was just fortuitous. Since then I have managed the nest egg such that it has grown about 15% after living expenses.

How about other posters (now that troll is gone)?

No offense, but can retiring at 59 be considered an early retirement? I would be devestated if I had to work to that age.
Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh

I was devastated when I was canned at 49 - my thinking then put 'early retirement' at 63 aka before 66 and SS.

Suseguent events altered my viewpoint - attitude adjustment and all that there - worked out great in hindsight.
accountingsucks said:
No offense, but can retiring at 59 be considered an early retirement?  I would be devestated if I had to work to that age.

The answer is YES and you may well be.  

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