If you don't already have a phobia for snakes...

I have always been amazed at how many folks have a phobias about snakes and spiders. When I was a kid I got bitten by a spider and a had a heck of a time getting rid of the poison that was in my system. I came away with a healthy respect for them, but still not afraid. I handled snakes from a young age (boy scout stuff) and was familiar with the few poisonous snakes in Florida and just stayed away from them. Still had no problem with them.

They don't bother me either (though I don't want a spider on me); I used to have a large black one that lived under the washing machine (he ate crickets).

I wouldn't handle a snake I wasn't sure of, but garter snakes are cool.
must be time for a hogzilla pic... (oh, and being a noob here, have to test how to insert an image)

Is that a Burmese reticulated python in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
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