Inflation Or "Tastes"???

Then I read that the suicide rate dropped dramatically in Vermont since snowmobiles became popular.

Once again we get to explore my favorite thing...cause and effect...

Did snowmobiling reduce the suicide rate, or were likely suicide canidates simply killing themselves on the things before they could get around to finishing themselves off?

Better still...were some of those snowmobile 'accidents' not so accidental?

Further, I should postulate that someone might buy a snowmobile, ride it, then fall even deeper into life-taking depression when they realize that not only do they live in vermont (slogan: we have maple syrup and ben & jerrys and...and...and...), but that they're also now deep in debt for having bought a device that simply shows them how much 'there' isnt 'there' at a higher rate of speed?
Those snowmobiles!! Some people just go nuts riding them!

A couple of years ago I went to Finland for some work related training and there I met some people from our office in Asia. The Finnish, being a very good host, decided to take us one time for a snowmobile tour.

It was a two-people snowmobile and I was riding with this lady from the Philippine's office. Since it was my second time on a snowmobile I got to drive first. I figured (being a good canuck and all that) that I should probably go slow as to not scare the Phillipino lady (who until then has never experienced winter and was 4 months pregnant).

Apparently she thought I was going too slow!!! When it was her turn she was racing across the frozen lake like a maniac driver from hell! :eek: I was holding on for my dear life.

I was so surprised. I am not afraid of speed per se because I do snowboard and bike downhill but holly cow, was she trying to kill both of us?!

But she managed not to get into any accident and the race was soon forgotten after dinner...the Finnish took us drinking. Boy, and that was another story!

hmm..., trying to learn from the topic here:
The poster wanted to know: are we in control of our spending?
So far we've responded:
Basically Americans' numbing compsumption is like hamsters on wheel. For the majority, this leads to a desire for gun, fun, fast cars, fish etc. Others (the minority) are at a loss on how to spend an extra $2 millions. Is pain and deprivation worth ER? Not sure.
Worms, Donald Rumsfeld, snowmobiles were offered as contributing factors.
Finally, a pregnant Phillipino lady and a canuck raced across a frozen lake.
With $2 million, I would quit my job.

What SWR do you think I should use?
Hey Skylark! SWR? Surely you jest! Anyone who has $2,000,000 can just quit. I did and I will never see
$2,000,000 under any circumstances. Do you think Donald Trump is happier than I am? I doubt it.

John Galt
hmm..., trying to learn from the topic here:
The poster wanted to know: are we in control of our spending?
So far we've responded:
Basically Americans' numbing compsumption is like hamsters on wheel.  For the majority, this leads to a desire for gun, fun, fast cars, fish etc.  Others (the minority) are at a loss on how to spend an extra $2 millions.  Is pain and deprivation worth ER?  Not sure.
Worms, Donald Rumsfeld, snowmobiles were offered as contributing factors.
Finally, a pregnant Phillipino lady and a canuck raced across a frozen lake.

Thank you so much for that absolutely brilliant observation. Now go back under your bridge, troll.

FWIW, having a big windfall drop into my lap would simply mean that I could ER. A sizable nest egg that offers one freedom from the salt mines is too precious to squander on consumer crap, even if I could think of something pricy I'd want.
>>Do you think Donald Trump is happier than I am? I doubt it.

I suspect that Donald trump is at least as happy as you..but that doesn't mean you would be happy in the donald's shoes, nor does it mean that donald trump would be happy in your shoes...

and its a good thing..if everyone's idea of happiness was the same thing the world sure would be boring place.

Clearly, once you get past a very basic level, money does not buy happiness...
Yes our postings have great depth, breadth and range. No doubt. Single threaders will simply expire from exasperation.

Indeed money doesnt buy happiness but it makes misery divine... :)
It's a conversation! It meanders! I think it's great!

but it's 1 am, and I should not be here, posting foolishness in response to Important Questions.


Hey Anne.........if we all stopped posting foolishness
this site would be awfully dry indeed. I think a bit
of foolishness
"helps the (ER) medicine go down" (apologies again to
Julie Andrews).

Your humble scribe,

John Galt

What is UP with you and Julie Andrews in this thread, man? She singing at your house or something?


I really don't know what it is with me and Julie Andrews.
I'm not a fan (never even seen 'Sound of Music').
This stuff just pops out and I usually let it flow.
Perhaps you've noticed. :)

John Galt
I forgot to say, before I launched my Julie Andrews attack, that I much appreciated and endorsed your view on foolishness. I am a great supporter of foolishness!

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