IRA beneficiary what if


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Nov 21, 2011
Given an IRA with 3 beneficiaries designated as follows:
Primary: Person A 100%, Person B 0%
Contingent: Person C 100%

Upon the IRA holders death, if Person A has predeceased, is Person B or Person C the beneficiary, or is it someone else such as Person A's beneficiaries? In case it makes a difference, let's say VG is the custodian.
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Generally, Person B with 0% is not considered a beneficiary. If there is a "per stirpes" on beneficiary Person A and Person A predeceases the IRA owner, then the proceeds pass to Person A's children. Without the "per stirpes" then the IRA goes to the contingent beneficiary, Person C.

The beneficiary language should be reviewed with the IRA custodian to make sure that the assets will be passed as wished. Every beneficiary form is different.
Generally, Person B with 0% is not considered a beneficiary. If there is a "per stirpes" on beneficiary Person A and Person A predeceases the IRA owner, then the proceeds pass to Person A's children. Without the "per stirpes" then the IRA goes to the contingent beneficiary, Person C.

That's what I thought but I'm hearing from VG that Person B becomes the beneficiary. Lots of IRA-knowledgeable people here hence my post for discussion.
Have never seen or considered a 0% amount for person B as Primary. But if B had even 1% designated and A predeceased owner, it is my understanding it would all go to B, assuming no per stripes designation. So maybe they are right that it's the designation of B as a primary and not the percentage that matters if A dies first.

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