Is it safe ????

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Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 18, 2002
Famous line from the movie Marathon Man just prior to Dustin Hoffman receiving a root canal, sans novicane but bears asking again to this sage group.

With states and locales opening back up what is everyone's feeling as to treading back out into public; yes, no, mask, no mask, gloves, no gloves or shelter in place until the medical pros say it is safe ?

Sorry if this question has been asked before I just don't have the energy to go through all the other covid threads. So please excuse me, while I kiss the sky.
Loved the movie. Sir Laurence Olivier, Marthe Keller, Roy Scheider.

Oh, the question. I am warming up to venturing out more, now that more folks are wearing masks.

Yes masks. Gloves no.

I question the vaccine timeline, though my optimistic self hopes I am wrong.

But we are going to have to get back out there, especially with testing showing CV is less serious than thought. Not really willing to put life on pause indefinitely.

Having said that, I am more manic about social distancing than all my friends seem to be.
With states and locales opening back up what is everyone's feeling as to treading back out into public; yes, no, mask, no mask, gloves, no gloves or shelter in place until the medical pros say it is safe ?

No, mask, no gloves, continue to SIP.

Ask me again in a couple of weeks after I've seen the local numbers.
Mask and distance. Gloves rarely. Im still staying home except some exceptions.
I see DGF and her grandsons. DD2 comes over to do laundry as it's safer for her.
I go to the grocery store as I enjoy shopping and doubt it's much more dangerous than delivery. We go to parks where it's not crowded. Started volunteering at the local food bank outlet which is probably my biggest risk, but way less than a cashier at the grocery store.
DGF will be having surgery soon, so I'm going to be more cautious than I would be. I would go to a restaurant when they open if she was not in danger. I may skip the volunteer gig till she's healed.
I plan to:

1) Keep as much distance as is feasible but not kill myself to stay ALWAYS AT LEAST 6 ft away from people which I haven't been able to do anyway. I have to pass people in the aisle and they pass me.

2) Do as few trips out in crowded public places as I can get away with. This is really "Situation Normal" Defcon-5 for me anyway.

3) Continue increased use of hand sanitizer (And hopefully someday I can buy more!)

4) Wear a mask as long as it is considered de regueur / appropriate. Since my mask doesn't protect me it's the other guy's mask that protects me (that's what they say, anyway) when I see no one/almost no one wearing a mask in public I will lose the mask.... except maybe for something like a doctor's office visit.

5) I haven't used gloves for anything yet but I have a disposable pair in the car for gas pumping which I haven't had to do yet. I guess I'll keep them because gas pumps... ya never know who, what, or how many hands have been on them

All this is contingent on no upward trending cases.
With states and locales opening back up what is everyone's feeling as to treading back out into public; yes, no, mask, no mask, gloves, no gloves or shelter in place until the medical pros say it is safe?

Some of 'all of the above', as required. No unnecessary (YMMV) trips, masks around people, limited use of gloves. The issue with gloves is they can cross contaminate objects quite easily. Without gloves you can wash or gel your hands between handling different objects. So I only use gloves to pick up an object from another person, then take them off so I don't cross-contaminate other objects.
With states and locales opening back up what is everyone's feeling as to treading back out into public; yes, no, mask, no mask, gloves, no gloves or shelter in place until the medical pros say it is safe ?

I will start to venture out now that everyone in a business needs to have a mask. I will protect myself with my one N95 mask, covered with a cloth mask. The cloth mask is to keep the N95 clean and to avoid comments from busybodies.

I'll attempt to take precautions as if everyone outside of my household is infected.

I walk outside alone without a mask and keep a 6 ft distance.

No gloves for me, just hand washing/sanitizer.

A friend just announced she bought a new patio set and plans to invite people over for a "social distancing coffee". Unfortunately, as much as I like coffee and socializing, I will decline.

I plan to:

4) Wear a mask as long as it is considered de regueur / appropriate. Since my mask doesn't protect me it's the other guy's mask that protects me (that's what they say, anyway) when I see no one/almost no one wearing a mask in public I will lose the mask.... except maybe for something like a doctor's office visit.

I was considering keep on the mask because if people think I'm sick enough to wear a mask then the may keep their distance?
No, mask, no gloves, continue to SIP.

Ask me again in a couple of weeks after I've seen the local numbers.


I have stayed home (or in my car with the windows rolled up) for the past couple of months. During this time I have not been within even fifty feet of anybody at all, except Frank.

But, our local numbers here in New Orleans are looking really, really good lately (see image below).

I did order a mask from Etsy, which I have not yet worn. When I feel ready, it's there.

I have no gloves.


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Is it safe? Of course not. Life is not safe. It is all a matter of degree.

DW and I will continue to be cautious but not hermits. We get takeout food from a few favorite restaurants, maybe once or twice a week. Today she has two pre-ordered grocery pickups at two local stores. I just sold a camera lens to a local guy and had him PayPal me the money so neither of us had to handle currency, then I left the lens on the porch for him.

Sans a vaccine, the only way we get herd immunity is for 80% of us to have the disease. If that is where we are headed we'd rather get sick later rather than sooner, as treatments are evolving as more is learned.
We have been hibernating except for trips to a local park for exercise . We will venture out in a few weeks to an outdoor restaurant but everything else we will still avoid for awhile .Except I intend to get my hair cut & colored the minute they open up . I go to a small salon that never has more than a few people in it . I will wear a mask when out .
Out on the bike most days. I carry a mask but don’t wear it unless I get into an area where I can’t keep my distance. Pretty much the same walking although I’m quicker to don the mask, primarily to make other people comfortable. I never go into a store without a mask.
I was considering keep on the mask because if people think I'm sick enough to wear a mask then the may keep their distance?

Excellent idea. Social Jiu Jitsu. Maybe get some iodine and put a few schmeers on my face too.
Wearing a mask in the home improvement and grocery stores. And usually gloves. No mask or gloves walking, hiking or biking. I very seldom see other people when I’m exercising outside. I can easily avoid others by at least 6’ if I see someone.
We aren't changing behavior. Still staying away from people, wearing mask and gloves when out.

I just came back from a short grocery store trip. Never again am I going on a Saturday morning. Too many ignorant people who refuse to wear mask and those who do are brain addled. I just watched two middle aged women who apparently never bought sinus medicine in their lives. They were challenged by the decision.
No, of course it's not safe. Nobody said it was safe (nobody in the medical world). The number of cases keep rising. The number of deaths keep rising. We are not yet on the downhill side of this thing. I think we will see an increase over the next few weeks because people now think it is "safe" because things are opening back up.
There's no reason you can't wash nitrile gloves while you are wearing them. I have been using them for housework for decades (I have burn scars on one palm, which otherwise gets dry and cracked) and I wash the gloves constantly. It's easier on my poor hands.

The issue with gloves is they can cross contaminate objects quite easily. Without gloves you can wash or gel your hands between handling different objects.
There's no reason you can't wash nitrile gloves while you are wearing them. I have been using them for housework for decades (I have burn scars on one palm, which otherwise gets dry and cracked) and I wash the gloves constantly. It's easier on my poor hands.

I'll second that. I used to use 'em and lose 'em. They're disposable right? Then I realized one day I can wash and reuse them just like my hands. The same would apply on the road with had sanitizer.
I've been looking at the numbers in Greene County, MO. 96 covid cases and 75 people have recovered. That leaves 21 people with active cases. I just looked it up and the two main hospitals have over 200 ICU beds between them. If all of them require ICU that is only 10 percent of capacity. I wish the news would tell what percent of capacity of ICU beds and ventilators are currently utilized. I think that would help.
Out yes definitely with distancing. Gloves generally. Mask probably not unless I can get a good one with my sports team's logo.
There's no reason you can't wash nitrile gloves while you are wearing them. I have been using them for housework for decades (I have burn scars on one palm, which otherwise gets dry and cracked) and I wash the gloves constantly. It's easier on my poor hands.

Absolutely! I don’t throw them away unless they are very soiled. I generally use hand sanitizer before removing them and then set them in a pile for reuse, maybe a week later. Once I get through a box I may clean a pile of them.
No, of course it's not safe. Nobody said it was safe (nobody in the medical world). The number of cases keep rising. The number of deaths keep rising. We are not yet on the downhill side of this thing. I think we will see an increase over the next few weeks because people now think it is "safe" because things are opening back up.

Exactly! I’m hoping they learn better how to manage places like elder care homes where covid-19 spreads super easily and from there right back into the local community by workers. As many have pointed out, a large number of deaths are coming from these group homes. And you can’t cut them off from the rest of the world. It doesn’t work that way.

I also think keeping work places safe is going to be very challenging.
I wish the news would tell what percent of capacity of ICU beds and ventilators are currently utilized. I think that would help.

I have to commend our local officials who give a daily televised briefing with detailed information on the Covid-19 situation. They announce the number of new cases, new deaths, how many are hospitalized (including how many of those are in ICU and how many are on ventilators), the daily number who have recovered, the number of ICU beds available, and the number of ventilators available.
In stores - mask and gloves
Walking around - social distancing, no mask or gloves

As expected, some folks in one of my Pickleball groups wants to play again. It is quite predictable which ones are willing to and which ones are not, even before they respond.
Wish I could securitize this concept.
I've been looking at the numbers in Greene County, MO. 96 covid cases and 75 people have recovered. That leaves 21 people with active cases. I just looked it up and the two main hospitals have over 200 ICU beds between them. If all of them require ICU that is only 10 percent of capacity. I wish the news would tell what percent of capacity of ICU beds and ventilators are currently utilized. I think that would help.

If you haven't seen this analysis, it shows hospital beds and ICU beds available, used and needed. You will at least be able to look up your state.
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