Jaction is here!!


Dryer sheet wannabe
Jan 27, 2006
I think I made a mistake when I posted to "Introduce yourself here!". It was way too long for that thread so I am repeating it again here. Now it gets really boring!!!

I am finally de-cloaking after one year of lurking. Or should that be de-lurking after being cloaked. In either case I want to thank everyone for the wonderful information that is presented by the members of this forum. I have learned a lot here. I have read most of the investment books recommended here either from the library or actually own.

Now, to a little bit about myself. I am 64 and the DW is 66, we are both retired. I retired September of 05 from what would be called a megacorp after 37 years with them. They had a few name changes along the way due to being bought and sold but all the bennies? followed, except for the very last change in '95. That change required me to essentially quit one division and go to work for another division. That meant that one DB ended and another one started from scratch. I just got fed-up with the little stuff and also got burned out with what I was doing and didn't see any changes in the near future.

I was lucky that one of the bennies? was a DB (non COLA), actually I get two DBs from the same company. Part of the last job change in '95. My DW and I also are taking SS. These four things together provides for all our living expenses so we have no need to withdraw anything from our IRAs.

All of my money is with Vanguard in a well diversified portfolio of mutual funds. In part thanks to this forum and to the books I've read. I do not own any stocks as I learned sometime in the 80's that I was a very bad stock picker.

I'm not what this forum would consider a RE but I am FI and R(etired) so call me FIR.

I hope this first post isn't too long and boring. I've wanted to reply to some of the posts but thought it would be a good idea to at least introduce myself first. So you might see more of me now.

Please forgive my spelling, my DW says I am the worst speller and I agree. I was an engineer and that is what spell checkers are for.

This is my first (second) post to any forum and it may take me a while to get used to the editor.

Welcome to the board, Jaction.

You guys have already figured it out and gone through the process, so jump right in and start sharing...
I second that welcome.

I too am an awful speller. Now I am using a spell checker tool available with a Google toolbar (no need to cut & paste to Word and run your thoughts through their spell checker). If you are a Google fan try it!
Brat said:
I too am an awful speller. Now I am using a spell checker tool available with a Google toolbar (no need to cut & paste to Word and run your thoughts through their spell checker). If you are a Google fan try it!

Firefox is an excellent browser that has built-in spell check. Every time I misspell a word (even in posts to the ER board!) it underlines it in red. Only problem is that some websites don't support Firefox, so every once in a while I have to load up Internet Explorer (like two of my DRIP accounts).
Nords said:
You guys have already figured it out and gone through the process, so jump right in and start sharing...

We didn't always have it figured out. It was just in the last 7 years that I got a handle on my investments. Before that I went through years of just investing in what I thought was the next best fund and playing it safe with MM.

We also went through a couple of years with a "financial planner" who just wanted his share.

It was during the financial planner stage that I started to learn about investing by reading any and all the investment books that I could.

We also did a lot of LBYM thanks to a DW who grew up in England during and after the war.

MooreBonds said:
Firefox is an excellent browser that has built-in spell check. Every time I misspell a word (even in posts to the ER board!) it underlines it in red. Only problem is that some websites don't support Firefox, so every once in a while I have to load up Internet Explorer (like two of my DRIP accounts).

I am now using Firefox and it works great. Thanks. Funny they did not put the word "Firefox" in the default dictionary.

Brat said:
I too am an awful speller. Now I am using a spell checker tool available with a Google toolbar (no need to cut & paste to Word and run your thoughts through their spell checker). If you are a Google fan try it!

Unfortunately the Google toolbar is not available for Safari. Or at least I could not find it.


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