Jury service, usable for IRA contribution?

I agree with Texas Proud.... I don't see jury duty... even if it was for a few months as a one-time thing... as being a "business" consistent with the instructions quoted above... it would be a sporatic activity and not meet continuity and regularity. Also, arguably wouldn't meet the primary purpose for income or profit... the purpose is because one is compelled to serve.

Retired CPA but not a tax practitioner.

In any event, it is a bit of a nit... why the OP would even be bothering with it is a mystery to me. We're talking about what... $500 or less?

ETA: Found this in Publication 17:

Jury duty. Jury duty pay you receive must be included in your income on Form 1040, line 21.

Line 21 is other income.... so therefore, Schedule C would be inappropriate IMO.
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I once was subpoenaed as a witness in a trial. After the trial, the clerk handed me a five dollar bill and apologized that it wasn't even enough to buy lunch. No tax forms were forthcoming, of course.
Just googled the current rate for my area, pay is $9 a day plus milage, parking is $1 /hr.
I saw that. But I see sites like Ed Slott saying the opposite.

Ed going to cover you for any penalty and interest? Don't think so. Anyone can have an opinion, IRS will have theirs and that's the only one that matters. Can't think it's worth the hassle.
I have Jury duty coming up in January, they sent a notice while I was on vacation. But honestly, it’s a very small amount at my age, I won’t have to sweat too much. It’s not going to IRA.
jury duty pay goes on 1040 line 21. Self employment pay does not go on line 21. read instructions for form 8606 for taxable compensation (for IRA contributions and that income does not apply.

so, nope. It it did I would need to see if I could modify last year taxes for an $80 roth contribution.

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