Life Expectancy Calculator

Thank you for that link.

I was curious to see the question about 'drug use'.

I am currently going through radiation treatment for prostate cancer and I have considered using medical Marijuana. I do not know if that is considered drug use in this context.

bts I am 59 and it said 95 for me.
That's medical use. I don't want to run afoul of the mods by posting a very pro-cannibis link. I'd suggest you look at Rick Simpson and RSO oil.

While I may not agree with everything he's done, he's a leader where none are allowed to exist. I see RSO in medical dispensaries, not sure about the cost. I'd expect it to be on par with other medical concentrates or distillates.

For many types of pain, appetite, and other issues people find Cannabis is life changing. I wish you well.
That Death Clock is a satire.
Yes perhaps a satire but it is functional based on inputs and seems to be based on appropriate mortality tables. The Death Clock gives me to age 90 the Calculator for the thread gives me 98. Unless we are playing by 'The Price is Right' rules than my money would be on The Death Clock. ;)

And yes, NW-Bound I agree with you that if one had pre-existing kidney or liver disease that one would fall into the 'chronic disease' group.
On the Death Clock I can change my BMI from 25 to 31 with no different results in years of death (73). LOL I go to 32 BMI I loss about one year of life.
Makes sense. Everyone else has moved on. Must feel kind of lonely.

DW's grandmother,96, passed about 15 years ago, her only friend alive, a neighbor, died later on that same day. The only people at the funeral were our family of 4 and a 74 year old cousin of DW. :(

Now I'm spooked, both calculators give me til I'm 91.
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And you're all right with that diagnosis? What exactly is the medical condition called "old age" that is so dangerous? In any event, I've been "worn down" many times but never (yet) considered it life threatening -- in and of itself.

Yes we are :). That is how we summarized the situation, including 2 family members who are doctors and who oversaw her health condition, so her doctors were very honest with us. Things such as certain organs getting weaker and not working at full capacity due to natural aging. An aortic aneurysm that was small enough not be immediately fatal and was being monitored and not increasing, but located so that, given her age, made an operation more dangerous that leaving it. Increasing tiredness/sleeping and frailty, but with no pain. Losing appetite but very mentally alert, not depressed, and aware of her surroundings (passed multiple dementia tests with flying colors). Essentially her body slowly weakened to a peaceful passing.
Yes we are :). That is how we summarized the situation, including 2 family members who are doctors and who oversaw her health condition, so her doctors were very honest with us. Things such as certain organs getting weaker and not working at full capacity due to natural aging. An aortic aneurysm that was small enough not be immediately fatal and was being monitored and not increasing, but located so that, given her age, made an operation more dangerous that leaving it. Increasing tiredness/sleeping and frailty, but with no pain. Losing appetite but very mentally alert, not depressed, and aware of her surroundings (passed multiple dementia tests with flying colors). Essentially her body slowly weakened to a peaceful passing.

I am sorry.
According to the Death Clock (under Normal), my time was up on Friday, July 21, 2017. :facepalm:

Damn, it's telling you that you should be dead already. That's one cold calculator.
My father-in-law fell in the class of being worn down. His muscles and ligaments all deteriorated to the point that he could not sit up from the bed, let alone working. His joints were so stiff, he could not lift his hands to scratch his nose.

His organs all functioned well for his age. And so, he survived for a few years in a nursing home. My wife and her siblings took turn to go in to visit him every evening, and to spoon-feed him home-cooked meals. Without that care, he would not last as long as he did, as evidenced by him outlasting several of his consecutive roommates in the nursing home, and they were much younger than he was.

He died at 91 from pneumonia. Without that, he might linger on for another year or two. I would hate to be in that state though.

Yes perhaps a satire but it is functional based on inputs and seems to be based on appropriate mortality tables. The Death Clock gives me to age 90 the Calculator for the thread gives me 98. Unless we are playing by 'The Price is Right' rules than my money would be on The Death Clock. ;)...

Same as other posters, I didn't see how one can get anything beyond 73 or 74 out of that Death Clock.

Then, I saw the switch between "pessimistic", "normal", "sadistic", and "optimistic" modes. That told me it was not meant to be serious. The generic life expectancy of 74 comes with the "normal" mode.
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Yes the 'sadistic' setting gives it away. Interestingly, more and more evidence is accumulating that one's outlook on life actually does have a major impact on longevity. How much stress one is subjected to and more importantly how one deals with stress. So 'pessimistic', 'normal' and 'optimistic' are legitimate. They are incorporated into the other calculator as well. Again, entertainment value for individuals.
The Death Clock told me my "time was up." Then it said "Have a nice day." I changed the BMI, but it still insisted I was expired.
The Death Clock told me my "time was up." Then it said "Have a nice day." I changed the BMI, but it still insisted I was expired.

How does a dead person change his BMI? It's already too late.

Hmmm... Can a dead person have a "nice day"? I guess that depends on whether you are in heaven or "down there".
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How does a dead person change his BMI? It's already too late.

Hmmm... Can a dead person have a "nice day"? I guess that depends on whether you are in heaven or "down there".
It happens naturally and easy at hat point.
Trying to get it down now is the tough part
hmm...Death Clock & Lifespan Calculator both say 71.

Sounds good to me.

Males in my family who lived much past 70 regretted their quality of life.
Death clock has me at 73 and UCONN at 88. Either way I’ll have outlived my parents.
I got 92 out of the calculator, and Dad died in 2014 at 90 so maybe it is in the ballpark. Mom died in 1990 at the age of 64, so who knows......
I'm not sure I like the UConn. It has me at 103.5 years. I'm definitely sure that my kids won't like it. ;) How do you spell curmudgeon again?
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