Maldives: Great for being ridiculed I guess...

Looks like there might be some compensation coming their way....

It is probably not illegal.... so I bet the culprits will get away with it...
The 'celebrant' who pulled this stunt has been arrested.
Police arrest ‘celebrant’ as President expresses disgust over false wedding ceremony | Minivan News

The President of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, has apologized to the couple.
President apologises to Vilu Reef couple, invites back to Maldives | Minivan News

I suppose you can never quite tell what you're going to get when dealing with a language you don't understand. I was on a tour of English speakers in St. Petersburg several years ago in which the tour guide made some obscene but funny asides in Russian to the driver. Post tour, I slipped him a tip and thanked him; "Spasibo za interesnuyu ekskursiyu." The expression was priceless. (I like to know a little of the local language, enough to say Thank You at least, before going on a trip. Sometimes I know a little more...)
I speak fluent Dutch, and it's always interesting to listen to what some Dutch people are saying, out loud, when they don't think anyone can understand them. For some reason this seems to happen quite a bit in restaurants (maybe that's just where I notice Dutch people, in my touristy part of the world). If they've particularly "impressed" me I will sometimes wish them "prettige voortzetting" as I leave. If they drop any cutlery at that moment, I score extra points.
My thoughts on this topic go back to the 70s when the boat people were moving in to the DC metro area. Many churches started having signs in Vietnamese on their marquees. I used to tell people I spoke Vietnamese and the signs all said "Kill the Yankee running dogs". Doing my part for a peaceful and diverse America. :D
It is unfortunate that this has marred the reputation of a country.

Friends of mine visited the Maldives and had a great time. But for me, it just doesn't make sense to go halfway around the world to hang out on a palm tree lined beach when I can do that in the Caribbean.

If you want to visit, hurry. Rising ocean levels are drowning the place.
Sounds like my wedding ceremony. I have no clue what the officiant was saying/chanting.
It is unfortunate that this has marred the reputation of a country.

Friends of mine visited the Maldives and had a great time. But for me, it just doesn't make sense to go halfway around the world to hang out on a palm tree lined beach when I can do that in the Caribbean.

If you want to visit, hurry. Rising ocean levels are drowning the place.

I was there about 6 years ago (on business in India, and took a 1 week side-trip to the Maldives). It's really a gorgeous place, and all locals that I came into contact with were very nice. The real draw is (or was) the scuba diving, which at one point was among the best in the world. Apparently the reefs in the area have been badly bleached over the last 15 years, which has diminished its appeal as a diving spot.

Judging by the planefuls of European tourists we went through customs with, it's a very popular vacation spot for folks on the Continent. The local guy working the bar at the resort told us that he'd worked there for 4 years, and we were the first American guests he'd met. Given that it took it me a full 40 hours to get there from California, that's no real surprise. :rolleyes:
It is unfortunate that this has marred the reputation of a country.

Friends of mine visited the Maldives and had a great time. But for me, it just doesn't make sense to go halfway around the world to hang out on a palm tree lined beach when I can do that in the Caribbean.

If you want to visit, hurry. Rising ocean levels are drowning the place.


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