Milking our 15 minutes of fame


Moderator Emeritus
Feb 7, 2005
San Diego
Since my daughter came into our lives, we've been a lot more active in the community. She has Down Syndrome and a heart defect, so we've gotten involved in a lot of activities for both. Well, the flyer came out in the mail for the next annual American Heart Association "Heart Walk" which we participated in last year. Ta Da! 100,000 people now get to look at my cute daughter and are forced to look at my ugly mug!


I am just bragging, but also wanted to share that this walk is huge for those in our community who are affected by heart disease, and it is coming to a town near you! :)
very cool!

At least we're not all looking at your butt, like that other pic!
Laurence, a great pic. However, either the resolution isn't too great or you've been less than truthful with us about how good those Target brand razors work for shaving your legs. ;)
Wow, so now we have a model posting here? ;)

Nicely done, and good luck with the Walk if you're closely involved in the organization (I mean closer than the shave you get with those Target brand razors just modeling your sexy body for them ;)). I work in a similar field, and I can say it's very rewarding to be able to look down on people for not being as generous and helpful and kind as me ;) (not to mention modest ;);)). But seriously, that's really cool, and congratulations on making the cover!
Very cool picture!! Did she ride the whole walk on your shoulders?
Laurence, our oldest grandson (5 yrs) is developmentally disabled. My ER date was calculated based on a combination of funding a trust for him (requires working) and having time to spend with him (requires not working). A compromise date was worked out for early June. Beginning then, my involvement level with both him and Easter Seals accelerates. Your involvement with the American Heart Association puts you at the top of the heap in my view!
My Brother recently had Bypass Surgery, they had to split his sternum.

I then watched the Cardiovascular Surgeons at University Hospital in London, Ontario do the procedure through scopes.

Three small holes to allow the scopes into the surgical area, the next day the patient, a Farmer, was asking if he could go home because he had to get back to work.

Cardio vascualar Surgery has come a long way, and don't forget to sign your Organ Donor card.

Laurence, it is great you volunteered, the research needs are great and every bit helps.
What an adorable picture--your daughter is cute, too(!) "Look, Mom, no hands!"
my ol'man had a pig's valve and then a mechanical one installed. i forget now if it was three or four open heart surgeries over the years. two earlier ones by debakey & his amazing team in texas. so of course we've been supporting the american heart association for many years and will continue into the future.

i do the alzheimer's disease and humane society walks in this area. it is always so sad yet heart warming to see how many are affected & involved.

nice shot of you and your kid. looks like she was having a great time.
Yep, them thar are some hairy legs! I actually felt guilty for getting cover page, considering we've raised a lot more money for other charities, but hey, I'll call it even since we never made their flyers! ;)

We are very hopeful that she can heal it on her own, it's gone from a 10 mm hole to one around 4-5 mm. They can't get an exact read on it, because while it's a VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect) it is very close/touching the aortic arch. Right now a procedure is in testing that will allow a catheter-like tool wind it's way up an artery and repair the hole that way, so we don't have to do open heart surgery. It's kind of a long term probation period. They want to let her grow as much as possible, but if the lasix and captopril (sp?) stops controlling the pulminary hypertension, they have to go in before scarring of the lungs occur.

At first all of that really took me for a ride, but you get used to the new "normal". :p

But she's happy, and having a lot of fun. :)

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