Monthly cost of toiletries

If you utilize the drug store sale programs in conjunction with manufacturers coupons - i.e., CVS-Extra Care Bucks or Rite-Aid rebates you will spend $0 for shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, razors plus many other toiletries - I have a closet supply to last a life time.
I hope things never get that bad where I start tracking toilet paper.
Don't laugh, I know people who go to the bathroom at work and the mall to save. I can't believe it, not my style. :rolleyes:
We have a category in our budget called "Wal-Mart", although technically that means money we spend at stores like Target, K-Mart, etc. also. We don't like the produce and meats at Wal-Mart, so we grocery shop elsewhere. Sure, we get some 'boxed' foods at Wal-Mart, things like soda, oatmeal, soups, etc....but they don't often have the items we want, such as the spicy stir-fry sauce we love and quality spices.

But I must say I focus on the large expenses...I think that's where I save most of my money. Anything under $100 we don't worry too much about....we just buy it (within reason). However, I recently purchased a 58" plasma TV, and I spent hours researching that purchase and negotiating a deal with a vendor

Not retired, yet. So I don't know why I find this thread so interesting, but I do.

I'd expect that when I return to the USA, my first stop will be to Costco or SAMS for a membership -where you can buy toiletries at bulk and save $$$$.
I buy a special shampoo for grey hair. I don't use it every time I shampoo just once in a while. When I use, it I mix it with Suave so that it lasts longer.
What does it do?

The special shampoo gives my gray more of a silver tint. It also keeps the gray from turning yellow. You just use it like a shampoo and leave it in your hair for about 3 minutes then rinse it out.
Moemg, I think you and I could hang out together safely and not feel guilty about being migh maintenance. However if you consider yourself slightly high maintenance I am off the scale. I spend at least $100 a month on getting my hair done, have to have the roots done every 4 weeks and throw in regular highlights/lowlights. Add in the products - I only buy high quality shampoo conditioners, plus defrizzers, sprays to add body etc. A pedicure once a month is a basic necessity. Deodrant is Estee Lauder roll on. I love body creams, my favourite is from Kai which cost $30 I think. Soap - I only buy Claus Porto which is about $15 a bar, however is well worth the money and it must be good as even DH agrees. Perfumes - I only use one - Aqua di Palma which is $125 a bottle.

That said, I know we could save money if I gave these things up, however for me if we can't afford these things do we really have enough to retire and maintain the lifestyle we enjoy?

I 'm also a once a month pedicure person ( a necessity if you live in sandals ).My make up is Estee Lauder and I adore Body Butter from the body shop . My perfume is Innis which is Irish perfume . The good thing is if the stock market doesn't rebound I have some areas where I can cut corners .Where as the no maintenace people have no frills to cut !!
The special shampoo gives my gray more of a silver tint. It also keeps the gray from turning yellow. You just use it like a shampoo and leave it in your hair for about 3 minutes then rinse it out.

Can you give us the name?

Can you give us the name?

REW, that is mean! But actually I did think that maybe that shampoo they were talking about for gray hair would have some bluing in it.

I had a lovely white horse for years, and before horse shows I'd wash him with a very expensive horse shampoo called Quicksilver, that would make his white just glow rather than look all yellowish. It was purple and of course had bluing in it. We'd also use some sort of human shampoo called fresh and fancy or something in a pinch.
I'm a CVS Extra Care Bucks gal like Becca. If any of you cheapskates want more info go to Hot Coupon World and then on to the Drugstore thread. They post the ads several weeks in advance and then go on to explain where to find the coupons to match the deals. I haven't paid dime one for toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, razors, deodorant in the 3 years I've been drinking the Kool-Aid. What you don't use can be donated to the food bank.
I don't wear makeup.

I buff my nails.

Don't cut or dye my hair. The hair seems to have 'stopped by itself' (from the song "Hair") at waist length, medium brown and grey around the edges; I wear it in a bun or braid(s) or pulled back with a clasp or just leave it down. (Now for the lecture that older women shouldn't have long hair.)

Khan, I think that people have stopped the older women and long hair bit. I've never known anyone to think that Emmy Lou Harris looks anything but wonderful with long silver hair!
I participate in online surveys where I earn a few extra dollars. Occasionally I get to try a new product and evaluate it. Right now I'm evaluating Pantene; my usual brand is Suave. I've seen nothing better with the Pantene that would lead me to buy it over Pantene. Maybe some toiletries/grooming items are worthwhile to spend more money on---but shampoo definitely isn't one of them.
I participate in online surveys where I earn a few extra dollars. Occasionally I get to try a new product and evaluate it. Right now I'm evaluating Pantene; my usual brand is Suave. I've seen nothing better with the Pantene that would lead me to buy it over Pantene. Maybe some toiletries/grooming items are worthwhile to spend more money on---but shampoo definitely isn't one of them.

I have also participated in surveys/free samples. Also have never seen improvement over the cheap stuff (except maybe the smells).
Kind of a high maintenance gal myself. Haircut/highlights/lowlights every 6 weeks - $100, dept. store brands makeup but that usually lasts a good long while, Philosphy bath gel and lotion and I buy salon shampoo (helps save the lowlights). On the upside, I don't do manicures, pedicures, facials or massage. I can cut back to nearly nothing - just don't want to.
OK, I'm doing my annual review of expenses and am wondering what other people spend on toiletries every month. I lump all of them in with groceries. This would include soap, shampoo, toothpaste, laundry detergent, contact solution, etc...basically stuff that keeps you looking presentable and functioning. Looks like right around $30 from what I can gather.
i'll guess maybe $20.
our biggest replacement item is laundry detergent and bar soap. i use body wash, but dh2b insists on bar soap, name brand.
i don't wear makeup daily, do not color or perm my hair, and do my own in-between trims on my bangs and face framing hair to keep the appts at a minimum. i can go 1 month without a haircut before the shaggy dog look takes over. then i go get it done again, cut very short. i get three different looks per month with the length changes. :D
we both wear our hair short, so shampoo is minimal.
i go to the dollar store for all toiletries. name brands are often $2-3 cheaper there in large containers. i save smaller size containers and refill them myself.
I'm out in pubic a lot

last time i tried that.....>:D...i was at Woodstock 99. it all started when...

oh never mind. i prefer to stay on the safe side of the blade.
The fact that this thread has stayed on topic with such a wacky subject while so many deep and serious threads degenerate into silliness says a lot about the participants. :rolleyes: So what's next, back to counting and cutting dryer sheets?
The fact that this thread has stayed on topic with such a wacky subject while so many deep and serious threads degenerate into silliness says a lot about the participants. :rolleyes: So what's next, back to counting and cutting dryer sheets?

I blush to admit it here, but I'm too [-]cheap[/-] thrifty to use dryer sheets.
The fact that this thread has stayed on topic with such a wacky subject while so many deep and serious threads degenerate into silliness says a lot about the participants. :rolleyes: So what's next, back to counting and cutting dryer sheets?
it is badly needed :p group therapy.
it surely beats the heck outta talking about the m*rk*t.
i propose the next topic we talk about is....<drum roll>...TOENAILS.
pictures are encouraged but not mandatory. get your digital cameras ready to go.
anyone wanna pick up THAT gauntlet? >:D
Can you give us the name?


Yep it's purple... What I'm using now is Nexus Simply Silver and what I have for the next bottle (purchased when on sale) is Pantene Silver Expressions. I mix a little in the palm of my hand with some Suave. It lasts longer that way and I don't see much difference when using it that way.

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