Movie Avatar

I went to see it the other day (in 3D). It was a lot of fun, but +1 on the review. Nothing like being flogged in the head with a dull moral. But still, pretty cool as simple entertainment. Of course, this is the opinion of a guy who's two favorite movies of all time are The African Queen and Buckaroo Banzai.
Awesome and insightful review. Still a lot fun and impressive movie.
Mr. Bean joins the Na'vi:

I saw it last weekend in 3D. I'll grant that the story line is simplistic, but I felt like I was witnessing a whole new level of technology - kind of like seeing the first talkie movie back in the day. The subtle facial expressions have reached a point where they are a significant contributor to understanding and appreciating the characters. I'd recommend it, especially in a theater. This would be ho hum on a small screen.
We may go see “Avatar” today in 3D. I’m wondering how it compares to a great short movie using real critters called, “Bugs.” Anyone see both? I’ve seen “Bugs” three times and will go again if it is still showing in June when we will go to zip code free day at the Science Museum. Great technology, and nice butterfly life-cycle story, probably the best use of 3D I’ve seen since the “House of Wax.”
This review of Avatar is hilarious:
I did not see the movie because very complex CG doesn't really do much for me, i.e. the visually intense graphics of today. Seeing the short movie clips on this review reinforced that. I would not have enjoyed the battle portions at all. Too serious for this kid. :nonono:
I grew up with traditional Disney animation and still enjoy the classics for the simplicity of the artistry and the sappy plots. :blush: I do like the style and lightheartedness of the Pixar films.
To each their own...

The dialogue of the review (that Martha provided the link to) was hilarious. :ROFLMAO:
This review of Avatar is hilarious:

Martha, I loved it! I admit that I haven't seen the movie, but I still liked the analysis. His analysis of the Navi's facial features seemed very perceptive to me as did much of the rest of the review.
If you like this guy's reviews you should listen to his Star Wars/Phantom Menace review. It is the best review of a movie I have ever seen. It is 70 minutes long though, almost as long as the movie. :)

It's still sold out around here. I'll wait another couple of weeks before trying.
It's still sold out around here. I'll wait another couple of weeks before trying.

We went to a 4:45 3D showing yesterday; there must have been all of 12 people in there so we got good seats. I didn't want to go to that movie house because they assign seats which strikes me as contrary to the point of going to the movies. But we chose it because it has a favorite Japanese noodle joint nearby. I wonder if the normal venues here are still sold out.

I don't know what to make of the movie, my eyes went wonky 45 minutes into it. It seemed very simplistic and a mishmash of messages and references. Can't wait to read the spoiler reviews & funny videos.

btw, of the movies I've seen, I'd be okay with best picture going to either "Up in the Air" or "Inglorious Basterds" because they have ideas that keep popping back into my head, finding new angles to think about. Heck, I'd be okay with "Up."
The funniest thing about the guy's review is his voice. :LOL:

I saw the movie for the third time today, and can't get enough of it. But then I'm a bit of a pantheist.
OK, saw Avatar tonight in 3-D & I-Max.

Absurd premise, but story line not as bad as any Star Wars flic. Aficionados will recognize ideas from about six famous SF stories. Nicely integrated. FX well done. Very impressive.
I happened to catch the "making of Avatar" - it was fascinating. Technology is truly amazing. I am not that creative regarding out of the box thinking, so I was very impressed! The actors were able to watch scenes they just filmed - as it would look onscreen.
I never made it to the theater to see Avatar as I said in an earlier post on this thread. Last weekend, saw it on DVD in the public library, checked it out, and it sat in my shelf for a week. Just got around to watch it just now.

I guess I have not been into action and special effects movies for some years now. Perhaps the CG would have been spectacular on large screens instead of my TV, but large screens tend to give me headache anyway. The storyline is so predictable. On a rating of 1 to 5 stars, I would give this a 3-1/2.

PS. I do not remember the last time I watched a movie in a theater, nor what film it was.

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