NBC News Fail

We are back into the world of Yellow Journalism...

i don't think we ever left that world. with few exceptions newspapers, radio, tv, magazines are more interested in promoting their point if view than digging into a story and following it regardless of where it goes or to whom it leads. they mostly all do a passable job with fires, floods, etc. with just about anything else it will be about promoting their political point of view. i recall studying that in high school journalism class (1968). chicago had 4-major daily newspapers then and we would compare how the same story was covered, or buried, in each.
"News" as we know it died back when it was required to pay for itself instead of being a cost of doing business for the various media. It's entertaining as heck, but I wouldn't plan to learn much more from the "News" now than I would from watching Saturday Night Live. Still, I don't blame the media. I blame us for allowing it to happen, but YMMV.
... but I wouldn't plan to learn much more from the "News" now than I would from watching Saturday Night Live.

Similar to that, it is scary that there is a not insignificant % of folks that consider things like 'The Daily Show' as a source of news. How did we go from listening to respected journalists to waiting for the punchlines?

The movie Idiocracy was not supposed to be a documentary.
same outfit that rigged a pickup to explode several years ago ...

I'm not sure that 26 years can be called "several," but I get the point. :)
Can't get too worked up about it. The MSM is culpable for way more than this.
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